属类:法学专业-中国法律-中国执业 医师法
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 5295-3-1989
1 | (二)树立敬业精神,遵守职业道德,履行医师职责,尽职尽责为患者服务; | (2)cultivating the sense of responsibility in the work, following professional disciplines , performing a doctor’s duties and serving patients conscientiously; | |
2 | (三)责令有违反行政纪律嫌疑的人员在指定的时间、地点就调查事项涉及的问题作出解释和说明,但是不得对其实行拘禁或者变相拘禁; | (3)Order personnel under investigation for suspicion of violating administrative disciplines to make explanations of the matters under investigation at an appointed time and place; however, personnel under investigation shall not be detained in any manner; | |
3 | (四)学科门类的设置; | (4)establishment of departments of disciplines ; | |
4 | “他们都生活在自己的小圈子里,”索尔曼说。“老是重复着自己对别的学科或别的国家的教条看法,从来就没感到有必要看看自己所说的话里到底有无真理。 | “They all live in their little sects,” Sorman says, “They repeat their dogma about other disciplines , or other countries, without ever feeling the need to discover whether there is any truth in what they say. | |
5 | 21岁的世界冠军彼特罗娃在那3个项目中每项都获得了满分10分。 | 21-year-old world champion Petrova earned maximum ten points in each 0f those three disciplines . | |
6 | 把基本功夫搞好后,我会拼命学习其他领域的知识。 | Having got the basics right, I’ll next cross disciplines like mad. | |
7 | 不同学科的合作可产生新的边缘学科 | Cooperation across different disciplines can develop new and fringe disciplines | |
8 | 大家一定要遵守学校规定 | Everyone must obey the school rules(disciplines ) | |
9 | 大学还必须设有三个以上国家规定的学科门类为主要学科。 | A university must also have more than three departments of disciplines prescribed by the state as major disciplines. | |
10 | 带头遵守党规党纪 | Take the lead in complying the party regulations and disciplines | |
11 | 当代文学学科的认同与分歧反思 | Reflection on the Identification and Difference of Contemporary Literary Disciplines | |
12 | 第二十八条 国务院科学技术行政部门对学科前沿和经济、社会发展中的重大基础性科学研究课题,应当有计划地组织实施。 | Article 28 The administrative department in charge of science and technology under the State Council shall organize in a planned manner the implementation of major basic scientific research programmes in the frontier disciplines and in economic and social development. | |
13 | 第二十六条 设立高等学校,应当根据其层次、类型、所设学科类别、规模、教学和科学研究水平,使用相应的名称。 | Article 26 Corresponding names should be used for the establishment of institutions of higher learning in accordance with their respective tiers, categories, departments of disciplines , scale, teaching and scientific research levels. | |
14 | 第九条 学位授予单位,应当设立学位评定委员会,并组织有关学科的学位论文答辩委员会。 | Article 9. Each degree-conferring unit shall establish an academic degree evaluation committee and form dissertation committees for the disciplines concerned. | |
15 | 第三十二条 高等学校根据社会需求、办学条件和国家核定的办学规模,制定招生方案,自主调节系科招生比例。 | Article 32 Institutions of higher learning work out schemes for admission and independently regulate the percentage of admission for departments and disciplines in accordance with the requirements and demand of society, conditions for running the institution and scale of the institution verified by the state. | |
16 | 第三十三条 高等学校依法自主设置和调整学科、专业。 | Article 33 Institutions of higher learning independently set up and adjust disciplines and specialties. | |
17 | 第四十二条 高等学校设立学术委员会,审议学科、专业的设置,教学、科学研究计划方案,评定教学、科学研究成果等有关学术事项。 | Article 42 An institution of higher learning establishes an academic committee for the review of such relevant academic matters as setting up of disciplines and specialties, proposals of teaching plan and scientific research plan, and evaluate achievements in teaching and scientific research. | |
18 | 第四十二条 合营公司有权对违犯合营公司的规章制度和劳动纪律的员工,给予警告、记过、降薪的处分,情节严重,可予以开除。开除职工须报当地劳动部门备案。 | Article 42 The joint venture company has the right to take disciplinary actions , such as warning , demerit recording and salary reducing against those staff and workers who violate the rules and regulations of the joint venture company and labor disciplines . Those with serious cases may be dismissed. Discharging of workers shall be filed with the local labor and personnel department. | |
