1 | “deed”和“level”两个词是回文。 | The words deed and level are palindromes | |
2 | “当时我一切都明白了,我为刚才所发生的事而责备自己,好象这桩罪案是我自己干的似的。 | Then all became clear and manifest to me, and I reproached myself with what had happened, as though I myself had done the guilty deed | |
3 | “你怎么不说那个给他出谋划策的人该受罚呢!”卡德鲁斯说。 | "You don’t mention those who aided and abetted the deed ," said Caderousse | |
4 | “契约写好了吗?” | Is the deed of sale ready? | |
5 | “请您把契约拿来,公证人先生。” | The deed , if you please, Mr. Notary. | |
6 | “我昨天把他们的赠契登记好了。” | I registered their deed of gift yesterday. | |
7 | “屋村”指根据第5条或公共契约或其他文件授予委员会之任何产业或授权委员会控制及管理之产业 | """estate"" means any land vested in the Authority or the control and management of which has been vested in the Authority under section 5 or under a deed of muntual covenant or otherwise; " | |
8 | …(不过,公众如果义愤填膺,盲目行动起来,竟对诽谤者施以人身伤害,显然,对于肇事者,陪审员不可能判罪,法庭也不可加以惩处)。 | …(thought if passion should get the better of the public,and in its blind fury they should do the traducer bodily injury, it is but too obvious that no jury could convict and no court punish the perpetrators of the deed ) | |
9 | 20年代,在a.迪德,M.林德及C.卓别林的努力下喜剧片达到了一个高峰。这些喜剧片也都是短片。后来这些喜剧片被动画片挤出了市场。 | The comic films reached a peak in the 1920s in the hands of artists such as a. Deed , M. Linder, and C. Chaplin; these were also shorts. The place of these comics was taken up later by the cartoon. | |
10 | 34.任何一名董事如不能出席会议,应以书面委托的形式指定一名代理出席会议和行使表决权。 | In case of absence of the meeting, the director shall entrust another person to attend and vote for him with a trust deed . | |
11 | 不管在言语和举动上我都从来没有去挑逗过玛姬·扬亨特。 | Never by word of deed have I ever made a pass at Margie YoungHunt. | |
12 | 不知是个什么海上方儿?姑娘说了,我们也记着,说与人知道,倘遇见这样病,也是行好的事. | What is this prescription from across the seas? If you’ll tell me, miss, we’ll keep it in mind and recommend it to others with the same trouble. That would be a good deed . | |
13 | 趁此何不你我也去下世度脱几个,岂不是一场功德? | Why don’t you and I take this chance to go too and win over a few of them? That would be a worthy deed . | |
14 | 除能提出反证外,它应作为具有充足证据,证明房屋司已规定楼宇买卖合约或转让契约须遵守该等规约及条件。 | it shall be sufficient evidence, until the contrary is proved, that the Director of Housing has stipulated that the agreement or deed shall be subject to those terms, covenants and conditions. | |
15 | 此外在申请团体的章程或组织章程大纲及章程细则,或有关条例或信托契约中,必须明文规定,若团体解散,其成员不得分享利润或资产。 | The Constitution or Memorandum and Articles of Association or Ordinance or Trust Deed should specifically state that members do not take any share of the profits nor any share of the assets upon dissolution. | |
16 | 次神们认为这是滔天大罪,并拒绝为伊克西翁涤罪。 | The lesser gods thought this a heinous deed , and refused to purify Ixion | |
17 | 但村民不相信这张地契的可靠性,坚决认为他们自己是对的。 | But the villagers, who didn’t believe that the deed was authentic and thinking themselves right, held out stubbornly | |
18 | 订定地契或租契 | to execute a deed or lease | |
19 | 儿子立功,做娘的脸上也好看。 | It’s an honor for a mother like me to see my son do a meritorious deed . | |
20 | 而此等规约及条件应作为楼宇买卖合约及转让契约之一部分。 | the terms, covenants and conditions so stipulated shall be part of the agreement and deed . | |
21 | 凡第(2)款所指之楼宇买卖合约或转让契约内所陈述事项,如说明该合约或转让契约须遵守附表所指之规约及条件者 | A statement in any agreement for sale and purchase or deed of assignment mentioned in subsection (1)that the agreement or deed is subject to the terms, covenants and conditions mentioned in the Schedule, | |
22 | 凡根据或为执行本条例而规定、发给、发出或订立之任何批约、转让契约、协约、公共契约、信件、通知书或其他文件 | any lease, assignment, agreement, deed of mutual covenant, letter, notice or other document required, granted, issued or made by, under or for the purposes of this Ordinance, | |
23 | 犯之以事,勿告以言。犯之以利,勿告以害。 | Confront your soldiers with the deed itself; never let them know your design. When the outlook is bright, bring it before their eyes; but tell them nothing when the situation is gloomy. | |
24 | 房屋司可在宪报公布,规定楼宇买卖合约及转让契约须遵守附表所指规约及条件 | the Director of Housing may stipulate, by notice in the Gazette, that the agreement for sale and purchase and the deed of assignment shall be subject to the terms, covenants and conditions mentioned in the Schedule | |
25 | 仿佛占有她的纤细腰身的转让契约已经拟定,并且盖了章。 | It was as though a deed of conveyance of her narrow loins had been drawn and sealed | |
26 | 腐生生物从无生命的有机物质,如动植物尸体、食物制品、排泄物等,获得食物。 | Saprophytes secure their food from nonliving but organic matter, such as deed bodies of plants and animals food products, excrements, etc | |
27 | 父亲是科举中人,要看“报条”,丈人是商人,要看契据。 | As one who had passed the old second-degree examination, his father would want to see the official "announcement."His father-in-law, a businessman, would want to see the "title deed ." | |
28 | 该契约像盘蛇一样把我们永远捆在一起。 | The deed knots us together for time and eternity, like the coil of a serpent. | |
29 | 格里菲思出于善意做的一件好事却招来了毁灭性的打击。 | Griffiths was macerated by this blasting flash from his well-intentioned good deed | |
30 | 好的事迹永不消逝。 | A good deed is never lost. |