属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-西班牙和加泰罗尼亚 加泰罗尼亚的绯闻
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-全球房价 Global house prices
1 | ||1:这一绯闻确实会影响Mas,但却不会扼杀独立主义。||2:他在公投的请求下已经转到了对立面。||3:其较为温和的政党联盟,加泰罗尼亚民主联盟(UDC)威胁弃权。||4:支持其少数政党的激进的分裂主义政党——加泰罗尼亚民主共和党(ERC)希望能够通过非法的公投公然反抗西班牙政府。||5:它也要求如果Pujol未出现在加泰罗尼亚的议会上的话,就进行调查。 | ||1:The scandal will hurt Mr Mas, but it does not sink separatism.||2:He is being tugged in opposite directions by his referendum pledge.||3:His more moderate coalition partner, Democratic Catalan Union (UDC), has threatened to quit.||4:The ardently separatist Catalan Republican Left (ERC), which props up his minority government, wants him to defy Madrid by calling an illegal referendum if need be.||5:It also demands an inquiry if Mr Pujol does not appear before the Catalan parliament. | |
2 | 欧洲房价难以扭转乾坤; | European house prices are finding it harder to defy gravity; | |
3 | “人们对待金钱的复杂态度常常会令经济理论落空。” | "People’s complex attitudes toward money often defy economic theory. " | |
4 | iPhone与Mac销量逆市增长苹果季度净利创新高 | Apple announces record profits as iPhone and Mac sales defy recession | |
5 | 安永(Ernst&Young)预计,中国企业明年将通过股票市场上市的方式,有望再筹集1000亿美元的资金。这与一些人的预期不同。 | Chinese companies are set to defy expectations and raise another $100bn next year through stock market listings, Ernst & Young has forecast. | |
6 | 白流;甚至是我们曾藐视的巨兽 | In vain; then even the monsters we defy | |
7 | 办公大楼上的公司名称甚至可能变更,但是代码将以违背信念的方式持久下去。 | The company name on the office building may even change, but the code will endure in ways that defy belief. | |
8 | 不过,宣称日本没救了的人将会感到失望——日本的运行状况足够良好,可以驳斥他们最悲观的预测。 | The doomsayers, however, will be disappointed. Japan is well enough run to defy their most dire predictions. | |
9 | 持续半月的示威游行,也增加了僧人们的勇气和决心来挑战军政府。 | The monks have the public’s support and, judging from the past fortnight’s protests, the courage and determination to defy the regime. | |
10 | 此外,尽管他的斗争对象不是殖民势力,但他却展示出了偶像甘地式的决心,公然反抗权威。 | And though he is not fighting colonial power, he shows signs of an exemplary Gandhian determination to defy authority. | |
11 | 戴着草帽的年轻农民只有匹夫之勇,他们誓言要对抗卡扎菲上校的方阵火箭快炮,但只要附近一有风吹草动,他们就吓得仓皇逃离。 | Full of bravado, young farmers in straw hats vow to defy Colonel Qaddafi’s Grad rockets, but as soon as any start landing nearby they flee. | |
12 | 但是他们认为大约20%的麦田怪圈缺乏合理的解释。 | But they argue that many crop circles - perhaps 20% - defy rational explanation. | |
13 | 但是与典型保守政策共同公然反抗社会民主党将会违反民众的意愿并造成政府解体的危机。 | But to defy the SPD with distinctive conservative policies would risk offending public opinion and paralysing government. | |
14 | 但也有南苏丹民兵公然挑衅的袭击案件。 | But there have also been cases of South Sudan hammering militias that dared to defy it. | |
15 | 当然,经济也有可能跳脱历史轨迹,很快变得好转起来。 | The economy could, of course, defy history and turn around soon. | |
16 | 德国不能否认这重力,它已经把欧洲很多地区接近于不景气,其中一些地区到GDP的负增长。 | Germany cannot defy the gravity that has pulled much of the EU region close to recession, and some parts of it to negative GDP growth. | |
17 | 迪格尔先生说伦敦是英国国内被高估最为严重的地区,它不可能永远抵抗地心引力(喻指衰退大潮)。 | London is Britain’s most overvalued region, says Mr Diggle. It cannot defy gravity forever. | |
18 | 第二周:挑战你对精制面粉的欲望 | Week Two: Defy your white flour urge | |
19 | 对于那些决定拒绝多弗的信,却接受法律诉讼威胁的人来说,预算支出是很高的。 | For those who decide to defy Dover’s letter and accept the threat of legal action, potential bills are high. | |
20 | 而“文明”人则好像工程师:通过创新发明来藐视人类自身的局限,来改变世界。 | "Civilised" man, on the other hand, tried to defy his constraints and change the world with new inventions, like an engineer. | |
21 | 很明显是不愿意同特权阶级有所冲突,政府在推动同行业竞争和地区公共服务方面鲜有作为。 | Apparently unwilling to defy vested interests, it has done little to promote competition in the professions or local public services. | |
22 | 很难对奥巴马的其他经济政策进行简单的归类。 | Mr Obama’s other economic policies defy easy categorisation. | |
23 | 很难将当今的大多数语言简单地归为一种类别,它们的编码风格往往是各种各样的。 | Most languages today defy a simple categorization and instead represent a variety of programming styles. | |
24 | 红衫军蔑视国家紧急状态,泰国再次徘徊在政变的边缘 | Red shirts defy a state of emergency, as Thailand again teeters on the brink | |
25 | 或许你已经注意到有些妇女的确很显年龄,有些人似乎能抗拒岁月的侵蚀。 | Perhaps you’ve noticed while some women really show age, others seem to defy it. | |
26 | 她打赌自己可以和信贷紧缩抗争——1天只花1英镑并且持续一年的时间。 | She made a bet that she could defy the credit crunch and live on just one pound a day for a year. | |
27 | 尽管这样,挪威还是藐视捕鲸禁令:2010的计划捕鲸量是近25年来最高的。 | Despite this, Norway continues to defy the whaling ban: 2010’s kill quota is the highest in 25 years. | |
28 | 静静地沉睡吧,在白雾中启航,静静的,你将停止抗拒; | Silently sleep deeply, in the sailing in Bai Wu, silent, you will stop to defy ; | |
29 | 就像中国腾飞的经济一样,中国汽车市场的发展速度也在继续超出人们的预期。 | Just like the country’s soaraway economy, the Chinese car market continues to defy expectations with its pace of growth. | |
30 | 科波尔德先生曾对我说:“即使是俄国人也不能永远违抗历史的发展规律。” | Mr. Kopold once said to me, Even the Russians cannot defy forever the laws of historical development. |