属类:文学表达-外国名著-John Steinbeck
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-商标欺诈 闭上你的臭嘴
1 | 约翰·斯坦贝克的许多作品以美国的土地和人民为题材。他替穷苦人说话,为被压迫者申辩。 | Much of John Steinbeck’s writing was concerned with the land and the people of America. He defended the poor and the oppressed. | |
2 | 这并不是说要放弃战略要冲,只要认为有利,战略要冲还是应该用阵地战来保卫的。 | This does not mean the abandonment of vital strategic points, which can be defended in positional warfare as long as profitable | |
3 | 这个要塞无法防御来自空中的袭击。 | The fort can’t be defended against an air attack. | |
4 | 这座要塞遭到空袭时无法防御。 | The fort cannot be defended against an air attack | |
5 | 支持政府,捍卫税收制度 | Championed the government and defended the system of taxation | |
6 | 自由在今天早上遭到了不敢露面的懦夫的攻击,自由将会得到捍卫! | Freedom itself was attacked this morning by faceless coward, and freedom will be defended | |
7 | ||1:菲利普·古登的新书《脏话》以侮辱性词汇的演变为主题。||2:他讲述了谩骂史上一个巧妙的逆转。||3:英国小报《太阳报》曾经有曝光同性恋者的习惯,甚至还公开为自己在这样做时使用“poof”一词进行辩护(该报认为,因为读者也使用了这个词)。||4:时间飞逝。在1998年放弃户外活动后,《太阳报》在2018年发起了一场运动,追查一位称真人秀明星为“搞同性恋的poofter”的巴士司机。||5:曾经被认为是愉快的玩笑,现在是被禁的恐同症。 | ||1: The evolution of insults is the subject of Philip Gooden’s new book, “Bad Words”. ||2: He recounts in one neat reversal the turn in the history of invective. ||3: The Sun, a British tabloid, was once in the habit of outing gay people, and even publicly defended its use of “poof” in doing so (because, the paper argued, its readers used the word, too). ||4: How times change. After abandoning the practice of outing in 1998, in 2018 the paper led a campaign to track down a bus-driver who called a reality-show star a “poofter”. ||5: What it once considered lighthearted banter is now verboten homophobia. | |
8 | ||1:怀疑者们总是企图揭露这一过程,他们说,圣灰是在赛巴巴的手指间碾碎的小球,在某些节日上赛巴巴咳出的金质和银质的椭圆体形男根雕像(无形湿婆神的象征物)实际上藏在他的手帕里。||2:BBC拍摄过一部纪录片,慢镜头视频在油条吧上随处可见。||3:赛巴巴对他们的企图不屑一顾。||4:因为与实相相比,他的神通是微不足道的,就如同蚊虫比之于大象。||5:但是在世界上的126个国家里,至少有六百万,或许接近于一亿人,相信它们是赛巴巴所代表的神的象征物。||6:拥护他的人数不亚于曼莫汉·辛格和索尼亚·甘地,前者是印度首相,后者是国大党领袖。信徒们在赛巴巴被国葬之前远程而来表达敬意。 | ||1:Sceptics were always trying to show how it was done, saying that the Ash was a pellet crushed between His fingers, or that the gold and silver ellipsoidal lingams (the Form of the Formless) that He coughed up at certain festivals were in fact hidden in His handkerchief.||2:The BBC made a documentary, and slow-motion videos were all over YouTube.||3:Sai Baba laughed at their efforts.||4:His miracles were as trivial, in comparison with His Reality, as a mosquito to an elephant.||5:But at least 6m people, probably closer to 100m, in 126 countries of the world, accepted them as tokens of the Divinity He personified.||6:And He was defended by figures no less than Manmohan Singh, prime minister of India, and Sonia Gandhi, leader of the Congress party, who journeyed to pay their respects before his state funeral. | |
9 | ||1:穆斯林和人权组织对此表示十分的愤怒和忧虑。||2:家长们则建议他们的子女最好远离穆斯林学生群体。||3: Azka Mohyuddin就是这样的一个的一名学生,她担心她会被列入不予培养的名单当中。 ||4: 纽瓦克市市长Cory Booker,以及新西南州州长Chris Christie,都不知道纽约警方的这一系列的行为。他们对此也表示十分的反感。 ||5:新泽西州的司法部长已经着手介入调查。联邦司法部门正在犹豫是否去调查这样的一些抱怨之声。||6:在美国,这样的一场集体诉讼可能即将要上演。||7: 但是,警察委员会委员长Ray Kelly在三月三号的一次演讲中力挺他们这样的行动,并认为忽略这个城市以外将发生的事情是一件十分愚蠢的事情。 ||8:“如果恐怖分子不受制于国界与边界,我们当然也就不会这样做了” | ||1: Muslims and civil-rights groups are angry and anxious about all this. ||2: Parents are advising their children not to join Muslim student groups. ||3: Azka Mohyuddin, one such student, worries that her name will end up on a “do-not-fly” list. ||4: Cory Booker, Newark’s mayor, and Chris Christie, New Jersey’s governor, who were not informed about the NYPD’s activities, are not happy either. ||5: New Jersey’s attorney-general is looking into the matter, and the federal Justice Department is wondering whether to investigate the complaints. ||6: This being America, a class-action lawsuit is looking likely. ||7: But Ray Kelly, the police commissioner, defended his force in a speech on March 3rd, saying it would be folly to ignore what takes place outside the city. ||8: “If terrorists are not limited by borders and boundaries”, he said, “we can’t be either.” | |