19 | 第四十一条 公安人员在执行本条例时,应当严格遵守法纪,秉公执法,不得徇私舞弊。禁止对违反治安管理的人打骂、虐待或者侮辱。违反的给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 | Article 41. In implementing these Regulations, the public security officials should strictly abide by laws and disciplines and impartially implement the provisions, allowing no favouritism and fraudulent practices. It is forbidden to beat or abuse, mistreat or insult the offender. An administrative disciplinary sanction shall be incurred against those who break the above mentioned provision. If such actions constitute a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated. | |
20 | 第五十八条_合营公司有权对违犯合营公司的规章制度和劳动纪律的职工,给予警告、记过、降薪的处分,情节严重,可予以开除。开除职工须报当地劳动人事部门备案。 | Article 58 The joint venture company has the right to give warning, record a demerit and reduce salary against those staff and workers who violate the rules and regulations and labor disciplines of the joint venture company. Those with serious cases may be dismissed. Discharging of workers shall be filed with the labor and personnel department in the locality. | |
21 | 第五十六条 卫生行政部门应当加强队伍建设,提高执法人员的政治、业务素质,依照本条例的规定,建立、健全内部监督制度,对执法人员执行法律、法规和遵守纪律的情况进行监督检查。 | Article 56 The administrative departments for public health shall strengthen the team building, improve the law enforcement officials’ political and professional qualifications, establish and improve the internal supervisory system in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, and supervise and inspect the execution of laws and regulations by law enforcement officials as well as their observation of disciplines . | |
22 | 第一年的必修课讲授核心商业课程,比如,金融、市场、综合管理、运营管理和会计。 | In the first year compulsory classes taught core business disciplines such as finance, marketing, general management, operations management and accountancy | |
23 | 对各会员国而言, “危害“与“风险“两字的意义并不尽相同,在不同的学术领域,危害与风险代表的意义也不相同. | The words ’hazard’ and ’risk’ are not always given the same meaning in all the Member States of the Community, nor are they always given the same meaning in different scientific disciplines . | |
24 | 对检查中发现的违法违纪问题,必须严格依法、依纪处理。 | If there is any act violating laws or disciplines found in the inspections, the act must be dealt with in strict accordance with laws and disciplines. | |
25 | 对违法违纪问题负有责任的领导人员和直接责任人员,按照有关党纪政纪规定予以严肃处理; | Leading officials responsible for violation of laws or disciplines and persons directly responsible shall be dealt with seriously according to relevant provisions of party and government disciplines. | |
26 | 多学科、兼顾历史与现状、教学相长:南洋研究院华人研究特点与存在问题 | Multi-disciplines , Taking into Account Both History and Actuality, Teaching Benefiting Teachers as Well as Students: Features and Problems of the Ethnic Chinese Studies in School of Southeast Asian Studies | |
27 | 封闭空间的环境清洁度.第3部分:净室和净化空气装置适用的操作规程与规定的指南 | Environmental cleanliness in enclosed spaces-Guide to operational procedures and disciplines applicable to clean rooms and clean air devices | |
28 | 佛教戒律与唐代妇女家庭生活 | Buddhist Disciplines and Women’s Family Life in Tang Dynasty | |
29 | 负责查处的工商行政管理人员应严格遵守各项法规和外事纪律。 | The persons from the administrations for industry and commerce who are in charge should strictly observe relevant decrees and the disciplines guiding the handling of foreign affairs. | |
30 | 该分类法首先分为人文社科和自然科学及技术两大类,综合性图书分类(A类)在最前,目录学和图书馆学分类(Z类)在最后。 | The outline of the scheme indicates a division between the humanistic disciplines and the social sciences on the one hand, and the natural sciences and technology on the other, with general works class (class A)at the beginning and the bibliography and library, science class (class Z)at the end. |