1 | 好的事迹永远不会消失。 | A good deed is never lost. | |
2 | 好的业绩永不消失。--德拉克斯 | A good deed is never lost.--Draxe | |
3 | 好心一定有好报。 | A good deed is never lost. | |
4 | 会众的每一个人都觉得躲在可怕的面纱后面的牧师正悄悄逼来,洞察了他们思想行为的全部罪恶。 | Each member of the congregation felt as if the preacher had crept upon them, behind his awful veil, and discovered their hoarded iniquity of deed or thought | |
5 | 及如买主根据买卖合约或转让契约将该产业转让予委员会或其指定之人士时,任何其他应予扣除之款额。 | Any other amount that would have been deductible if the purchaser had assigned the land to the Authority or its nominee under the agreement for sale and purchase or the deed of assignment to him. | |
6 | 杰克恰好又是一个只说不做的和平主义者伪君子。 | Jack’s just another of these hypocrites who are pacifists in word but not in deed . | |
7 | 她还给他们留下了她的房契、银行户头、少许当地天然气及电气公司的参股,还有她出席埃德温姥爷军事葬礼时获赠的美国国旗。 | She also bequeathed them the deed to her house, her bank account,afew shares of stock in the local Gas and Electric Company, as well as the American flag she was presented with at Grandpa Edwin’s military funeral. | |
8 | 她是个思想及行为都很纯正的姑娘。 | She’s a young girl, pure in thought and deed . | |
9 | 她知道她有过罪孽的行为,因此她不相信会有好的结果。 | She knew that her deed had been evil; she could have no faith, therefore, that its result would be good. | |
10 | 她自杀时精神失常。 | The suicide was of unsound mind when she committed the deed . | |
11 | 金钱多如粪土的家庭;充满背叛意味的行为 | A family that stinks with money; a deed that stinks of treachery. | |
12 | 救人一命,也是你的好处 | If you can save the young man’s life, that will be a good deed . | |
13 | 昧着良心的行为/谎言 | A black deed /lie | |
14 | 那是懒惰!懒惰,贪图安逸---胸无大声,懒于应酬,懒于打扮,就是这些毛病使人们当了牧师。 | It is indolence, in deed . Indolence and love of ease-a want of all laudable ambition, of taste for good company, or of inclination to take the trouble of being agreeable, which make men clergymen | |
15 | 你别想骗我干这事。 | You are not going to fool me into such a deed | |
16 | 你要考虑到,克拉克教长接着说,像你这样一个毕生献身于宗教的人,思想行为圣洁高尚,用凡人的尺度衡量可谓完美无瑕的典范 | And is it fitting. Resumed the Reverend Mr. Clark, that a man so given to prayer, of such a blameless example, holy in deed and thought so far as mortal judgment may pronounce | |
17 | 你以为杀死我哥哥是件好事,因为他是个拿破仑党,而你是一个保皇党! | You think that it was a good deed to kill my brother, who was a bonapartist, because you are a royalist | |
18 | 你有这所房子的契据吗 | Do you have the deed to the house? | |
19 | 农业税、牧业税、耕地占用税、契税的征收管理,参照本法有关规定执行。 | The administration of collection of agricultural tax, animal husbandry tax, cultivated land usage tax and deed tax shall be implemented with reference to the relevant provisions of this Law. | |
20 | 契约,合同指钱、权利、契据或契约等暂交第三者保管,待某种条件实现后再交付受让人或权利人 | Money, property, a deed , or a bond put into the custody of a third party for delivery to a grantee only after the fulfillment of the conditions specified. | |
21 | 契约的正式交付 | Delivery of a deed . | |
22 | 让渡证书财产转移时所依据的契约 | The deed by which the property is so transferred. | |
23 | 任何楼宇买卖合约或转让契约,如已根据第(2)款依照附表所指规约及条件而订立者 | any agreement for sale and purchase or any deed of assignment made subject to the terms, covenants and conditions mentioned in the Schedule under subsection (1) | |
24 | 如必要时,她愿意抵换现金支持我读书。房屋权证以及我母亲经济资助陈述书为附件5和附件6。 | If necessary, she is willing to sell it for cash to support my education. The Ownership Deed for the house and my mother’s Statement of Support are attached as Enclosures 5 and 6. | |
25 | 如此差的器具/可能做出高尚的事 | What poor an instrument/May do a noble deed ! | |
26 | 如果不是在镜子里看见自己影子的话,我早就扣动扳机结束自己的痛苦了,因为在镜子里,我看到了自己眼神里的绝望。实在无法忍受下去,我不禁回过头去。 | But for the mirror of my deed , I might have pulled the trigger and ended my pain, but from the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of my desperate reflection in the window, and felt compelled to turn. | |
27 | 如违例者根据买卖合约或转让契约将该产业转让予委员会或其指定之人士时,任何其他应予扣除之款额。 | Any other amount that would have been deductible if the offender had assigned the land to the Authority or its nominee under the agreement for sale and purchase or the deed of assignment to him. | |
28 | 身体上的病症并不影响契约的有效性,但头脑则必须绝对清醒才行。” | Illness of body would not affect the validity of the deed , but sanity of mind is absolutely requisite." | |
29 | 使销售行为合法化),但也可以指证实某事的真实性,如理论、声明或判断 | validate a deed of sale)but can also refer to establishing the validity of something,such as a theory,claim,or judgment | |
30 | 事情从来如此,一种邪恶的行为不管有否这种表征,从来都带有这种厄运的品性。 | So it ever is, whether thus typified or no, that an evil deed invests itself with the character of doom. |