属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-疯狂中的理智 Method in the madnes
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英联合政府"没有永远的敌人 只有永远的利益
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-外因遗传与压力 新生儿蓝调曲
1 | 随从他奔赴疆场的有他的儿子:恐怖、战栗,惊慌和畏惧,还有他的姐妹不和女神厄里斯(纷争的母亲)、女儿毁城女神厄倪俄和一群嗜血成性的魔鬼。 | In the fray his sons attend him,--Terror, Trembling, Panic, and Fear,--also his sister Eris, or Discord (the mother of Strife), his daughter Enyo, ruiner of cities, and a retinue of bloodthirsty demons | |
2 | 他们的关系出现了裂痕. | A note of discord crept into their relationship. | |
3 | 他所透露的事实中有若干跟我个人的了解有很大的出入. | Several of his disclosures discord strongly with my personal knowledge. | |
4 | 他所透露的事实中有一些与我个人了解到的情况极不一致。 | Several of his disclosures discord strongly with my personal knowledge | |
5 | 他挑拨我们两人之间的关系。 | He sowed discord between you and me. | |
6 | 他演奏的不和谐音很刺耳。 | The discord of his music was hard on the ear. | |
7 | 他因在朋友中挑拨离间而被人咒骂。 | He was cursed for sowing seeds of discord among his friends. | |
8 | 挑拨离间特首和陈方安生 | sowing discord between her and Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa/cause rift between Anson Chan and Tung/provoke disputes between Anson Chan Fang On-shan and the Chief Executive | |
9 | 在这个问题上,大学里出现了许多不同意见。 | A great deal of discord has arisen in the university over this question. | |
10 | 这取决于执政党自身。不和谐、不一致皆因压制反对党。执政党可以强迫我们解散,一但也可以将我们团结起来。 | Such a policy can come only from the Administration itself It will be from the suppression of the opposition that discord and disunity will arise, the Administration has the ultimate power to force us apart, or to bind us together | |
11 | 这是日本挑拨国共关系以利诱降的诡计。 | This is a cunning Japanese scheme to foment discord between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and thus to make it easier for them to induce the Kuomintang to capitulate | |
12 | 作为成年人,绝不应在一家的兄弟之间挑动竞争,以至积隙成仇,使兄弟间直到成年,依然不和。 | Men have a foolish manner (both parents and schoolmasters and servants)in creating and breeding an emulation between brothers, during childhood, which many times sorteth to discord when they are men, and disturbeth families | |
13 | ||1:20世纪初期,卡尔·荣格和导师西格蒙德·弗洛伊德在苏黎世和维也纳使用精神分析疗法,当时,此法以“危险”而为人所熟知。||2:故而,冠以这部引人入胜的影片《危险方法》一名十分恰当。该电影由克里斯多夫·汉普顿执笔,改编自约翰·克尔1994年出版得小说。小说主要讲述了荣格、弗洛伊德和萨宾娜·斯皮勒林之间的故事,并探讨了萨宾娜[凯拉·纳特利饰演]在两个男人的生活中扮演的角色。||3:萨宾娜是荣格[迈克尔·法斯宾德饰演]的病人,18岁,俄罗斯人。1904年,她的精神疾病---歇斯底里症治愈,之后,她成为了一名精神分析师,并给予荣格和弗洛伊德[维果·莫滕森饰演]极大灵感。||4:根据克尔的小说,萨宾娜成为了荣格的女友---这违背了职业操守,并导致荣格与弗洛伊德关系破裂。1913年,在激烈的争执中,两人分道扬镳。 | ||1: Psychoanalysis, as practised by Carl Jung and his mentor, Sigmund Freud, in Zurich and Vienna in the early 1900s came to be known as “a dangerous method”. ||2: It is a good title for this absorbing film, written by Christopher Hampton and based on John Kerr’s 1994 book about Jung, Freud and Sabina Spielrein, which explores the role Spielrein (Keira Knightley) played in the two men’s lives. ||3: An 18-year-old Russian patient of Jung (Michael Fassbender), who cured her psychotic hysteria in 1904, Spielrein later became an analyst and an inspiration both to Jung and to Freud (Viggo Mortensen). ||4: According to Mr Kerr, she also became Jung’s lover, a breach of professional ethics that contributed to the discord between the two analysts and their acrimonious parting of ways in 1913. | |
