1 | 剖面层ABC土壤剖面层中深度排第三的剖面层,不受风化的影响,由上两层及其他矿物组成的母岩所构成 | The third-deepest soil zone in ABC soil,unaltered by weathering and made up of the parent rock from which the two uppermost layers derive as well as other mineral materials. | |
2 | 穷凶极恶的, 彻头彻尾的 | of the deepest dye | |
3 | 然而在她身上,世俗生活中最神圣的品德,却被最深重的罪孽所玷污了,其结果,只能使世界由于这妇人的美丽而更加晦默,由于她生下的婴儿而益发沉沦。 | Here, there was the taint of deepest sin in the most sacred quality of human life, working such effect, that the world was only the darker for this woman’s beauty, and the more lost for the infant that she had borne. | |
4 | 然后躺在床上,不久就大声地打起鼾来,好像睡得很沉似的。 | Then he lay down and when he had lain a while, he began to snore, as if in the deepest sleep. | |
5 | 染料按色泽深浅排列,从最深的开始到最浅的为止。 | The dyes were ranged up in order of tint, beginning with the deepest and ending with the palest | |
6 | 人的灵是耶和华的灯,鉴察人的心腹。 | The Lord keeps watch over the spirit of man, searching all the deepest parts of the body. | |
7 | 砂洲上最陡峻的地形位于泻湖水道积滞处的向滨一侧。 | The deepest relief along the bar is on the shoreward side where it is backed up by a lagoonal channel | |
8 | 生活在奴才们中间,作奴才们的首领,我将引为生平的最大耻辱,最大的悲哀。 | I would regard it as the deepest disgrace and sorrow of my life to live among the flunkeys and become their chief | |
9 | 实际上,地球上尽管有高耸入云的群山和深不可测的海洋,但是由于本身太大了,所以相比之下,地球仍可以说光滑得像个橡皮球。 | Actually, even with its highest mountains and deepest oceans, the earth is as smooth for its size as a rubber ball. | |
10 | 实在说不出这些在他最近离去时还瞥过一眼的人,到底在哪些方面与原来不同了;然而,牧师最深层的感觉,似乎在告诉他,他们已经变了。 | It was impossible to describe in what respect they differed from the individuals on whom he had so recently bestowed a parting glance; and yet the minister’s deepest sense seemed to inform him of their mutability. | |
11 | 世界目前正处在半个世纪以来最严重的经济衰退的沟底。 | The world is scraping bottom in the deepest economic slump in a half-century. | |
12 | 世界上最深的洞穴是格里诺布尔附近的高弗伯杰洞 | The deepest known cave in the world is the Gouffre Berger near Grenoble. | |
13 | 视卒如婴儿,故可以与之赴深溪﹔视卒如爱子,故可与之俱死。 | Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look upon them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. | |
14 | 水深好钓鱼 | In the deepest water is the best fishing. | |
15 | 他对自己说,把他抛入这无限痛苦的深渊里的,是人的仇恨而不是天的报应。 | He told himself that it was the enmity of man, and not the vengeance of heaven, that had thus plunged him into the deepest misery | |
16 | 他极有兴趣地观看斗狗 | He watched the canine warfare with the deepest interest. | |
17 | 他极有兴趣地观看狗斗。 | He watched the canine warfare with the deepest interest. | |
18 | 他们都在船长面前跪下来,苦苦哀求,答应对他誓死效忠。 | They fell down on their knees to the captain, and promised with the deepest imprecations, that they would be faithful to him to the last drop | |
19 | 他心胆俱裂,闭上了眼睛,从他心灵的最深处喊道:“决不!” | He was horrified by it; he shut his eyes, and exclaimed in the deepest recesses of his soul, "Never!" | |
20 | 他又泄气了。 | He plunged back into the deepest discouragement | |
21 | 它在外形上是显著地不对称:在伊朗沿岸有着最深的水域而沿阿拉伯岸则广阔而浅,其深度通常不到一百二十英尺。 | It is noticeably asymmetrical in profile, with the deepest water occurring along the Iranian coast and a broad shallow area, which is usually less than 120 feet deep, along the Arabian coast | |
22 | 我国舞蹈系列中数量最多,介入生活领域最广泛最深入,和每个人的生活道路联系最紧密的,当数民俗舞蹈这一支。 | Among the Chinese dances, the folk dance is the greatest in number, the most extensive and the deepest into life, and the closest to everyone’s daily life. | |
23 | 我和硅谷人略有交往,目睹种种现象,感触良多,印象较深的还是恶性竞争下的大量资源和人才的浪费。 | I have frequent interaction with Silicon Valley people, and one of the deepest impressions I have of the Valley is that tremendous amounts of resources and talent are being wasted on vicious competition. | |
24 | 我们哀悼那些献出自己的生命的军人,并向他们的家属表达最深切的慰唁。 | We mourn for the members of the Armed Forces who have sacrificed their lives, and extend our deepest sympathies to their families. | |
25 | 我们是怀着极其遗憾的心情这样做的,但是由于货物必须转船运往国外,而转运这批货物的船只又将于下周一启航,我们现在无法及时为我们的客户弄到货物,以赶赴新加坡举行的展览会。 | We do this with the deepest regret, but as the goods were required for transshipment abroad and as the ship by which they were to be sent sails next Monday, we now have no means of getting them to our client in time for the exhibition held in Singapore. | |
26 | 我听说在阿尔卑斯山有一个迄今为止最深的隧道。是塞尼山隧道,是吗? | It is told under alps there is a tunnel which remains the deepest tunnel ever constructed. It is Cenis, is it? | |
27 | 我向你表示最深切的同情。 | I offer you my deepest sympathy. | |
28 | 我在丛林的最深处发现这些花 | I found these flowers growing in the deepest parts of the jungle | |
29 | 西伯利亚地区的贝加尔湖水深5700英尺,是世界第一深湖。拉多加湖面积6900平方英里,是欧洲第一大湖。 | Among the plenty of lakes in Russia, Lake Baykal, 5700 feet in depth, is the deepest in the world and Lake Ladoga, 6900 square miles in area, is the largest within the boundaries of Europe. | |
30 | 现在,有右的东西影响我们,也有"左"的东西影响我们,但根深蒂固的还是"左"的东西。 | "At present, we are being affected by Both Right and "Left" tendencies. but it is the "Left" tendencies that have the deepest roots." |