1 | 抢劫罪判错原告了。 | The robbery was pinned on the wrong defendant . | |
2 | 区检察官对这位被告的攻击似乎太不公正,太无道理,我的话完了。 | The attack on this defendant , by the district attorney, seemed too unfair and uncalled-for, that was all | |
3 | 如果损害可以明确划分,并且有一个按比例分配伤害的合理基础,每个被告仅为他所引起的损害负责。 | If the harm is divisible and there is a reasonable basis for apportionment of damages, each defendant is liable only for the portion of the harm he himself caused | |
4 | 涉外民事诉讼的被告对人民法院管辖不提出异议,并应诉答辩的,视为承认该法院为有管辖权的法院。 | If in a civil action in respect of a case involving foreign element, the defendant raises no objection to the jurisdiction of a people’s court and responds to the action by making his defence, he shall be deemed to have accepted that this people’ s court has jurisdiction over the case. | |
5 | 申诉民事诉讼中被告对原告所做的陈述状的回答 | A defendant ’s answer to the declaration made by the plaintiff in a civil action. | |
6 | 是的。民事诉讼当事人在第一审程序和简易程序中称为原告和被告,而在第二审程序中称为上诉人和被上诉人。 | Yes. Parties to a civil action are called-plaintiff and defendant in the ordinary procedure of first instance and summary procedure. While in procedure of second instance they are called appellant and appellee. | |
7 | 首先原告必须是与本案有直接利害关系的公民、法人和其他组织。第二、必须有明确的被告。 | First, the plaintiff must be a citizen, legal person or any other organization that has a direct interest in the case. Second, there must be definite defendant . | |
8 | 受理上诉的法院经过查阅案卷之后,发现足够的证据,从这些证据中,陪审团推论出,个别被告人确实知道处置废物是不当的。 | The appellate court, after examining the record, found sufficient evidence from which the jury could infer that the individual defendant knew that the disposition of the waste was improper | |
9 | 讼务律师向法庭陈述被告精神不正常. | The barrister represented to the court that the defendant was mentally unstable. | |
10 | 他尽全力为被告辩护。 | He tried his best to plead for the defendant | |
11 | 他进门时,被告的律师正说完他的辩词。 | At the moment of this entrance, the defendant ’s lawyer had just finished his plea | |
12 | 他们向法官为那位被告说情。 | They interceded with the judge for the defendant | |
13 | 他愿意出庭作对被告有利的证词。 | He will testify in favor of the defendant | |
14 | 他作证说这个被告是无辜的。 | He testified that the defendant was innocent | |
15 | 为被告[原告]出庭辩护. | Appear for the defendant /prosecution | |
16 | 为成功地对过失起诉,原告必须证明(1)被告有尊重原告权利的义务;(2)该义务未被履行;(3)违反义务是造成伤害的实际原因;(4)违反义务是造成伤害的法律原因。在过失行为诉讼中的两种基本抗辩理由是共同过失与原告甘冒风险。 | In order to successfully sue for negligence, the plaintiff must show that(1)the defendant owed a duty of care to the plaintiff, (2)the duty was breached, ( 3)the breach was the actual cause of the injury, and (4)the breach was the legal cause of the injury. The two basic defenses in the negligence suit are contributory negligence and assumption of risk. | |
17 | 我的意思是既没有一名原告也没有一名被告到我办公室来。 | --that is, neither complainant nor defendant has come to the office | |
18 | 我将为被告出庭辩护。 | I’ll appear for the defendant | |
19 | 我们认为被告无罪。 | We consider that the defendant is not guilty | |
20 | 我们宣判被告有罪,令他支付诉讼费100英镑。 | We find against the defendant and order him to pay costs in the sum of £ 100 | |
21 | 我认为被告无罪。 | I submit that the defendant is not guilty. | |
22 | 我宣布被告无罪。 | I submitted that the defendant is not guilty | |
23 | 无资格受审的被告 | A defendant who was incompetent to stand trial. | |
24 | 宣判被告无罪,这真是可耻的事. | It is a scandal that the defendant was declared innocent. | |
25 | 因保险合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由被告住所地或者保险标的物所在地人民法院管辖。 | A lawsuit brought on an insurance contract dispute shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court of the place where the defendant has his domicile or where the insured object is located. | |
26 | 因合同纠纷或者其他财产权益纠纷,对在中华人民共和国领域内没有住所的被告提起的诉讼,如果合同在中华人民共和国领域内签订或者履行。 | In the case of an action concerning a contract dispute or other disputes over property rights and interests, brought against a defendant who has no domicile within the territory of the PRC, if the contract is signed or performed within the territory of the PRC, | |
27 | 因合同纠纷提起的诉讼,由被告住所地或者合同履行地人民法院管辖……。 | A lawsuit brought on a contract dispute shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court of the place where the defendant has his domicile or where the contract is performed | |
28 | 原告一旦选定法院,针对被告或被告的财产提出起诉,诉讼便展开了,下一个步骤便轮到被告。 | Once the plaintiff has picked his court, caught the defendant or his property, and filed his complaint, the lawsuit is on its way and the next move is up to the defendant | |
29 | 原告一提出即判决申请后,法院书记官无条件允许被告进行辩护。 | On the plaintiff’s application for summary judgment the master give the defendant unconditional leave to defend. | |
30 | 原告增加诉讼请求,被告提出反诉,第三人提出与本案有关的诉讼请求,可以合并审理。 | Where the plaintiff adds litigant requests, the defendant raises a counter-claim and a third party raises a litigant request related to the case in question, they may be heard in combination. |