属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN ISO 14730-2000
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN ISO 14730-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF S11-811-2000
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-生育技术 英国通过三亲婴儿决议
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-束之高阁的宝藏 重启旧品牌
1 | 我们应该取其精华、去其糟粕,结合时代精神加以继承和发展,做到古为今用。 | we should select the essence and discard the dross therefrom, and carry forward and develop them in line with the spirit of the times in order to make the past serve the present. | |
2 | 先进文化中的价值尺度(二)-学习“以崇尚科学为荣、以愚昧无知为耻”心得 | Merit Evaluation in Advanced Culture (2)-After Learning the Ideology "Uphold Science, Discard Ignorance" | |
3 | 先进文化中的价值尺度(一)-学习“以崇尚科学为荣、以愚昧无知为耻”心得 | Merit Evaluation in Advanced Culture (1)-After Learning the Ideology "Uphold Science, Discard Ignorance" | |
4 | 像对待废品那样把我们亲手创造的生命抛弃吗? | Do we discard , like faulty merchandise, this life we have created? | |
5 | 宣传科学 消除愚昧-论科技新闻媒体的社会责任 | Popularize Science, Discard Ignorance-About Social Responsibility of Technological News Media | |
6 | 选择“放弃自定义设置并恢复默认设置”选项会将下列设置恢复到最初安装 Office 时的状态。 | ?Choosing the Discard my customized settings and restore default settings option will set the following back to the state they appeared in when you first installed Office. | |
7 | 眼科光学 接触镜保护产品 抗菌防护效能试验和测定报废日期指南 | Ophthalmic optics-Contact lens care products-Antimicrobial preservative efficacy testing and guidance on determining discard date | |
8 | 眼科光学.接触镜片护理产品.抗菌防腐剂效果试验和作废日期测定指南 | Ophthalmic optics-Contact lens care products-Antimicrobial preservative efficacy testing and guidance on determining discard date | |
9 | 眼科光学.接触镜片护理产品.抗菌防护效能试验和测定报废日期指南 | Ophthalmic optics-Contact lens care products-Antimicrobial preservative efficacy testing and guidance on determining discard date | |
10 | 眼科光学.接触透镜护理用品.抗微生物保存效果测试和废弃日期测定指南 | Ophthalmic optics-Contact lens care products-Antimicrobial preservative efficacy testing and guidance on determining discard date. | |
11 | 扬荣弃辱―中华民族永恒的道德指向 | Develop the Honorable and Discard the Disgraceful-The Eternal Moral Orientation of the Chinese Nation | |
12 | 要使革命精神获得发展,必须抛弃党八股,采取生动活泼新鲜有力的马克思列宁主义的文风。 | To develop the revolutionary spirit it is necessary to discard stereotyped Party writing and instead to adopt the Marxist-Leninist style of writing, which is vigorous, lively, fresh and forceful | |
13 | 已经在磁盘上更改了书签。您想放弃未保存的更改,然后重新装入吗? | Bookmarks have changed on disk. Discard your unsaved changes and reload? | |
14 | 已经在磁盘上更改了通讯录。您想放弃未保存的更改,然后重新装入吗? | The address book has changed on disk. Discard your unsaved changes and reload? | |
15 | 以人为本是对中西传统人本思想的扬弃 | Humanism: Combination of Development and Discard of Traditional Humanistic Thought in China and Westrn Coumtries | |
16 | 邮政工作人员私自开拆或者隐匿、毁弃邮件的,依照《中华人民共和国刑法》第一百九十一条第一款的规定追究刑事责任。 | Postal personnel who without permission open or conceal, destroy or discard postal materials shall be investigated for criminal liability in accordance with Paragraph 1 in Article 191 of the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China. | |
17 | 有所为有所不为 | do what is appropriate and discard what is inappropriate | |
18 | 在QOS提供程序特定缓冲区中发现一个无效的波形丢弃模式对象。 | An invalid shape discard mode object was found in the QOS provider specific buffer. | |
19 | 在用桥、门式起重机主梁上拱度合格判定的探讨 | Judgment of Overhead Traveling and Gantry Cranes’ Discard Based on up-arch Degree | |
20 | 证据冲突:丢弃,发现或化解? | Evidential Conflict and Its 3D Strategy: Discard , Discover and Disassemble? | |
