1 | ((谚))勇敢贵在审慎;不作无谓的冒险,三十六计走为上策。 | Discretion is the better part of valour. | |
2 | 151.06.02(F)号"房租稳定法"中并无任何规定,防止房东自行全权决定如何投资房租押金。 | Nothing in the Rent Stabilization Ordinance No. 151.06.02(F)prevents landlords from exercising their own discretion rights in investing deposits. | |
3 | 本担保书签订后,如买方决定全部或部分免除卖方对买方的付款义务,或者在诉讼外达成幅度由买方自由决定的和解 | In the event that any such payments by Seller to buyer are set aside after the making thereof, in whole or in part, or settled without litigation, to the extent of such settlement, all of which is within buyers discretion | |
4 | 本协议有关论述不能被理解为不允许FCAM根据自身的需要雇佣其自己的经理或其他雇员。 | Nothing herein contained shall be interpreted to prevent FCAM from recruiting and employing its own managers or other employees in the discretion of FCAM. | |
5 | 本着忠诚谨慎,真心诚意 | in all loyalty discretion and conscience | |
6 | 比赛中若有任何人提供选手协助或干扰,在靶场主任的斟酌之下可给予该人该关一次程序失误的处罚。 | Any person providing assistance or interference to a competitor during a course of fire may at the discretion of the officiating Range Officer incur a procedural penalty for that stage. | |
7 | 伯克?特伦德是一个瘦弱,学者似的人,一双闪亮的眼睛,显示智慧和谨慎的风度。 | Burke Trend was a slight and scholarly man with a twinkle in his eye and a manner that proclaimed both wisdom and discretion | |
8 | 不要老是问我该做什么事,你自行决定吧. | Don’t keep asking me what to do; use your own discretion | |
9 | 从这个角度,咨询委员会的引入抑制了行政官员的裁量权。 | In this manner, the committee’s input constrains the administrator’s discretion . | |
10 | 担保人同意,买方可以在不削弱、影响、减少或免除担保人义务的情形下,按照其认为适当的方式、条件和时间做出前述任何一种或全部的行为,担保人也据此同意买方做出任何前述行为。 | Guarantor agrees that buyer may do any or all of the foregoing in such manner, upon such terms, and at such times as buyer, in its discretion , deems advisable, without, in any way or respect, impairing, affecting, reducing or releasing Guarantor from its undertakings hereunder and Guarantor hereby consents to each and all of the foregoing acts, events and occurrences. | |
11 | 当我怒气冲冲地转过身去看到用肘推我后背的家伙的模样时,我决定不作无谓的冒险而向他道歉。 | When I spun round angrily and then saw the size of the chap who had nudged me in the back I decided that discretion was the better part of valour and apologized. | |
12 | 第301条和304条对“最佳实用技术”、常规污染物“最佳控制技术”和“最佳现有技术”所下的定义,使环境保护局在建立污水限制时,要认真区分排污的种类和级别。 | Section 301’s and 304’s definitions of BPT, BCT and BAT leave EPA with considerable discretion in establishing effluent limitations for different categories and classes of dischargers | |
13 | 第二条例外,“属于机构酌处权范围内”很难理解,更何况即使属于机构酌处权范围内的行为也可能受到法院复审,以确立其是否滥用了酌处权。 | The second exception, action "committed to agency discretion ", is not easy to understand, inasmuch as even discretionary agency actions can be reviewed by a court to determine if the agency has abused its discretion | |
14 | 懂事年龄,责任年龄((英美法律定为十四岁)) | The age [years] of discretion | |
15 | 对于青少年犯罪所有法庭上的判决纪录不向外公开并且是保密的。 | All juvenile records are closed and confidential at the court’s discretion . | |
16 | 而同样在靶场主任的斟酌之下,接受协助的选手也可能被判一次程序失误的处罚。 | The competitor receiving such assistance may, at the discretion of the Range Officer, also incur a procedural penalty. | |
17 | 法官有行使监护权的处理权。 | The judge has discretion to exercise the wardship jurisdiction. | |
18 | 凡按照合同规定要求工程师自行表明他的决定、意见或同意 | Wherever, under the Contract, the Engineer is required to exercise his discretion by giving his decision, opinion or consent | |
19 | 房东是否可以全权决定如何投资房租押金 | May landlords still exercise their own discretion in investing security deposits? | |
20 | 根据联邦证据规则,法官有更大的自由裁量权。 | The judge has more discretion under the Federal Rules. | |
21 | 广告客户可确定广告播出时间,或让电视台决定时间,但这样费用要减少。 | The advertiser may specify the time his commercial is to be broadcast or for a lower rate he may leave its placement to the station’s discretion . | |
22 | 会议时间将由主席决定。 | The time of the meeting will be fixed at the discretion of the chairman. | |
23 | 检验机构可自主根据买方国家现行标准和/或其认为其它适当标准进行检验。 | The Inspection Authorities will, at their discretion , carry out the inspection according to the current standards of the buyer’s country and/or other standards considered suitable by the Inspection Authorities. | |
24 | 她是在一位姑母抚育下长大的,这位姑母是很有见识的女人,年轻时曾出入过宫廷,见过不少世面,近几年才到乡间来隐居。 | She had been educated under the care of an aunt, who was a lady of great discretion , and was thoroughly acquainted with the world, having lived in her youth about the Court, whence she had retired some years since into the country | |
25 | 今儿既来了瞧瞧我们,是他的好意思,也不可简慢了他.便是有什么说的,叫奶奶裁度着就是了. | Since they mean well, coming to see us, we shouldn’t slight them. If they need help, madam should use her own discretion . | |
26 | 谨慎比勇气更好 | The better part of valour is discretion . | |
27 | 谨慎地处理这些案子 | Handling a case with discretion . | |
28 | 谨慎即大勇(莎士比亚)。 | The better part of valor is discretion (Shakespeare. | |
29 | 谨慎就是勇敢的一个重要部分。--弗莱彻 | Discretion is the better part of velour.-- Fletcher | |
30 | 经济和行为判断;经济和行为判断 | economic and behavioral discretion |