1 | 所采用的工艺随开棉机、混棉机类型的不同而有差异。 | The technique adopted differs according to the type of opening or blending machines used. | |
2 | 他的意见和我的完全不同. | His opinion differs entirely from mine. | |
3 | 他和他的表弟政治观点不同。 | He differs with his cousin over political views. | |
4 | 他只是笑嘻嘻地赔小心道:“千字比十字只多一小撇,不是差不多吗?” | But he would only explain apologetically with a grin, "The Character ?§ differs from ê? in merely having one additional short stroke. Aren’t they about the same | |
5 | 它是我们无一例外都要做出的最不愉快的发现之一,发现我们必然会如此这般地裒老,发现就算我们躲过了战争、意外事故和疾病,我们也终将"老死",还发现其发生率并不因人而异,以至于我们死于65岁至80岁之间的机会极大。 | It is one of the most unpleasant discoveries which we all make that we must decline in this way, that if we escape wars, accidents and diseases we shall eventually die of old age, and that this happens at a rate which differs little from person to person, so that there are heavy odds in favor of our dying between the ages of sixty-five and eighty. | |
6 | 它与经验科学(物理学、生物学等)的差异在于不对物质形式而对实体的组织、模式、沟通感到兴趣。 | It differs from the empirical sciences (physics, biology, etc.)in not being interested in material form but in organization, pattern, and communication in entities. | |
7 | 它与由于一次或短期服用抗高血压药物过量(见第三种药物过量)而形成的药物中毒不同。 | It differs from the chemical poisoning that may result from a one-time or short-term drug overdose of anti-hypertensive medication (see item 3, "Drug Overdose," on page 87) | |
8 | 铁与木的性质有很大区别。 | The nature of iron differs greatly from that of wood. | |
9 | 我们在这方面的情况,与被认为是世界上首屈一指的草场国家新西兰很不相同。 | Our situation in this respect differs very much from that in New Zealand, which is generally regarded as the world’s leading pastoral country. | |
10 | 雄心与贪心截然不同 | Ambition differs from greed. | |
11 | 要知道,北京或上海的五星级宾馆与华盛顿和纽约的没什么两样。 | After all, a five-star hotel in Beijing or Shanghai differs very little from a five-star hotel in Washington or New York | |
12 | 以TPABr为模板剂的钛硅分子筛合成法,钛结合进入骨架的方式与经典法不同,因此随钛含量提高,晶胞膨胀不如经典法显著。 | The form that titanium atoms incorporate into the framework of titanium silicalite synthesized using TPABr as template differs from that using the classical method and the unit cell volume does not significantly expand. | |
13 | 亦称为屋猫(house cat)。食肉目猫科中的驯化种,学名为Felis catus。仍保有大型野猫的特性,但毛及大小与其它大型猫大不相同。 | Or house cat. Domesticated carnivore (Felis catus)that retains many characteristics of the larger wild cats but differs in coat and size. | |
14 | 异细胞,生原体与相邻的细胞截然不同的细胞 | A plant cell that differs noticeably in form from neighboring cells. | |
15 | 因为每一个国家、每一个党都有自己的经历,情况千差万别。 | Every country and every party has its own experience, which differs from that of the others in a thousand and one ways. | |
16 | 英语跟西班牙语在发音上大不相同。 | English differs greatly from Spanish in pronunciation. | |
17 | 与传统的编程方法不同,面向对象的程序设计(OOP)是一种新的编程方法。 | Object oriented programming (OOP)is a new way of approaching the job of programming that differs from traditional programming | |
18 | 原油中那些较轻的部分主要用作燃料,但每一部分发出的热量各有不同。 | The lighter parts of the crude oil are used mainly for fuel, but each one differs from the others in the amount of heat it will give off | |
19 | 在来源和成本上尼龙和丝不同。 | Nylon differs from silk in origin and cost. | |
20 | 在每10厘米中的经纬纱根数差异较大时,织物的密度是不平衡的。 | When the number of yarns per 10 cm differs considerably between warp and filling, the fabric count is unbalanced. | |
21 | 在那种树林子里棵棵树木都不相同,千姿百态。 | In such forests each tree differs and there is character and beauty | |
22 | 在这方面,法语不同于英语[法语与英语有区别 | In this respect,French differs from English/French and English differ. | |
23 | 在这方面,离子型辐照不同于其它形式的辐照(如微波或红外辐照)。 | In this respect ionising radiation differs from other forms of radiation such as microwaves or infrared radiation. | |
24 | 在这些方面女性和男性有所差异. | woman differs from man in these respects. | |
25 | 这个方向和投降派的方向有多少的差别,这是在表面上还要维持抗日的局面、但又绝对不愿放弃反共和独裁的人们的方向。 | This course, which differs somewhat from that of the capitulationist clique, may be taken by those people who still want to keep up the appearance of resistance to Japan while absolutely refusing to abandon anti-communism and dictatorial rule | |
26 | 这些事,我记得的情况与她的说法不同. | My recollection of events differs from hers. | |
27 | 这一方法与其他方法的不同之处在于它使用的是利润而不是现金流量。 | It differs from other methods in that profits rather than cash flows are used. | |
28 | 这与分析上的HPLC不同,重点是获得有关样品化合物的信息。可获得的信息包括定性,定量以及化合物分辨率。 | This differs from analytical HPLC, where the focus is to obtain information about the sample compound. The information that can be obtained includes identification, quantification, and resolution of a compound. | |
29 | 这种布与那种布的价格不同。 | This cloth differs from that in price | |
30 | 这种由下及上制造产品的纳米技术不同于浪费惊人的传统制造工艺。 | This bottom-up nanotechnological way of making things differs from the traditional fabrication methods that create so much waste along the way. |