1 | “科学”不等于“真理”的概念辨析 | Discrimination of the Conception: Science Differs from Truth | |
2 | 《联合早报》的内容跟英文报章不同。 | Content of the Lianhe Zaobao differs from that of the English dailies. | |
3 | 1830年贝采利乌斯(J.J.Berzelius)最先认识并命名。在组成(结构)同分异构体现象中,分子式和分子量都相同,但化学键不同。例如,乙醇(CH3CH2OH)和甲基乙醚(CH3OCH3)的分子式均为C2H6O。 | Jons Jacob Berzelius was the first to recognize and name it (1830). In constitutional (structural)isomerism, the molecular formula and molecular weight of the substances are the same, but their bonding differs . For example, C2H6O is the molecular formula for both ethanol (CH3CH2OH)and methyl ether (CH3OCH3). | |
4 | a:中央政府的职能和地方各级政府的职能除了地域因素外,还有什么别的差别? | a: apart from the difference in the extent of jurisdiction between the central government and local governments, what else differs in functions and powers? | |
5 | CIM与传统的加工车间的制造系统的区别在于计算机在制造过程中所起的作用。 | CIM differs from the traditional job shop manufacturing system in the role the computer plays in the manufacturing process. | |
6 | 邦联与联邦稍有点差别。 | confederation differs little from federation | |
7 | 北方的气候和南方的气候迥然不同。 | The climate in the north differs from the climate in the south | |
8 | 不同的疟原虫传播的疟疾在发病程度、死亡率和地区分布上不同。 | Malaria from different Plasmodium species differs in severity, mortality, and geographic distribution. | |
9 | 不同的试验方法所得到的结果也不同。 | The result obtained differs in different experimental method . | |
10 | 柴油引擎与其它内燃机(如汽油发动机)的区别在于前者不使用点火系统,所以常称为压缩点火发动机。 | The diesel engine differs from other internal-combustion engines (such as gasoline engines)in that it has no ignition system and so is often called a compression-ignition engine. | |
11 | 成型工艺参数的设定须根据产品的不同设置. | Molding technique parameter setting differs depending on type of product | |
12 | 从9世纪起,大批弓弦乐器发生了演变。这些乐器统称为"胡琴",而每一地的胡琴都有一个特殊的名称以别于其他各地的叫法,如"二胡"、"京胡"及"马头琴"。 | "A large family of bowed string instruments has evolved since the 9th century. They are generically called ""hu-qin"", while each regional variation is known by a specific term that differs among regions. Examples are ""er-hu"", ""jing-hu"", and ""matouqin’." | |
13 | 当实际工作电流波形与给出的波形不同时 | When the actual operating current waveform differs from the given waveform in the catalogue | |
14 | 第八十三条同一机关制定的法律、行政法规、地方性法规、自治条例和单行条例、规章,特别规定与一般规定不一致的,适用特别规定;新的规定与旧的规定不一致的,适用新的规定。 | Article 83 In the case of national law, administrative regulations, local decrees, autonomous decrees and special decrees, and administrative or local rules enacted by the same body, if a special provision differs from a general provision, the special provision shall prevail; if a new provision differs from an old provision, the new provision shall prevail. | |
15 | 第十六条 信托财产与属于受托人所有的财产(以下简称固有财产)相区别,不得归入受托人的固有财产或者成为固有财产的一部分。 | Article 16 The trust property differs from the property owned by the trustee (hereinafter referred to as inherent property for short)and shall not be deemed as the inherent property of the trustee or become part of the inherent property. | |
16 | 第十五条 信托财产与委托人未设立信托的其他财产相区别。设立信托后,委托人死亡或者依法解散、被依法撤销、被宣告破产时,委托人是唯一受益人的,信托终止,信托财产作为其遗产或者清算财产; | Article 15 Trust property differs from other properties with which the trustor hasn’t established a trust. After the trust is established, if the trustor dies or disbands according to law, or is canceled or declared bankrupt according to law, and if the trustor is the only beneficiary, the trust shall terminate and the trust property shall be deemed as his heritage or liquidation property; | |
17 | 第四十三条在开采多层地下水的时候,如果各含水层的水质差异大,应当分层开采;对已受污染的潜水和承压水,不得混合开采。 | Article 43 In exploiting ground water from multiple aquifers, layered exploitation shall be resorted to if the water quality differs greatly from one aquifer to another. No combined exploitation of paretic water and artesian water already polluted may be permitted. | |
18 | 电视与电影的最大差别存在于与观众的关系中。电视类似于家庭私人演出。 | Television differs from film most in its relationship to the audience. Television resembles a private performance in the home. | |
19 | 对于其它种类的动物必需氨基酸的种类略有差别。 | The list of essential amino acids differs somewhat for other animal species. | |
20 | 法文所有的名词都阴阳性别,与英文不同。 | French differs from English in having gender for all nouns. | |
21 | 法文与英文不同:法文所有的名词都有性别。 | French differs from English in having gender for all nouns | |
22 | 法语和英语不同,法语所有的名词都有性别。 | French differs from English m having gender for all nouns. | |
23 | 福特的车与奔驰的车在许多特质上有所不同。 | A Ford differs from a benz on many points. | |
24 | 根据所传送电流的频率不同,具有电化学降的矿化岩石的电阻率会产生差异,高的频率会导致电阻率降低。 | The resistivity of a mineralized rock having the electrochemical barrier differs , according to the frequency of the applied current, the resistivity decreasing in the higher frequencies. | |
25 | 谷蛋白的来源不同,其组成及性质亦异,因此各种谷类磨成的粉,其烘焙性质各不相同,如不同种的面粉制得的生面团有的软而有延性,有的硬而有弹性,有的介于二者之间。对谷蛋白过敏的人可食用以稻米和思佩耳特小麦做成的食品。 | The properties of gluten vary with its composition, which differs according to the source. Thus, doughs range from soft and extensible to tough and elastic, depending on the gluten in the flours. Persons with an allergy to gluten can often eat rice or spelt products. | |
26 | 广告色画亦称poster paint、designer’s color或body color。一种不透明水彩画,与透明水彩画的差异在于:水彩由稀释用的液态胶包覆。加入白色颜料后,色调转亮而变得不透明。 | gouache ,Also known as poster paint, designer’s colour, and body colour, it differs from transparent watercolour in that the pigments are bound by liquid glue, which is used as a thinner. The addition of white pigment lightens the tone and lends opacity. | |
27 | 果酱与果冻不同的是果酱包含了果肉或整颗果粒;整颗果粒的果酱有时叫做蜜饯。 | Jam differs from jelly in its inclusion of fruit pulp or whole fruit; whole-fruit jam is sometimes called preserve. | |
28 | 汉语发音跟日语大不相同. | Chinese differs greatly from Japanese in pronunciation. | |
29 | 汉语和英语在拼写上大不相同。 | Chinese differs greatly from English in spelling. | |
30 | 合伙企业与独资企业的收益表仅存在一个方面的不同,即在收益表的最后增加反映净收益在合伙人之间分配的栏目。以布莱尔和克罗斯合伙企业为例… | The income statement for a partnership differs from that of a sole proprietorship in only one respect: a final section may be added to show the division of the net income between the partners, as illustrated below for the firm of Blair and Cross. |