属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-本周政治要闻 墨西哥一监狱发生争斗49名犯人死亡 教皇
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 特朗普亲信落马 奥巴马清洁能源计划被废 前联
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-社会的改变 弱男子
1 | ( 五)违反本条例第七条规定,将金银计价使用、私相买卖、借贷抵押的,由中国人民银行或者工商行政管理机关予以强制收购或者贬值收购。情节严重的,由工商行政管理机关处以罚款或者没收。 | (5)In relation to violations of Article 7 of these Regulations, involving the use of gold and silver as a pricing unit or as a loan mortgage property or engaging in the private trade of gold and silver, the People’s Bank of China or the State Administration for Industry and Commerce may force a purchase or purchase the gold and silver at a devalued price. Should the case be serious the State Administration for Industry and Commerce may impose a fine or confiscate the gold and silver. | |
2 | ( 一)违反本条例第八、九、十、十一条规定,擅自收购、销售、交换和留用金银的,由中国人民银行或者工商行政管理机关予以强制收购或者贬值收购。 | (1)In relation to violations of Articles 8, 9, 10 and 11 of these Regulations involving the unauthorised purchase, sale, exchange or possession of gold and silver, the People’s Bank of China or the State Administration for Industry and Commerce may force a purchase or purchase the gold and silver at a devalued price. | |
3 | (五)违反本条例第七条规定,将金银计价使用、私相买卖、借贷抵押的,由中国人民银行或者工商行政管理机关予以强制收购或者贬值收购。 | (5)If gold and silver are used to calculate prices, bought or sold privately, or used as a means of a mortgage in respect of borrowing and lending in violation of Article 7 of these Regulations, the People’s Bank of China or the administrative department for industry and commerce shall purchase such gold and silver compulsorily or at devalued prices. | |
4 | (一)违反本条例第八、九、十、十一条规定,擅自收购、销售、交换和留用金银的,由中国人民银行或者工商行政管理机关予以强制收购或者贬值收购。 | (1)If gold and silver have been purchased, sold, exchanged or retained without authorization in violation of Articles 8,9,10, and 11 of these Regulations, the people’s Bank of China or the administrative department for industry and commerce shall resort to compulsory purchase or devalued purchase. | |
5 | “礼物”一词近来已被危险地贬值了。 | The word "gift" has got dangerously devalued of late | |
6 | 1994年墨西哥金融危机爆发后,墨货币比索大幅贬值,使墨出口竞争力大大增强。 | After the outbreak of Mexico’s financial crisis in 1994, Mexico’s currency, the peso was greatly devalued , thus greatly strengthening Mexico’s export competitiveness | |
7 | 贬值的,尤其用在购买能力上. | Devalued , as in buying power. | |
8 | 从货币贬值国家的角度来看,这是一种好现象。 | From the point of view of the country that devalued , however, there is an advantage | |
9 | 但是他说,这些国家货币已大幅度贬值,出口得到恢复,而进口将会减少。 | But, he said, for these countries the currencies already have devalued to a great degree, exports have recovered, and imports could decrease | |
10 | 第五点,经验被贬值,继续学习的能力被重视。 | Fifth, one’s past experience is devalued while the ability to keep on learning is treasured | |
11 | 对货币的信心:资金会从利息低的市场流向利息高的市场。如果投资者能正确判定资金所流向的市场在政治和经济上是稳定的话,资金在近期是不会贬值的。 | Confidence in Currency: Funds may flow from a low interest centre to a high interest centre if the investors are reasonably certain that the centre to which funds would be moved is politically and economically stable and the currency thereof is not going to be devalued in the near future. | |
12 | 合并会计报表编制中资产减值准备抵销的处理 | Research on the Accounting of Offsetting Provision for Devalued Assets in Preparing Amalgamated Financial Statements | |
13 | 经验被贬值,继续学习的能力被重视。 | One’s past experience is devalued while the ability to keep on learning is treasured. | |
14 | 就在总统杜阿尔德就任五天之后,阿根廷政府将比索贬值以遏制其第四个年头的衰退并促进社会的稳定。 | Just five days after President Duhalde took office, Argentina devalued Peso to reverse a recession in its fourth year and broker social peace | |
15 | 例如,英国英镑在1949和1967年两度贬值。即使是固定汇率也允许平价两边在1%的波幅内波动。 | For example, Britain devalued sterling in 1949 and again in 1967. and even a fixed rate was allowed to fluctuate within a band of 1% on either side of its parity. | |
16 | 美元实际上是贬值了。 | The dollar is as good as devalued . | |
17 | 如果a国的波动比其贸易伙伴快,它就要使其货币贬值,如果较慢,则要升值。 | If country a’s inflation was faster than its trading partners’, it devalued its currency; if slower, it revalued. | |
18 | 英国政府使英镑贬值了。 | The British government devalued the pound | |
19 | 用一种新鲜的眼光打量那些被平凡化的,被贬值的、被禁止的或被噤声的东西的女权主义的深刻的体会之一(b爱德利安·里奇) | one of the deep perceptions of a feminism which looks with fresh eyes on all that has been trivialized,devalued ,forbidden,or silenced(bAdrienne Rich) | |
20 | 用一种新鲜的眼光打量那些被平凡化的,被贬值的、被禁止的或被噤声的东西的女权主义的深刻的体会之一(爱德利安·里奇) | one of the deep perceptions of a feminism which looks with fresh eyes on all that has been trivialized,devalued ,forbidden,or silenced(Adrienne Rich) | |