10 | ||1:他借助扩音器来传达信念。||2:逮捕乔治·布什,战犯!你好,托尼!45分钟,布莱尔先生。||3:布-莱-尔先生。||4:即使在下议院会议厅里都听得到他的声音。||5:起初,托尼·布莱尔评价他是个好老头布莱恩,言论自由的赢家。||6:是的,他的确是。||7:他守卫了自己在国会面前自由表达思想的权利:有着350年历史的和平抗议。||8:曾有一次几个伦敦南部来的饶舌歌手和他拥抱。||9:他们说完全支持他的行为,去他的国会,去他们的。||10:但他不会说脏话。||11:他只用爱,和平,正义,停止杀害孩子来表达。 | ||1:His megaphone helped spread the message.||2:ARREST GEORGE BUSH, WAR CRIMINAL! HI TONY! 45 MINUTES, MR BLAIR.||3:MR B-L-I-A-R.||4:They could hear him even in the Commons chamber.||5:At first Tony Blair said good old Brian, what a champion of free speech.||6:Yes, he was.||7:He defended the right to free expression in front of Parliament: 350 years of peaceful protest.||8:Some rapper boys from South London came up and hugged him once.||9:They said they totally supported him, fuck Parliament, fuck ’em all.||10:But he wouldn’t have that.||11:He just answered Love, Peace, Justice, stop killing my kids. | |
11 | Rock Art啤酒厂同样予以反击,不是在"自古衙门朝南开,有理无钱莫进来"的法庭,而是在公众舆论的平台。 | Rock Art Brewery similarly defended itself, not in a court of law, where deep-pocketed corporations enjoy an enormous advantage, but in the court of public opinion. | |
12 | “她帮了斯内普。她……她表现得像个格兰芬多。”哈利回答道。 | "She defended Snape. She. . . she acted like a Gryffindor, " Harry replied. | |
13 | “领导人”穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲现在畏缩在的黎波里,受到自己部落的军队与黑非洲雇佣军的保护。 | "Leader" Muammar Gadaffi is hunkered down in Tripoli, defended by army units from his tribe and mercenaries from black Africa. | |
14 | “这种指控没有任何依据,我们将坚决反对。” | "This claim is without merit and will be defended vigorously. " | |
15 | Marshall说,他不知道这事,但是,和其他学生事务管理人员一样,他支持Pima学校的做法。 | Marshall said he didn’t know of any, but he, like many other student affairs officials, defended Pima’s actions. | |
16 | 白宫官员坚持举办此次晚宴的必要性。 | White House officials, though, defended the decision to hold the dinner. | |
17 | 北方海军的炮艇首先占领了位于田纳西河的亨利军事堡垒(FortHenry),这座堡垒很容易受到攻击却不易防守。 | United States Navy gunboats captured the first, Fort Henry, on the Tennessee River. That fort was easy to attack and not well-defended . | |
18 | 必须不惜一切代价保卫边疆。 | The border must be defended at any cost. | |
19 | 辩论是反题,因为在辩论中,边界已经画出,假设的前提还没有得到探索,对立的观点互相攻守。 | Debate is the antithesis, because in debate the lines are drawn, the premises largely unexplored, the points of view attacked and defended . | |
20 | 布什为这个经济记录辩解,尤其是第一期为美国富有人群大规模减税。 | Bush defended his economic record, particularly the first-term massive tax cuts for wealthy Americans. | |
21 | 戴尔蒙德声辩,为了留住人才,高薪是必需的,当然他也承认“没有一家银行应该成为纳税人的负担”。 | defended the payment of large bonuses as essential to retaining talent, but also conceded that "no bank should be a burden to taxpayers. " | |
22 | 但从一开始,我妻子在反驳我的时候都很有礼有节,这让我想和她永远地在一起。 | But from the very first one, my wife has always respectfully defended me, and this made me want to be with her forever. | |
23 | 但即使是在轰炸后,库萨仍在黎波里的一系列记者会上力挺卡扎菲。 | Yet even after those attacks, Kusa strongly defended Gaddafi’s actions during a series of press conferences in Tripoli. | |
24 | 但是现在一名将军在要求不要暴露身份的情况下说出了处女检查的事实,并为此进行了辩护。 | But now a senior general who asked not to be identified said the virginity tests were conducted and defended the practice. | |
25 | 但是以色列反复强调此次行动是自我防卫,并说他们的突击队员也是自卫 | But Israel has repeatedly defended its actions, saying its commandos acted in self defence. | |
26 | 但他为不披露在央行的贴现窗口借款的银行这个长期实践计划而进行了辩护。 | But he defended the longstanding practice of not disclosing which banks borrow from the central bank’s discount window. | |
27 | 但这个问题在近几周来已经被热烈地研讨、争论、责问以及辩护了一番,部分投资人不免开始感到厌烦。 | But this has been discussed, debated, denounced and defended so extensively in recent weeks that some investors have begun to tire of it. | |
28 | 但最后他仍然认为,在亚洲建立耶鲁分校仍是一项长期难得的机遇。 | But in the end, he still defended the long-term opportunities in establishing a Yale presence in Asia. | |
29 | 当局也捍卫了提出的在东欧建立的导弹防御体系,作为一个潜在的对付伊朗的抵挡。 | It has also defended the proposed missile defense system in Eastern Europe as a potential shield against Iran. | |
30 | 当问及2007年的股息分红对席梦思公司来说是否太繁重了,THL的Schoen先生极力为这次交易辩护。 | Asked whether the 2007 dividend was too much for Simmons, Mr. Schoen of THL defended the deal. |