21 | ||1:法院通过了伊士曼柯达公司重建计划和脱离2012年1月提交的破产保护的申请。||2:此前,柯达为专注于商业成像领域出售了负债41亿的照相机业务。柯达放弃负债41美元的摄影业务,以专注于商业印刷技术。||3:1975年,柯达制造了世界上第一台数码相机,然而现在却转向数码影像业务。 | ||1: A judge approved Eastman Kodak’s plan to restructure and leave bankruptcy protection, which it filed for in January last year. ||2: The company has shed its photography business (and $4.1 billion in debt) to focus on commercial printing technologies. ||3: It designed the world’s first working digital camera in 1975, only to discard the project and stick to film. | |
22 | ||1:鲁斯特别抨击了2013年谢尔比县诉霍尔德案中推翻投票权法案第五部分的行为,她认为种族主义已经减弱到足以抛弃它。||2:她写道,这“就像在暴风雨中,因为你没有淋湿而扔掉雨伞。”||3:相反,她需要格外敏锐。她为自己写意见的速度和条理清晰而自豪。||4:鲁斯每周举重两次,做俯卧撑,把自己锻炼成一个瘦削的、穿着阿玛尼服装的竞争者。 | ||1:And she especially attacked the striking down, in 2013, of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act in Shelby County v Holder, on the supposition that racism had waned enough to discard it.||2:That, she wrote, was “like throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet.”||3:Being contrary, she needed to be extra sharp. She took pride in the speed with which she wrote opinions, and in their clarity.||4:Twice a week she lifted weights, did push-ups and generally honed herself into a lean, Armani-clad contender. | |
23 | ||1:线粒体捐献虽然还饱受争议,但这仍旧不是HFEA所要面对的最后一件具有争论性的医学技术问题。||2:例如,现今的医学水平已能对胚胎基因进行排序,甚至剔除那些不可治愈的基因性疾病的基因。||3:虽然,目前人为地选择有益基因是违法的,但是随着人类对自身基因的不断研究和深入理解,患者或许会产生对撤销这一法律规定的诉求那。||4:时HFEA及其类似机构则应为这些医学技术及步骤进行深入的利弊评估,服务民众本就是政府机构的职责所在。 | ||1:Mitochondrial donation will not be the last piece of controversial medicine that the HFEA will need to wrestle with.||2:It is already possible, for example, to sequence the genes of embryos and discard those that carry incurable genetic diseases.||3:Choosing beneficial characteristics is, for now, illegal. But as the human genome becomes better understood, patients may agitate for exemptions.||4:The HFEA, or something like it, offers the best method for evaluating the benefits and risks of such procedures. Sometimes bureaucrats are just what you need. | |
24 | ||1:这种翻箱倒柜之所以如此盛行,原因有二。||2:首先,公司经常会丢弃一些充满了营销专家所说的“资产”的品牌。||3:简单来说,就是那些仍然存在于人们美好记忆中的品牌。||4: 好品牌有时会成为公司收购重组时的牺牲品。在一系列收购兼并之后, Brim咖啡不得不和麦斯威尔咖啡同处一室,最后一败涂地;宝洁为了集中发展 Charmin,抛弃白云卫生纸。 ||5: 有时,当母公司破产,旗下品牌便成了孤儿: Hidden Magic喷发定型剂,Climax 姜汁汽水和 Puss’sn Boots猫食都曾是家喻户晓的名字,如今全在寻找下一位东家。 | ||1: There are two reasons why such rummaging is so popular. ||2: The first is that companies often discard brands that contain plenty of what marketers call “equity”. ||3: In plain English, ones that people still remember fondly. ||4: Healthy brands can be sacrificed on the altars of corporate takeovers and restructurings: Brim Coffee bit the dust when a succession of mergers and acquisitions left it sharing a stable with Maxwell House; Procter & Gamble abandoned White Cloud toilet paper to focus on its Charmin brand. ||5: Or they can become orphans when their parent companies die: former household names that are currently looking for a new guardian include Hidden Magic hairspray, Climax ginger ale and Puss’n Boots cat food. | |
25 | 1990年代中期:欧洲建成了首个数字无线通讯网络,但摩托罗拉由模拟网向数字技术的转型很缓慢。 | Mid-1990s: The first digital wireless networks are built in Europe, but Motorola is slow to discard analog for digital. | |
26 | INSV2.2不允许用户保存或丢弃他们的订阅,它是自动保存的。 | INS V2. 2 does not allow the user to save or discard their subscription; it is automatically saved. | |
27 | 把清理出的废物放到屋里的垃圾桶里。 | Discard of lint by bringing it inside and putting it in the trash. | |
28 | 保护文化遗产的最好方式是取其精华,去其糟粕。 | The best way to preserve our cultural heritage is to absorb the essence and discard the dregs. | |
29 | 别再考虑小费是给普通员工还是餐馆经理的问题了,这没任何差别。 | Discard any question of whether the service charge is aimed at the staff or at the restaurant managers. It makes no difference. | |
30 | 摒弃旧的增长模式,通过创新延续中国的经济增长是唯一可行的战略选择。 | It is the only feasible strategy to discard the old increase pattern and continue with Chinese economic increase through innovation. |