属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧盟最大赤字国 法国成欧元区的定时炸弹
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-汇丰银行 东方伊甸园
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国经济 看工资
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-人民币入篮SDR 风险与机遇并存
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-拉加德名单问世 瑞士不再是贪官的金融避风港
1 | 贬值,是使一种货币对别的货币的比值下跌。 | A devaluation causes the price of one currency to drop in relation to other currencies | |
2 | 贬值只能让经济得到暂时的缓解。 | Devaluation would only give the economy a brief respite. | |
3 | 部长讲话的意思是,目前货币贬值是必要的。 | The minister’s speech comes to this: the devaluation is necessary at present | |
4 | 产品的信誉使厂家永久保值。 | The reputation of the products gives the factory an everlasting guarantee against devaluation . | |
5 | 城市商业银行风险资产计提准备方法的评析 | Preparation for Counting and Drawing from Risk Property Devaluation of Urban Commercial Banks | |
6 | 除非合同另有规定,被许可方有权要求许可方承担违约责任和/或索赔损失,和/或要求被许可方赔偿损失和/或因此发生的一切费用支出。 | Licensee shall be entitled to request Licensor remedy its breach of Contract and/or claim devaluation and/or compensation for the losses, costs, expenses, and/or damages thus incurred unless otherwise stipulated in Contract. | |
7 | 从1996年年底开始,东南亚的泰国国内出现了货币贬值,需求不足,而人民币依然坚挺,这让邱继宝意识到价格优势不复存在。 | From the end of 1996, Thailand in the Southeast Asia suffered from a currency devaluation and lack of demand on the background of strong RMB. Qiu realized they had not advantages of low cost any more. | |
8 | 放任当地货币贬值 | allowing a devaluation of the local currency | |
9 | 高等教育的贬值:美国大学教师收入报告 | Devaluation of Higher Education: The Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession, 2005-06 | |
10 | 货币贬值。货币贬值指的是一国政府降低其本国货币与它国货币的比值。 | Devaluation . Devaluation refers to a reduction by the government of a country in the value of its own currency against other currencies. | |
11 | 货币贬值的消息一传出,股票价格就迅速重新调整了。 | Share price readjust quickly to the news of the devaluation . | |
12 | 货币贬值后,是重新调整汇率的时期。 | After the devaluation there is a period of readjustment in the exchange rate. | |
13 | 尽管华尔街股市重挫--道琼工业指数一度大跌四百多点,后来好不容易回稳--但制造商认为,美元滑落将有助于为美国出口业打开一条生路。 | Despite Wall Street’s slump with the Dow Jones industrial average plunging sharply over 400 points before regaining strength, manufacturers believe that dollar’s devaluation can help the US export industry | |
14 | 锂盐去除酬赏价值程序对两种标志系统空间行为的影响 | Effects of Lithium Chloride Induced Reward Devaluation on Two Types of Spatial Behavior of the Taxon System | |
15 | 另外两个涉及某种通货价值的概念是法定升值和法定贬值。 | Two other concepts related to the value of a currency are devaluation or revaluation | |
16 | 美元继续贬值. | There’s been a further devaluation of the dollar. | |
17 | 人民币贬值的压力 | The depreciation (devaluation )pressure on the RMB | |
18 | 我国资产减值准则实施的预期效果分析 | An Analysis of Anticipative Effect in the Implementation of China’s Assets Devaluation Standard | |
19 | 我赞成很多文章的看法,即日元贬值对日本经济未必有好处,对亚洲经济有影响,对中国的汇率有压力。 | The governor agrees with many media comments that the devaluation of the yen is not necessarily beneficial to the Japanese economy and will adversely affect Asian economies. It will put pressure on China’s exchange rate | |
20 | 相反,担心货币在不久会贬值,持有该种货币的投资者会换成其它货币或者在远期市场上卖掉,这就意味着即期和远期汇价都会受到影响。 | If, on the other hand, it is feared that a devaluation of the currency is in the offing, the investors who hold that currency would switch to other currencies or sell it forward. This would mean that both the spot rate and forward price would be effected. | |
21 | 一有贬值的消息,股票价格就暴跌了。 | Share price plummet or plunge on the news of the devaluation . | |
22 | 英镑一贬值使我们的估计数差了几千镑. | The devaluation of the pound has put our estimates out by several thousands. | |
