属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本的交通 票战vs站票
1 | 撤销对美国航班的管制规定导致了激烈的竞争和价格下跌。 | Deregulation of US airlines results in fierce competition and price-cut . | |
2 | 从垄断走向竞争:放松航空公司管制背景下机场产业的变化 | From Monopoly to Competition: The Change of Airport Industry after Airlines Deregulation | |
3 | 从台湾广播产业结构分析探讨电波开放政策 | A Structural Analysis of Taiwan’s Radio Industry in the Case of the Airwaves Deregulation Policy | |
4 | 当然,考虑到最近15年一直强调废除规定,我们不应假定政府对每一问题的干预总是理想的解决方案。 | Certainly, given the emphasis on deregulation which we have seen in the last fifteen years, we should not presume that government intervention into every problem is always the ideal solution | |
5 | 第一,一种离开对政府管理经济的依赖而走向大为增强对市场能力的信心的动向,相信市场能够公平和交付货物。实际操作起来就是减除政府管制和私有化。 | The first is a move away from counting on governments to manage economies and toward a much greater confidence in the ability of markets to function fairly and deliver the goods .This translates into deregulation and privatization. | |
6 | 电力事业放宽管制对成本降低的影响评估─比较完全放宽管制与发电厂放宽管制的效果 | Deregulation of Electric Utility Firms: An Assessment of Cost Effects of Complete Deregulation vs. Deregulation of Generation Only | |
7 | 放松规制条件下电信企业进入决策研究 | A Study on Entry Decision for Telecommunication Industry under Deregulation | |
8 | 解除管制的催化剂式的力量依然在重塑银行业、通讯业和交通运输业。 | Deregulation ’s catalytic power is still reshaping the banking, communications, and transportation industries. | |
9 | 金融界(银行、保险公司等)将从放松管制中得益,以使普 | The financial sector (banking, insurance etc.)would benefit from deregulation to enable a decent return on small savings for the common person | |
10 | 金融自由化后台湾银行的效率及生产力 | Effects of Deregulation on Bank Efficiency and Productivity in Taiwan | |
11 | 进一步取消价格规定将为壳牌变压器用油在全球提供新的机会,预计仅对西门子的供应量可能就达到2万公吨。 | Further deregulation will create new opportunities for Shell transformer oils across the globe, with an estimated potential supply of 20,000 tonnes to Siemens alone. | |
12 | 日本超金融缓和政策的长期实施及解除 | Japan’s Ultra-loose Monetary Policies: the Long-term Adoption and the Deregulation | |
13 | 日本行政规制缓和的特点及其对我国的启示 | The Characteristics of the Deregulation in Japan and Their Enlightenment to Our Country | |
14 | 生育低落,小学生愈趋减少;教育普及,年产百万大学生 | Deregulation of Education Policy and Social Economics Prosperity for High Level Human Resources Available in Taiwan | |
15 | 首次海外存托凭证发行对公司价值的影响:金融自由化与公司特性的角色 | The Effects of Initial GDRs Offerings on Corporate Value: The Role of Deregulation and Firm Characteristics | |
16 | 随着加入世贸组织,中国将以更加积极的姿态,进一步深化改革,扩大开放,有步骤地推动金融、保险、电信、外贸、 | Following the accession, China will take a more active stance in further deepening its reform and opening-up, steadily promoting deregulation in service sectors such as finance, insurance, telecommunication, foreign trade, | |
17 | 随着天然气价格的进一步放开,这种情况也可能在美国出现。 | After natural gas deregulation , this situation may also develop in the United States | |
18 | 随着中国进入世界贸易组织,我们看到中国放宽了对国内各工商业领域的管制。 | With China’s entry into the WTO, we are beginning to see an increase in the deregulation of her industries. | |
19 | 天空开放下管制放松与中国民航制度创新的博弈分析 | A Game Analysis of Deregulation and Institutional Innovation of CAAC Under a Open Sky System | |
20 | 在1996年被迫卖掉电厂之后,因为高涨的批发电价,他们已经背上了127亿美圆的债务。 | Forced by the state’s 1996 deregulation law to sell their power plants, they say they’ve been pushed $12.7 billion in debt by soaring wholesale electricity prices | |
