1 | 而且,切尔诺贝利核电厂的放射性尘埃漂移性地传播,完全不同于应急计划者使用的计算机生成的模型。 | Also, the fallout from Chernobyl spread erratically, differing significantly from computer-generated models used by emergency planners | |
2 | 共轭的与性质相同的一群中的某一元素相反或相对的,尤指只有虚部不同的一个或一对复数 | Inversely or oppositely related with respect to one of a group of otherwise identical properties,especially designating either or both of a pair of complex numbers differing only in the sign of the imaginary term. | |
3 | 混合性酸碱平衡紊乱的基础:关于混合性酸碱平衡紊乱,首先要弄清什么时候会出现两种以上的酸碱平衡紊乱,它们是否以不同的程度出现。 | the basics of mixed disorders: The first concept to understand about mixed acid-base disorders is that when two or more disorders are present, they may be present to differing degrees. | |
4 | 混凝路面须分段铺设,用缝隙隔开,以利于磨损面在不同气候条件下伸缩。 | A concrete surface must be laid in segments separated by joints to allow for expansion and contraction under differing weather conditions. | |
5 | 家庭差异,分化的社会根源,以及诸如此类的东西(b乔治F.凯南) | family differences,differing social origins,and whatnot(George F.Kennan) | |
6 | 家庭差异,分化的社会根源,以及诸如此类的东西(乔治F.凯南) | family differences,differing social origins,and whatnot(George F.Kennan) | |
7 | 降级:为使不合格产品符合不同于原有的要求而对其等级的改变 | Regrade :alteration of the grade of a nonconforming product in order to make it conform to requirements differing from the initial ones | |
8 | 酒吧的老主顾们对克里莓酒各持己见,这款酒是由黑树莓、草莓味伏特加、蔓越橘果酱和少量石榴糖浆调配而成的。 | Patrons at the bar had differing views on the Kerry Berry-made with raspberry and strawberry vodka, cranberry juice and a dash of grenadine | |
9 | 两种供水条件下两穗型小麦品种籽粒淀粉积累及相关酶活性的变化特征 | Characterization of Starch Accumulation and Activities of Enzymes Involved in Starch Synthesis in Grains of Wheat Cultivars Differing in Spike Types Field-Grown in Irrigation and Rainfed Conditions | |
10 | 两种颜色和耐磨损性能不同的纤维组合的织物也会出现霜花色。 | Frosting occurs when two fibers differing in both color and abrasion resistance are combined in a fabric | |
11 | 铝胁迫对不同耐铝大麦基因型干物质积累与铝和养分含量的影响 | Effect of Al on Dry Matter Accumulation and Al and Nutrition Contents of Barleys Differing in Al Tolerance | |
12 | 论工资上升对劳动者的激励与就业―一个有别于凯恩斯就业理论的就业模型 | Motivation and Employment of Wage Rising to Laborers: An Employment Model Differing from Keynes Employment Theory | |
13 | 那个组织里有不同政治立场的人。 | That organization embraces persons of differing political stands. | |
14 | 欧洲货币:存储在某一银行的资金,这种资金被命名为与银行所在国发行货币名称不同的货币名称. | Eurocurrency:Funds deposited in a bank when those funds are denominated in a currency differing from the bank’s own domestic currency. | |
15 | 片的形状、织物和拉链的不同特征。 | Section shape, differing characteristics of fabric and zip. | |
16 | 评审应确保与以前表述不一致的合同或订单要求已予以解决. | The review shall ensure that contract or order requirements differing from those previously expressed are resolved. | |
17 | 评议应当制作笔录,由合议庭成员签名。评议中的不同意见,必须如实记入笔录。 | The minutes of the deliberation shall be made and signed by all members of the collegiate bench. Differing opinions must be recorded accurately. | |
18 | 其它可溶性多糖有相似效果但程度不同。 | Other soluble polysaccharides have similar effects but to differing degrees. | |
19 | 去叶处理与栽植密度对大粒型水稻品种产量表现的影响 | Influence of Partial Leaf-Removal and Planting Density on the Yield Performances of Rice Plants Differing in Grain Weight | |
20 | 人口增长这一格局已导致了一系列各不相同但却影响深远的人口发展趋势,这些趋势在今后20年中还将进一步加强。 | These configurations of population growth have already generated a number of differing population trends of farreaching consequences which will be accentuated further during the next two decades | |
21 | 社会是由能力迥异的人组成的. | Society is made up of people of widely differing abilities | |
22 | 双方的立场不一致,中方声明在正常化以后将再次提出这个问题。 | The two sides held differing positions, and the Chinese side stated that it would raise the issue again following normalization | |
23 | 水稻分蘖之生理研究 Ⅱ.不同穗部容积品种的生产力比较 | Physiological Studies of Rice Tillers Ⅱ. Productivity of Varieties Differing in Grain Volume | |
24 | 同分异构体:亦称异构体。分子式相同但构型不同的两种或两种以上的物质,其差别只在于组成原子的排列不同。 | Isomer: One of two or more substances with identical molecular formulas but different configurations, differing only in the arrangement of their component atoms. | |
25 | 为了侵略的必要,帝国主义给中国造成了数百万区别于旧式文人或士大夫的新式的大小知识分子。 | To serve the needs of its aggression, imperialism created for China millions of big and small intellectuals of a new type, differing from the old type of literatus or scholar-bureaucrat | |
26 | 我们的做法是允许不同观点存在,拿事实来说话。 | Our approach is to allow people to hold differing views and to let the facts speak for themselves. | |
27 | 下级组织必须执行,并不得公开发表不同意见,但有权向再上一级组织报告。 | the lower organizations must carry it out and shall not openly publicize differing opinions, but they have the right to report the matter to the organizations at a still higher level. | |
28 | 显而易见,劳务费用差异的产生是由于实际工时不等于标准工时,而实际工资率也不等于标准工资率所致。 | It is clear that labour cost variance arises due to the actual hours differing from the standard hours and the actual wage rate differing from the standard wage rate. | |
29 | 行程可以采用各式各样的方法或不同的交通方式,交通方式选择的确定就叫做方式划分。 | Trips may be made by differing methods or modes of travel and the determination of the choice of travel mode is known as modal split | |
30 | 研究最彻底的是不同的光周期对高生长停止,萌芽和进入休眠的时间的效应。 | Best studied are the effects of differing photoperiods on the times of height growth cessation, bud formation and dormancy onset |