属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 113-1996
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 113-1997
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN V ENV 839-2002
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF X41-552-1996
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS DD ENV 839-2002
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN V ENV 12038-2002
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS DD ENV 12038-2002
1 | 该空洞可随时间拖延而扩大,摧毁脊髓中枢,症状随空洞的大小及所在而不同。 | The syrinx can expand and elongate over time, destroying the centre of the spinal cord and causing symptoms that vary with the syrinx’s size and location. | |
2 | 工厂里极乏味的工作. | Soul-destroying jobs in the factory | |
3 | 公元79年维苏威火山爆发毁灭了庞贝城。 | Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 A.D., destroying Pompeii. | |
4 | 广东省西南的乡村遭受龙卷风吹袭,造成十三人死亡、五十一人受伤及数百间房屋倒塌。 | Tornadoes ripped through villages in southeastern Guangdong, killing 13 people, injuring 51 and destroying or damaging hundreds of houses. | |
5 | 黑河地区泥炭资源利用及破坏状况遥感分析 | Using Remote Sensing to Analyse the State of Using and Destroying of Morass Resource in Heihe District | |
6 | 黄蜂把马狠狠地螫了一下。只见那匹马又踢又蹦,一心要把这只使它痛苦的飞虫消灭掉。 | A wasp having severely stung a horse, the latter kicked and pranced about, with an intention of destroying its tormentor | |
7 | 蝗虫成群结队地飞行,见绿叶就吃,毁掉庄稼。 | Locusts travel together in great numbers,destroying crops by eating every bit of greenery. | |
8 | 毁掉村子后,敌人抢走了所有的牲畜。 | After destroying the village, the enemy carried off all the cattle | |
9 | 毁林开垦行为 | behavior of destroying woods for cultivation | |
10 | 毁灭所有资本主义的象征 | destroying every vestige of a market economy | |
11 | 或引擎的材料,旨在摧毁、打断或以其他方式破坏网站或服务的功能,或造成上述后果; | or effect of damaging, destroying , disrupting or otherwise impairing a computer′s functionality or the operation of the Site or Services; | |
12 | 继承人有下列行为之一的,丧失继承权:(一)故意杀害被继承人的;(二)为争夺遗产而杀害其他继承人的;(三)遗弃被继承的,或者虐待被继承人情节严重的;(四)伪造、篡改或者销毁遗嘱,情节严重的。 | A successor shall be disinherited upon his commission of any one of the following acts: (1)intentional killing of the decedent; (2)killing any other successor in fighting over the estate; (3)a serious act of abandoning or maltreating the decedent; or (4)a serious act of forging, tampering with or destroying the will. | |
13 | 禁止毁林开荒、烧山开荒、围湖造田以及开垦国家禁止开垦的陡坡地。 | Destroying forest or burning vegetation for land reclamation, or building dykes to reclaim land from a lake or reclaiming slopes banned by the State shall be prohibited. | |
14 | 禁止毁林开荒、烧山开荒和在陡坡地、干旱地区铲草皮、挖树兜。 | Destroying forest or burning vegetation for land reclamation and stripping vegetation and digging up tree stumps on steep hill slopes or in arid regions shall be prohibited. | |
15 | 就算是这样吧,但是这也会破坏人们的私生活。 | Granted, but it’s destroying one’s private life. | |
16 | 抗寄生物的消灭或抑制人体及动物体内寄生虫生长繁衍的 | Destroying or inhibiting the growth and reproduction of human or animal parasites. | |
17 | 抗生的破坏或防止生命开始或延续的 | Destroying life or preventing the inception or continuance of life. | |
18 | 抗真菌的,杀真菌的破坏或抑制真菌生长的 | Destroying or inhibiting the growth of fungi. | |
19 | 灭绝,根除通过彻底摧毁来除掉;根除 | To get rid of by destroying completely;extirpate. | |
20 | 木材防腐剂.测定对毁坏木材的担子菌纲起预防作用的试验方法.作用极限值测定 | Wood preservatives-Method of test for determining the protective effectiveness against wood destroying basidiomycetes-Determination of the toxic values; | |
21 | 木材防腐剂.测定对损害木材的担子菌纲防护效果的试验方法.有毒物数值的测定. | Wood preservatives-Test method for determining the protective effectiveness against wood destroying basidiomycetes-Determination of the toxic values | |
22 | 木材防腐剂.对损害木材的担子菌预防作用的测定.表面处理应用 | Wood preservatives-Determination of the protective effectiveness against wood destroying basidiomycetes-Application by surface treatment; | |
23 | 木材防腐剂.防担子菌毁坏木材的木材防腐剂的试验方法.有毒值的测定 | Wood preservatives. Test method for determining the protective effectiveness against wood destroying basidiomycetes. Determination of the toxic values. | |
24 | 木材防腐剂.抗毁木担子菌防治效果的测定.通过表面处理的应用 | Wood preservatives-Determination of the protective effectiveness against wood destroying basidiomycetes-Application by surface treatment | |
25 | 木和木材产品的耐久性.木基板.测定耐抗损坏木材的担子菌类的试验方法 | Durability of wood and wood-based products-Wood-based panels-Method of test for determining the resistance against wood-destroying basidiomycetes; | |
26 | 木和木质产品的耐久性.木质板.测定抗损坏木材的担子菌的性能的试验方法 | Durability of wood and wood-based products-Wood-based panels-Method of test for determining the resistance against wood-destroying basidiomycetes | |
27 | 纳税人采取伪造、变造、隐匿、擅自销毁帐簿、记帐凭证,在帐簿上多列支出或者不列、少列收入,或者进行虚假的纳税申报的手段,不缴或者少缴应纳税款的,是偷税。 | """Evasion of tax"" means that a taxpayer fails to pay or underpays the amount of tax payable through the adoption of the means of forging, revising, concealing or destroying without authorization accounting books or supporting vouchers for the accounts, or of overstating expenses or not stating or understating income in accounting books, or of filing fraudulent tax returns." | |
28 | 纳税人采取伪造、变造、隐匿、擅自销毁帐簿、记帐凭证,在帐簿上多列支出或者不列、少列收入,经税务机关通知申报而拒不申报或者进行虚假的纳税申报的手段 | Tax payers found guilty of forging, altering, concealing, or indiscriminately destroying accounts books, entry proofs, or making unsubstantiated expenditures, or failing to enter or enter lower income items, or failing to submit tax returns after being notified by the tax authorities, or submitting a false return | |
29 | 你们必须用白热把你们知识中的几个粒子熔化成为一种具有这种韧性和强度的元素:只有你们消失了,它才会消失。 | You must fuse at white heat the several particles of your learning into an element so ductile and so strong that nothing can destroy it without destroying you | |
30 | 破坏、毁损或偷盗其它员工或公司的财产 | Destroying , defacing, or theft of property of fellow employee or Company |