1 | ( 二)属于地方性事务需要制定地方性法规的事项。 | (ii)matters which are local in nature and require the enactment of a local decree . | |
2 | ( 一)为执行法律、行政法规的规定,需要根据本行政区域的实际情况作具体规定的事项; | (i)matters for which enactment of a local decree is required in order to implement a national law or administrative regulation in light of the actual situation of the jurisdiction; | |
3 | 1977年的修正案实质上把双方同意的判决 | The 1977 amendments essentially codified this consent decree | |
4 | 1990年3月10日有关武器和弹药法的第36/90皇家法令 | Royal Decree No. 36/90 dated 10 March 1990 relating to the Weapons and Ammunitions Law | |
5 | 1996年6月8日有关武器和弹药法修正案的第48/96号皇家法令 | Royal Decree No. 48/96 dated 8 June 1996 relating to an amendment to the Weapons and Ammunitions Law | |
6 | 埃涅阿斯显然拥有命运的宠爱。 | On the side of aeneas were the expressed decree of destiny | |
7 | 按照《企业国有资产产权登记管理办法》(国务院令第192号)规定,国有中小企业改制发生产权变动时,应申请办理产权变更登记手续。 | In accordance with provisions of the Measures for the Registration of State Property Rights of Enterprises (Decree No.192 of the State Council), formalities for registration of change in property rights should be completed in case of any change in property rights in the restructuring of medium-and small-sized state-owned enterprises. | |
8 | 澳门特别行政区的任何法律、法令、行政法规和其他规范性文件均不得同本法相抵触。 | No law, decree , administrative regulations and normative acts of the Macao Special Administrative Region may contravene this Law. | |
9 | 鲍曼的命令目的在把德国东部和西部的人口,包括外籍工人和战俘在内,移至德国中部。 | The Bormann decree aimed at bringing the population to the center of the reich from both East and West, and the foreign workers and prisoners of war were to be included | |
10 | 不一会儿,天烟柱合而为一,二人尊从天命。女娲迎上前去,伏羲将女娲揽在怀中,二人遂结为夫妻。 | In no time the smoke joined, they obeyed the decree of Heaven. Nuwa went up to Fuxi, who took her sister in his arms. Thus they got married. | |
11 | 撤消撤消或取消(例如一个判决或法令) | To revoke or annul(a decision or decree ,for example. | |
12 | 撤消法令、判决、裁决等. | Reverse a decree ,judgement, verdict,etc | |
13 | 大家一致认为既然希特勒留在柏林等死,在最后时刻与各个军事指挥部和政府机构断了联系,他已无法进行国家的管理,因而根据这道命令戈林有明确的责任接过手来。 | All agreed that by remaining in Berlin to die, cut off in his last hours from both the military commands and the government offices, Hitler was incapacitated from governing and that it was Goering’s clear duty under the decree to take over | |
14 | 第二条法律、行政法规、地方性法规、自治条例和单行条例的制定、修改和废止,适用本法。 | Article 2 The enactment, amendment and repeal of any national law, administrative regulation, local decree , autonomous decree and special decree shall be governed by this Law. | |
15 | 第六十六条民族自治地方的人民代表大会有权依照当地民族的政治、经济和文化的特点,制定自治条例和单行条例。 | Article 66 The People’s Congress of an autonomous ethnic area has the power to enact autonomous decree and special decree in light of its ethnic political, economic and cultural characteristics. | |
16 | 第六十四条 地方性法规可以就下列事项作出规定: | Article 64 A local decree may provide for the following: | |
17 | 电力建设项目不得使用国家明令淘汰的电力设备和技术。 | No power equipment and technology declared obsolete by formal decree of the State shall be used for power construction projects. | |
18 | 发布《文化部关于修订<音像制品批发、零售、出租管理办法>、<互联网文化管理暂行规定>等规章的决定》 | Decree on promulgating the Decision of the Ministry of Culture on the Amendments of the Administrative Measures on the Whole-sale, Retail and Lease of AV Products, the Provisional Rules for Administration of the Internet Culture | |
19 | 法案,法令由立法或司法机关宣布的决策,如法规、命令或法律 | A decisional product,such as a statute,decree ,or enactment,delivered by a legislative or a judicial body. | |
20 | 法令集:法令,尤指就教会法规的某一点或某一问题作出决定的罗马教皇的信件. | decretal:a decree , especially a papal letter giving a decision on a point or question of canon law. | |
21 | 法庭同意判她离婚。 | The court granted her a decree of divorce. | |
22 | 法院撤消了监禁的判决,那个人自由了。 | The court reversed its decree of imprisonment, and the man went free | |
23 | 放逐,流放被官方法令强迫离开某国或某地;放逐 | To force to leave a country or place by official decree ;exile. | |
24 | 该议案以法令的程序上交国会,而这种方式通常专门用于那些非常紧急的事件。 | The bill was presented to parliament in the form of a decree --a method usually reserved for matters of the greatest urgency. | |
25 | 关于履行安全理事会就伊拉克与科威特问题通过的决议所产生的义务的法令 | Decree of the Enforcement of Obligations Arising from the Resolution on Iraq and Kuwait adopted by the Security Council | |
26 | 关于实施联合国安全理事会通过的有关南斯拉夫的决议所引起义务的法令 | Decree on the Enforcement of Obligations Arising from the Resolution on Yugoslavia adopted by the Security Council of the United Nations | |
27 | 官方规定,只有这样的白兰地才有资格被称之为上等香槟白兰地。 | By official decree , only such a cognac has the right to be called a fine champagne cognac. | |
28 | 广播电影电视总局令第22号,发布《境外卫星电视频道落地管理办法》 | Decree No.22 of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, Promulgating the Measures for the Administration of Landing of Overseas Satellite Television Channels | |
29 | 规定;命令或下令 | To decree ,dictate,or order. | |
30 | 国家广播电影电视总局令第19号,发布《中外合作摄制电影片管理规定》 | Decree No. 19 of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television of the People’s Republic of China, promulgating the Administrative Provisions on Cooperation in Sino-Foreign Film Producing |