21 | ||1:分歧在人意料之中。||2:教师工会希望工资涨幅超过阿根廷奔腾的通货膨胀率。||3:从今年年初开始,政府已经将阿根廷比索贬值超过20%,导致通胀预期异常强烈。||4:据一家名为Elypsis的咨询公司的员工Eduardo Levy Yeyati说,今年物价预期将增长32%。||5:政府已不能简单的把物价上涨的问题当做不存在,目前正着手出版更真实的数据。 | ||1:Tension had been expected.||2:The teachers’unions want salary rises above Argentina’s galloping inflation rate.||3:Since the start of the year the government has devalued the Argentine peso by over 20%, causing inflation expectations to spike.||4:According to Eduardo Levy Yeyati of Elypsis, a consultancy, prices are expected to jump by 32% this year.||5:And now that the government has started publishing more realistic data, it cannot simply pretend the problem of rising prices does not exist. | |
22 | ||1:委内瑞拉(Venezuela)总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗(Nicolás Maduro)提高石油价格(此为20年来首次),并将委内瑞拉货币玻利瓦尔(bolívar)的一种官方汇率贬值,并称将允许另一种汇率有所浮动。||2:该国石油价格尽管增长了60倍,但仍为全世界最低。||3:与此同时,路易斯·萨拉斯(Luis Salas)卸任该国经济部长,这距离其上任仅短短六周。||4:他持有非传统观点,比如抑制由无良资本家造成的通货膨胀。 | ||1:Nicolás Maduro, Venezuela’s president, raised petrol prices—the first time they have gone up in 20 years—devalued one official exchange rate for the bolívar and said another would be allowed to float.||2:Even after a 60-fold increase in its price, Venezuela’s petrol will still be the cheapest in the world.||3:Meanwhile, Luis Salas left his job as Venezuela’s economic tsar after just six weeks.||4:He had unconventional views, such as holding that inflation is caused by unscrupulous capitalists. | |
23 | ||1:委内瑞拉总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)宣布了一系列措施来支撑经济,该国正遭受着严重的经济萧条和恶性通货膨胀。||2:马杜罗将货币直接贬值95%,新货币——“主权玻利瓦尔”取而代之,后者比前者少了5个零。||3:他承认,为弥补巨额预算赤字而印制玻利瓦尔货币,导致了恶性通胀,并承诺实现“零赤字”。||4:新货币将与以石油储量为基础的记账单位石油币(petro)挂钩。||5:新货币推出后不久开始贬值。 | ||1:Venezuela’s president, Nicolas Maduro, announced a series of measures to shore up the economy, which is suffering from a deep depression and hyperinflation.||2:He devalued the currency by 95% and replaced it with a new currency, the “sovereign bolívar”, which has five fewer zeroes.||3:He admitted that hyperinflation had been caused by printing bolívares to finance a massive budget deficit and promised a “zero deficit”.||4:The new currency is to be pegged to the petro, a unit of account backed by oil reserves.||5:It began depreciating soon after its introduction. | |
24 | ||1:在男性群体中又有一类人尤其遭罪。||2:在过去的半个世纪里,发达国家里的受教育程度低的男性已经非常难应对发生了巨变的劳工市场和家庭。||3:现代技术革新和贸易已经使原先的靠劳力形式的肌肉男的价值直线下降,缺少教育的男性,不得不在职场中苦苦挣扎,才能博得一席之地。||4:相反的,女性却依靠着自身出众的技能,在像医疗卫生和教育这样的领域里大放异彩。||5:教育已经变成更重要的事情,而男孩却学校里被女孩甩在了身后(尖端领域学科除外)。||6:从工厂失业的男性常从此不再去工作。||7:而没有工作的男性会发现去吸引永久的伴侣是件非常难的事。||8:由此导致低技术的男性被无工作,无家庭,无前景的“三无”剧毒环环围住。 | ||1:One group in particular is suffering.||2:Poorly educated men in rich countries have had difficulty coping with the enormous changes in the labour market and the home over the past half-century.||3:As technology and trade have devalued brawn, less-educated men have struggled to find a role in the workplace.||4:Women, on the other hand, are surging into expanding sectors such as health care and education, helped by their superior skills.||5:As education has become more important, boys have also fallen behind girls in school (except at the very top).||6:Men who lose jobs in manufacturing often never work again.||7:And men without work find it hard to attract a permanent mate.||8:The result, for low-skilled men, is a poisonous combination of no job, no family and no prospects. | |
25 | 其还将让市场力量主导卢比汇率,在过去一年中,卢比对美元已贬值18%。 | It will also let market forces dictate the rupee’s exchange rate, which has been devalued by 18% against the dollar in the past year. | |
26 | “‘可能含有’的标签变得如此没有价值。”英国食品标准局的休·哈特斯利说。 | "The ’may contain’ labelling is becoming so devalued , " says Sue Hattersley of the UK’s Food Standards Agency. | |
27 | 2001年底以来,随着大宗商品价格飙升和本币贬值,美国贸易条件的恶化幅度已达八分之一。 | Since the end of 2001, US terms of trade have deteriorated by an eighth, as commodity prices have soared and the currency devalued . | |
28 | 2008年9月,墨西哥突遭金融危机打击,墨西哥比索贬值(兑美元已贬值25%)。 | This hit Mexico suddenly in September, when the peso devalued (it has lost about 25% of its value against the dollar). | |
29 | 6月泰铢贬值,引发亚洲金融危机,对日本出口产生了巨大的消极影响。 | In July, Thailand devalued , touching off the Asian crisis, a major negative for Japanese exports. | |
30 | 毕竟,没有人们信任的货币是什么呢?它只是一张毫无价值的废纸。 | After all, what is money without the people’s trust. . . it’s just a devalued piece of worthless paper. |