属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-契约理论获诺奖 无趣理论背后的真相
1 | 指挥执行的审判人员,对罪犯应当验明正身,讯问有无遗言、信札,然后交付执行人员执行死刑。 | The judicial officer directing the execution shall verify the identity of the criminal, ask him if he has any last words or letters and then deliver him to the executioner for execution of the death sentence. | |
2 | 主任工程师负责指挥地铁的建造工程。 | The chief engineer was in charge of directing the building of the subway. | |
3 | 追寻于一个新演员,一个新观众-布莱希特导演理论与策略 | Seeking for a New Actor and a New Spectator: Brecht’s Directing Theory and Strategy | |
4 | 作为一个杰出的军事家,伯承的战略眼光不仅表现在战场上面,也表现在他对我军现代化、正规化建设的高瞻远瞩。 | As an outstanding strategist, Bocheng demonstrated his perspicacity not only in directing battles but also in building a modern, regular army. | |
5 | 作为指导和协调国际卫生工作的权威;促进技术合作 | To act as the directing and coordinating authority on international health work; To promote technical co-operation | |
6 | ||1:安东尼深得人物精髓,他的雅各布土里土气、满嘴甜言蜜语、办事依赖直觉,在所有场景中始终表现如一。||2:雅各布试图插手导演,不让妻女涉足影片,反而将安娜定为女主角(“我看着那姑娘……好像又回到了18岁。||3:我像棵春天的树,滚烫的树液像在烧开的水壶里一样扑腾,冲进每根树枝。||4:你听懂我说啥了吧?”),甚至还想偷偷把自己的牛租给制片厂。||5:事实上,他演的雅各布实在太出彩了,反倒成了麻烦。||6:该剧第二幕的背景是三十年后的好莱坞。||7:雅各布很少出现,让观众怅然若失。 | ||1:Earthy, wheedling and endlessly instinctive, Sir Antony’s Jacob is at the heart of it all, whether he is trying to meddle in the directing or keep his wife and daughter out of the film and cast Anna, instead, as the leading lady (“When I look at that girl…I like 18 again.||2:I like tree in springtime with hot sap like kettle rise into every branch.||3:You hear my meaning?”) Or even when he tries surreptitiously to rent out his cow to the studio.||4:In fact, Sir Antony is so powerfully Jacob Bindel that it becomes a problem.||5:The second act takes place in Hollywood 30 years later.||6:Jacob barely appears.||7:The audience feels bereft. | |
7 | ||1:摩门教徒如今开始积极地向外宣扬自己的教派了。||2:2010年,耶稣基督末日圣徒教会投资数百万美元举办了一场活动,试图来改变人们对摩门教的一些误解与偏见,这场活动自去年10月份开始可谓开展得如火如荼。||3:如今在美国十几个城市里你都可以看到路边的广告牌上印着形形色色的摩门教徒微笑地表示:“我是个摩门教徒。”他们都真实地生活在我们身边,有的人是律师,有的是科学家或冲浪者,观者们还可以从广告牌上了解到教会的网址。||4:好奇的群众不仅可以与传教士交谈以解心中疑惑,甚至可以翻阅8万名摩门教徒的个人简介,来了解这些和他们看上去一样的普通人的生活。||5:据摩门教会透露,去年通过这个活动,人们大约发起了1百万次聊天,聊天内容通常都是关于摩门教对同性恋者权利的观点,以及其它备受争议的敏感问题。||6:此活动自去年10月份以来,人们阅览了超过3万摩门教徒的个人资料。 | ||1: MORMONS are outing themselves. ||2: In 2010 the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints launched a multi-million-dollar campaign to counter “misconceptions” about the religion, and last October it was vastly expanded. ||3: Billboards have now gone up in a dozen American cities, featuring real members. “I’m a Mormon,” say lawyers, scientists and surfers, smilingly directing viewers to the church website. ||4: There the curious can chat with a missionary, or browse some 80,000 profiles to find Mormons who are like them. ||5: Over the past year, according to the church, people have initiated about 1m chats via the site, often asking about the Mormon record on gay rights, or other controversial things. ||6: And since the launch of the October campaign there have been 30,000 more Mormon profiles to look at. | |
8 | ||1:他胃口奇好,嗜酒成瘾,小时候曾从瓦德拉的一家酒店里偷香槟,被捉住后,美美地挨了一顿揍。饮酒过度致使他渐渐肥胖起来,并引发肝脏问题。||2:他的电影每况愈下,于是他放弃了那些光鲜的主演角色,尝试做导演,但这也不尽如人意,转而他演起别的来。||3: 他的兄弟raj和shashi都是正规演员,而shamiji的做法为他们所不齿-----在二十世纪八十年代中期,在某档非常流行的电视广告中,他叼着香烟为pan parag品牌代言,而他这么做,也仅仅是为了和自己的偶像阿舒柯·库马尔同台竞技。 ||4:广告中,两个大男人倚在沙发上抽着烟,烟头的火光一闪一闪。 | ||1: His appetite, and his bouts of liking alcohol (as a boy he stole a bottle of champagne from a hotel in Wadala, being beaten nicely for it), made him run to bloat in the end, and then to kidney trouble. ||2: The films got worse, and he gave up romantic leads to try directing , which went badly, and character roles. ||3: To his brothers’ disgust—Raj and Shashi both being more “serious” actors—he appeared in the mid-1980s in a hugely popular TV ad for Pan Parag chewing tobacco, merely for the chance to act opposite his idol Ashok Kumar. ||4: They beamed together, two ample men on sofas. | |
9 | 尽管有些廉价的航空公司例如美国西南航空,乘客们经常会一窝蜂的登机,但是也已经在尝试让他们的乘客们在登机前按照某种次序排队。 | Though directing airline passengers on to a plane is a little like herding cats some airlines, such as Southwest, already try to get their passengers to line up in a certain order before boarding. | |
10 | 在其最简单的模型中,价格微秒地平衡了供求,把个人对于自身利益的追求魔术般地引向更大的好处。 | In its simplest models, prices elegantly balance supply and demand, magically directing individuals’ pursuit of their own self-interest towards the greater good. |