1 | 谁在指挥工人? | Who is directing the workmen? | |
2 | 水流压力冲碎砂壁和台阶;冲下来的物料随后通过洗矿槽进行冲洗。洗矿槽就是导引矿浆流动的水槽,它还装有集聚较重矿物的装置。 | The water pressure breaks up alluvial banks and terraces; the loosened material is then washed through a sluice, a channel for directing the flow, which also contains devices for collecting the heavier substances. | |
3 | 他们把全部的注意力都集中在这次国际纠纷上。 | They have been directing their whole attention to this international conflict | |
4 | 他现在在谈话中占了主导地位,因此轻松地随便聊着,她的拘束也消失了。他们快到芝加哥了。 | Already he took control in directing the conversation. His words were easy. Her manner was relaxed. They were nearing Chicago. | |
5 | 他正在指导一个对失业青年进行培训的尝试计划。 | He is directing a pilot scheme for training unemployed young people . | |
6 | 它通过计算机对蜂窝无线网的全部基站及移动台用户实行监控,如判定位置、指挥切换、分配信道、处理漫游和记费等。 | It manipulates through the computer all the base stations and mobile phone subscribers within the wireless cellular network. The manipulation includes locating positions, directing exchange, allocating signal channels, dealing with roaming, recording charges, and so on. | |
7 | 探讨品特剧作【搜集】的表导演问题 | research in the Issues of Acting and Directing in Harold Pinter’s the Collection | |
8 | 替代性的办法是,总统可以颁布行政命令,责令责任方采取保护性措施。 | alternatively, the President may issue administrative orders directing responsible parties to take protective action | |
9 | 通过使用弹性材料,您可以吸收冲击能量从而阻塞和支撑货件,并将能量导向到产品的最坚固的位置点上。 | By using a resilient material, you can block and brace shipments by absorbing the shock energy and directing it towards the strongest point of the product. | |
10 | 未加防备的一面。 | The side away from which one is directing one’s attention. | |
11 | 我不再在这里发号施令,我已辞职。 | I am not directing here any longer; I have resigned. | |
12 | 我每次读《圣经》,总是衷心感谢上帝,是他引导我在英国的朋友把《圣经》放在我的货物里,虽然我没有嘱托他。 | I never open’d the bible, or shut it, but my very soul within me, bless’d god for directing my friend in England, without any order of mine, to pack it up among my goods | |
13 | 无胺法合成高硅丝光沸石的表征 | Characterization of High Silica Mordenite Synthesized from Amine-free System Using Fluoride as Structure-directing Agent | |
14 | 希特勒一直到这时还在指挥着即将前来为首都解围而实际上并不存在的军队,也终于认识到这一点。 | Even Hitler, who up until now had been directing nonexistent armies supposed to be coming to the relief of the capital, saw that--at last | |
15 | 新型抗HIV-1重组导向制剂SL41在毕赤酵母中的表达及活性实验 | Expression and Activities of Recombinant Directing Agent SL41 against HIV-1 in Pichia pastoris | |
16 | 一种装置,根据是否出现一个预先决定的伴随控制脉冲,把电输入脉冲导向到一条或两条输出线路上。 | A device for directing electrical input pulses onto one or two output lines, depending upon the presence or absence of a predetermined accompanying control pulse | |
17 | 以科学发展为指导 推动高等教育改革和发展 | Directing by View of Scientific Development, Promoting Higher Education Reform | |
18 | 因为从理论上来讲,一项资产产生现金流量的过程是容易的,但是拥有控制金钱的坚强意志却是困难的。 | For while the process of developing cash flow from an asset column in theory is easy, it is the mental fortitude of directing money that is hard. | |
19 | 引雅入教―地方戏曲资源向古代文学教学的渗透 | Directing the Elegance into Teaching-Local Drama Resources Permeating Ancient Literature Teaching | |
20 | 有位和尚正指挥着千百名工匠,在进行着一项宏伟的工程--凿窟造像。 | A monk was directing hundreds of thousands of workers to continue their labor, carving stones and rocks to begin creating the Yungang Grottos. | |
21 | 运用生态地球化学调查成果指导农业生产管理-彭州市土壤缺硼针对施肥实验 | Application of Ecological Geochemistry to Agricultural Administration-Fertilization Experiments Directing the Boron Shortage in Soil in Pengzhou County | |
22 | 在现场指挥救援和调查工作 | was at the scene directing rescue and investigation efforts | |
23 | 凿岩台车定向定位自动控制系统 | Automatic Directing and Positioning Control System for Rock Drilling Car | |
24 | 增加学生的“心理皱褶”―导演教学谈 | Leaving More Traces of Age in the Students’ Hearts: On the Teaching of Theatre Directing | |
25 | 这个过路人非常感激我们在他迷路时给他指了路。 | The passerby was very grateful to us for directing him when he mistook his way. | |
26 | 这个人13岁就离开了学校,现在却指挥和命令着一群受过良好教育的人。他们对他唯命是从,并且当他对某个问题表示不满时畏惧不已。 | Here was a man who had left school at the age of 13, now directing , instructing, ordering and asking questions of educated people. They came at his beck and call, and cringed when he did not approve of them. | |
27 | 这就是特快专递邮件跟踪查询网,邮件运输指挥调度网,邮政储蓄异地存取网,报刊发行计算机网和邮政综合管理计算机网。 | They are the express mail tracking and enquiry network, the mail transportation directing and dispatching network, the postal savings computer network, the newspaper distribution computer network and the posts comprehensive management computer network. | |
28 | 职责包括督导20位员工开展工作,计划并指导各阶段的部门运作,准备工作计划,协调工厂各部门开展工作。 | Responsibilities Included supervision of twenty staff members, planning and directing all phases of departmental operations, Preparing work schedules, coordination of all the departments in the factory. | |
29 | 职责包括督导二十个职员、计划及指导行政处的全盘工作、准备工作安排、协调全厂各部门之间的关系。 | Responsibilities Included supervision of twenty staff members, planning and directing all phases of departmental operations, Preparing work schedules, coordination of all the departments in the factory. | |
30 | 指导学生运用高级思维过程进行高一化学学习的研究 | Study on Directing Grand 1 Students to Use the high-level Thinking to Conduct Chemistry Study in High Schools |