14 | ||1:但是,联合并未完全消亡。||2:无论公众面前还是政府内部,双方喋喋不休的争论反而使英国白厅(Whitehall,译者注:英国各行政机构所在地)避免了商界般的暗斗。||3:两党间的争论处于谨慎控制之中,如去年克莱格就选举区变更问题上曾对卡梅隆倒戈相迎,但他在公然挑明之前仍选择与其讨论协商。||4:内部斗争曾在工党执政期充斥全党,前首相托尼·布莱尔(Tony Blair)和戈登·布朗(Gordon Brown,译者注:这两位首相皆属于工党)的支持派曾在暗中经过了无数艰难斗争。||5:从某种意义上看来,同盟内的不合恰恰遏制了这种内部斗争。 | ||1:But it has not disappeared entirely.||2:Bickering in public and on the back benches belies a strikingly businesslike atmosphere in Whitehall.||3:Conflicts are carefully controlled: last year Mr Clegg even discussed his mutiny on boundary change with Mr Cameron before announcing it.||4:In a sense, coalition discord is the opposite of the internal feud that preoccupied the last Labour government.||5:Supporters of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown fought much harder behind the scenes than in public. | |
15 | 不合引发连环炮 | A double shot of discord | |
16 | 商业 星巴克对决卡夫 不合引发连环炮 | Business Starbucks v Kraft A double shot of discord | |
17 | 研究人员多年前就发现,如果母亲在怀孕期间长期遭受因饥饿,焦虑,亲友死亡或婚姻不幸等引起的过大压力,她们的孩子成年后出现各种心理疾病和行为问题的几率会高于平均几率。 | RESEARCHERS have known for years that children whose mothers were chronically stressed during pregnancy—by famine, anxiety, the death of a relative or marital discord , for instance—show higher-than-normal rates of various psychological and behavioural disorders when they are adults. | |
18 | Trichet先生自己盯着一个稳定的欧元是对的,但是我们也希望他和美联储不要让他们的彼此意见不合如此明显。 | Mr. Trichet is right to keep his own eye on a stable euro, but we also wish he and the Fed weren’t so obvious about their mutual discord . | |
19 | 本书的一个重要主题就是一种美国崇高理想和肮脏现实之间的冲突。 | One of his main themes is the discord between lofty American ideals and mucky American reality. | |
20 | 彼得森国际经济研究所主任FredBergsten表示,各国领导人避免争议与分歧是最基本的。 | Institute for International Economics, says it’s essential that the leaders avoid controversy and discord . | |
21 | 不过,美中关系不和的几个根本因素依然存在。 | The fundamentals underlying the discord in the relationship, however, endure. | |
22 | 不和随着持枪歹徒为了医疗物品而在圣诞夜对修道院的攻击在滋长。 | Discord grows when gunmen storm the monastery on Christmas Eve, demanding medical supplies. | |
23 | 传统艺术经验与现代政治主题之间,既有融合的一面,又有龃龉的一面。 | Traditional art experience and between modern politics subject, bothhas the fusion one side, and has the discord one side. | |
24 | 但目前已经清楚的是,尽管双方有着共同目标,未来几个月甚至几年内,紧张和不和谐的各种可能仍然存在。 | But it is already clear that, despite the goals now shared, many possibilities remain for tension and discord in the months and years ahead. | |
25 | 但人们不应忘记,当前的不和源自一种根本的再平衡,而这种再平衡几乎是一件十足的好事。 | But it should not be forgotten that the discord stems from an underlying rebalancing that is almost wholly positive. | |
26 | 但是,由于您一直针对传出耦合而监视系统,所以可以轻松地重构并改正这些不一致。 | Because you regularly monitor your system for efferent coupling, however, you can easily refactor and correct this discord . | |
27 | 但是欧洲央行的观察家们认为韦伯先生除了说说他的保留意见外没有一点办法,他能平息联邦银行内的异议就不错了。 | But ECB-watchers think Mr Weber had little choice but to voice his reservations, if only to quell discord within the Bundesbank. | |
28 | 但这些天来,这个无人居住的石头岛以纷争闻名世界。 | In both languages, the name means "fishing islands, " but these days the rocky, uninhabited islands are better known for discord . | |
29 | 第一,对于伊朗的威胁论存在分歧。 | First, there’s discord over the threat posed by Iran. | |
30 | 对于车的使用让乔与妻子间有了争执。 | The use of the car was an apple of discord between Joe and his wife. |