21 | 这种趋势的推动力在于世界范围的电力部门放宽管制,加工生产的增长要求无扰动的电源(如塑料薄膜的生产和半导体的生产)以及环境的要求。 | The forces driving these trends are the deregulation of power utilities worldwide, the growth of production processes requiring unperturbed sources of electric power (eg, plastic foil or silicon doctor manufacturing)and environmental issues. | |
22 | 直到不久前,违反常规还被人们欢呼为挽救存款和贷款业的好方法。 | It wasn’t too long ago that deregulation was being hailed as the savior of the savings and loan industry. | |
23 | 转型经济中的放松管制和企业重构的最优路径 | The Optimal Path of Deregulation and Enterprise Restructuring in Transition Economies | |
24 | ||1:除了作者偶尔的夸大之外,这一本书比很多经济方面的书籍都更有趣。||2:并且,作者对其实质的分析几乎不容置疑。“在近一个世纪内,英国都在蒙蔽自己,首先她使自己相信英国称霸全球的日子将会失而复得,之后她使又自己认为英国衰退的症状可以相对轻松地治愈。”||3:英国将自己的希望寄托在一系列小修小补上:给予大英帝国范围内的其他国家贸易优惠,加入欧共体,七八十年代北海石油开采,金融自由化和房地产泡沫,这些都为英国经济提供了短暂的支持。||4:当今政府的发展方案包括向企业提供税收激励、遏制官僚作风,这些听起来和过去那些失败的项目十分类似。 | ||1: Despite the authors’ occasional exaggerations, this is a much more entertaining book than many about economics. ||2: And it is hard to disagree with their underlying analysis: “For almost a century, the UK has deluded herself, first into believing that the days of global dominance will return, then into thinking that the symptoms of decline can be relatively easily tackled.” ||3: The country has pinned its hopes on a series of fixes—trade preference for other countries in the empire, joining the European Economic Community, North Sea oil, financial deregulation and housing bubbles—that have offered temporary boosts. ||4: The current government’s growth plan, involving tax incentives for business and cuts in red tape, sounds all too much like some of the failed programmes of the past. | |
25 | ||1:这些行业的游说团一致认为至少这项运动的目的是一样的。||2:近几年来没有那个州成功地加强管制。||3:因为没有灾难发生,每次政策的放松使得下一个政策实现更加可能。||4:比如,尽管稳步放松对酒精的管制,醉架率和未成年人饮酒率还是降到史上最地点。||5:还有就算烟花燃放随处可见,伤亡事件反而减少。 | ||1:Lobby groups for these industries take heart from the fact that the movement is, at least, all in one direction.||2:No states have significantly tightened restrictions in recent years.||3:Each easing of the rules makes the next one more likely, by demonstrating that disaster does not occur.||4:Despite the steady deregulation of alcohol, for example, drunk driving and underage drinking are at record lows.||5:And even as fireworks become more widely available, they are causing fewer injuries. | |
26 | 采取任何一种方法都会标志着放宽能源管制的来临。 | Either could herald energy deregulation , since a regional monopoly would be broken up and sold. | |
27 | 但是对于那些更倾向于竞争而非更低能源价格的大公司来说,他们反对放宽能源管制。 | But big business, which ought to favour competition to lower energy prices, is against deregulation . | |
28 | 其次,与其他国家的同行相比,尽管日本的低成本航空公司不受政府直接管制,但高居世界前列的机场建设费和燃油税却使他们难以企及其他国家同行们的高盈利能力。 | Second, the budget airlines may struggle to make similar profits to their lucrative low-cost counterparts in other countries because, despite deregulation , airport costs and fuel taxes in Japan remain among the highest in the world. | |
29 | 《时代》杂志表示,该调查结果“也算是一种反改革,是对共和党执政时期强调放松管制与自力更生的反弹。” | TIME termed the results "a counterreformation of sorts in a Republican-led era that emphasizes deregulation and self-reliance. " | |
30 | 1720年的南海和密西西比泡沫是相关的,放松管制和在英格兰及法国的强力货币扩张助长了泡沫。 | The South Sea and Mississippi bubbles of 1720 were related, stoked by deregulation and powerful monetary expansion in England and France. |