1 | 加强联合国救灾协调员办事处信托基金 | Trust Fund for Strengthening the Office of the Untied Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator | |
2 | 剑桥郡的警察只用了不到一天的时间就训练一条名叫阿里的狗来使用这一装置,既然警官们已观察到该装置在模拟的灾难条件下试运行的情况,他们说他们非常想在紧急情况发生时使用这一装置。 | The Cambridgeshire police trained one of its dogs called Arry to use the equipment in less than a day and now that officers have seen trials of the gear in simulated disaster conditions, they say they are keen to use it when an emergency arises | |
3 | 将空间用于灾害的预防、警告、减轻和救济 | Space Applications for Disaster Prevention, Warning, Mitigation and Relief | |
4 | 劫后余生,我们应痛定思痛。 | As survivors of a disaster , we should think over the reason after this bitter lesson. | |
5 | 劫后余生的他又开始了新的生活。 | Being a survivor of a disaster , he began a new life. | |
6 | 她被那个灾难性的消息震惊了 | She was shaken by the news of the disaster . | |
7 | 她的生活只有接连不断的灾难和不幸,但是她从不丧失勇气。 | Her life has been nothing but disaster upon disaster but her courage never fails. | |
8 | 她似乎缠绵悱恻无力自拔 | She seem to be wallow in her grief,instead of trying to recover from the disaster | |
9 | 尽管红十字会拨出了很大一笔钱救济灾民,但是仍有很多人死亡了。 | Even though the Red Cross had allocated a large sum for the relief of the sufferers of the disaster ,many people perished | |
10 | 救灾物资及时送到灾区,真是雪中送炭。 | The relief supplies sent to the disaster area were certainly a timely source of help. | |
11 | 雷德在捐助仪式上表示,希望这笔捐款通过中国红十字会的努力,能帮助中国最迫切需要救助的受灾地区添置棉被、帐篷以及净水剂等设施。 | At the donation ceremony, Randt said that he hopes the donation, through efforts of the China Red Cross Society, can help those disaster -hit areas most in need of relief to purchase such supplies as comforters, tents and water purifying agents | |
12 | 里根在海岸防卫学校[演讲时]说,“如果美国反毒品的努力因党派对立而失败,如果我们允许政治决定政策,那将给我们和我们的子孙带来灾难。” | At the Coast Guard Academy,Reagan said that"If America’s anti-drug effort gets tripped up in partisanship,if we permit politics to determine policy,it will mean a disaster for our future and that of our children" | |
13 | 联合国减少自然灾害十年机构间工作组 | Inter-Agency Working Group of the United Nations Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction | |
14 | 联合国救灾协调专员办事处核心方案 | core programme of the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator | |
15 | 另外一位分析家表示,梅西(百货公司)的策略不仅显示它需要争取额外的生意,而且显示很多零售业者深恐即将到来的假日季节的市况将奇惨无比。 | Another analyst noted that Macy’s tactic reflected not only its need to drum up extra business,but the fear among many retailers that the upcoming holiday season will be a disaster . | |
16 | 马车喀啦啦地叫着在粗糙的石头路上飞奔着,要是它在路上遇到了一点儿障碍,就一定会翻车的。 | The carriage creaked and rattled as it flew over the rough stones, and the slightest obstacle under the wheels would have caused disaster | |
17 | 迈阿密提供了一样的环境,一样的不祥之兆,但是有一个区别(詹姆斯·阿特拉斯) | Miami gives off the same vibrations,the same portent of disaster ,but with a difference(James Atlas) | |
18 | 那辆出事的牵引拖车周围的光景,就象是专为拍摄宽银幕电影而布置出来的一场灾难。 | The scene around the wrecked tractor-trailer transport looked like a staged disaster for a wide screen movie | |
19 | 那艘油轮遇难後, 对同类型的油轮都进行了检验 | After the disaster , tests were carried out on the tanker’s sister vessels | |
20 | 南韩国家防灾机构指出,在五天滂沱大雨带来洪水后,南韩至少有五人已经丧生,另有八人失踪,洪水并淹没八千间房屋与大片农田。 | The national anti-disaster institution of South Korea indicates that the floods brought by the pouring rainstorms in five days have caused at least 5 deaths, and 8 people are missing. The floods have also drowned 8,000 houses and vast farmland | |
21 | 轻率鲁莽会招致灾难。 | Recklessness invites disaster . | |
22 | 驱病符能驱除疾病或灾难的魔力或咒语 | A magical charm or incantation having the power to ward off disease or disaster . | |
23 | 去年夏天在欧洲观光,巡视受灾地点的官员 | Toured Europe last summer; officials touring the scene of the disaster . | |
24 | 全世界都看到水灾怎样祸害着莫桑比克和部分南非的人民,这意味着我们易受环境灾祸的损伤。 | As the world in seeing now in what the floods are doing to the people of Mozambique and part of South Africa, it means a vulnerability to environmental disaster | |
25 | 让我们把这次灾难归因于经验不足 | Let’s put this disaster down to experience. | |
26 | 热带旋风地区防灾备灾指导方针编辑委员会 | Editorial Board on the Guidelines for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness in Tropical Cyclone Areas | |
27 | 如果中国这个幅员辽阔、人口众多的国家陷入混乱,那么,这不仅会给中国人民,也会给全世界带来灾难 | If China, a vast and populous country, should plunge into chaos, it would be a disaster not only for the Chinese people, But indeed for the whole world | |
28 | 设立加勒比共同体紧急救灾反应机构政府间协定 | Inter-Governmental Agreement establishing CARICOM Disaster Emergency Response Agency | |
29 | 使用军事和民防资源救灾的指导方针 | Guidelines on the Use of Military and Civil Defence Assets in Disaster Relief | |
30 | 世上的人,一些因濒临灾难和毁灭而感到异常激动,另一些人则因成功而感到同样兴奋(温斯顿·S·丘吉尔) | There are men in the world who derive as stern an exaltation from the proximity of disaster and ruin,as others from success(Winston S.Churchill. |