23 | 游资;外逃资金[英国]:由利率差别、升值期望或贬值恐惧所驱使的短期国际资本流动。 | hot money; funk money [UK]: Short-term international capital movements, motivated by interest rate differentials or revaluation hopes/devaluation fears. | |
24 | ||1:就像我们的特别报道中提到的,法国仍然具有很大实力,但是其脆弱的部分在欧盟危机中已经体现无疑。||2:法国在近年来与德国的竞争中已经逐渐失去了力量,特别是当德国开始减少开支和进行大的改革后。||3:没有欧元贬值的机遇,法国已经踏上不得不向求助于公共开支和贷款的道路了。||4:即使想其他欧盟国家一样努力的避免走上这条路,仍避免不了其越来越高的GDP消耗--- GDP的消耗已经高达57%,高于其他欧盟区国家。||5:因为从1981年起,由于其对于单一预算的失误,公共债务已经从GDP的22%上升到了如今的90%。 | ||1:As our special report in this issue explains, France still has many strengths, but its weaknesses have been laid bare by the euro crisis.||2:For years it has been losing competitiveness to Germany and the trend has accelerated as the Germans have cut costs and pushed through big reforms.||3:Without the option of currency devaluation , France has resorted to public spending and debt.||4:Even as other EU countries have curbed the reach of the state, it has grown in France to consume almost 57% of GDP, the highest share in the euro zone.||5:Because of the failure to balance a single budget since 1981, public debt has risen from 22% of GDP then to over 90% now. | |
25 | ||1:四个因素中就有三个是指回亚洲的。||2:亚洲的盈利额占比60%,还可能继续涨到75%。||3:欧智华先生在珠三角粤语区制定了极大力度的推进计划。||4:提高利率将会促进亚洲的借贷边际,而亚洲的储蓄过度,这些存款无需像债务一样要很快地进行重新定价。||5:与西方的一些竞争对手相比,汇丰银行更加亚洲化(见图表)。||6:银行危机或者人民币贬值都会改变这种状况,更不用说是在中国硬着陆了。 | ||1:Three of the four factors now point back towards Asia.||2:Asia yields 60% of profits. This could rise to 75%.||3:Mr Gulliver plans a big push in the Cantonese-speaking Pearl River delta.||4:Rising interest rates would boost lending margins most in Asia, which has a surplus of deposits, which need not be repriced as quickly as debt.||5:HSBC is far more Asian than its Western rivals (see chart).||6:Not even a hard landing in China, a banking crisis there or a devaluation of the yuan would alter that. | |
26 | ||1:在过去十年实行的薪酬限制,让德国公司确信它们还有转圜的余地。||2:正如十年前被全欧洲所知的“风险家”,德国自2003年开始经历了一系列复杂的劳动力市场改革。||3:联盟向来是逆来顺受,经常在通货膨胀和生产率提高的情况下接受工资上涨的提议。||4:柏林经济研究协会的卡尔·雪瑞尔克说,国内曾经发生的一场货币贬值实际上让出口变得更有竞争力,特别是在机械和化工等行业。||5:工人们丧失消费能力也使消费低迷,二者结合带来了巨大的贸易顺差。 | ||1:German firms certainly have plenty of leeway, after practising wage restraint for the past decade.||2:Known as the sick man of Europe ten years ago, Germany underwent a set of wrenching labour-market reforms starting in 2003.||3:Unions co-operated meekly, often accepting wage rises below inflation and productivity growth.||4:In effect, this was an internal devaluation that made exports more competitive, especially in sectors such as machines and chemicals, according to Karl Brenke at the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin.||5:The forgone spending power by workers also depressed consumption. The combination led to huge trade surpluses. | |
27 | 为了消除这一差价,八月时人民币贬值2%,此举曾令全球市场惊愕不已。 | It was the elimination of this gap that lay behind the yuan’s 2% devaluation in August, a move that rattled global markets. | |
28 | 希腊的精英分子们过去总是认为将钱存在瑞士银行是项保险政策。但是自从该国加入欧元区后,在资本的流动中,银行存款可能突然发生贬值或冻结,精英们对此愈加担心。他们争相通过黑市把资金转移至海外的金融避风港。 | Greece’S elite used to see stashing funds in Swiss bank accounts as an insurance policy. Until the country joined the euro zone, fears of a sudden devaluation or a freeze on capital movements loomed large. Then came a rush to transfer money made in the black economy to financial havens abroad. | |
29 | 1980年代墨西哥比索的贬值使得跨边界购物受到了沉重打击;因为经济衰退,当地旅游业也随之受挫。 | The devaluation of the Mexican peso in the 1980s put a damper on cross-border shopping; local tourism was down because of the recession. | |
30 | 1998年俄罗斯金融危机导致了卢布贬值和俄罗斯政府债务违约。 | The 1998 Russian financial crisis resulted in a devaluation of the ruble and default on Russian government debt. |