1 | “双性同体”:性别二元对立的消解-《女勇士》的女性主义解读 | Androgyny: Dispel to the Gender Binary Opposition | |
2 | Cl(上标-)、NH(上标 + 下标 4)对化学需氧量测定的影响及消除的研究 | Research of Influence of Cl(superscript-), NH(superscript + subscript 4)to Determine Result of COD and Method to Dispel | |
3 | 保健饮料有助于补充精力,保持酸度平衡,消除疲劳,恢复体力 | Health drink help replenish energy, maintain acidity balance, dispel fatigue and restore physical strength | |
4 | 拨云见日,拨云睹日 | clear the air;dispel the clouds and see the clear sky | |
5 | 布赖恩的厨艺让人高兴,并且很快驱走了传统的英国肉 | Brian’s culinary delights soon dispel the myth that traditional English meat and three veg fare is stodgy and dull | |
6 | 打破痴心妄想. | dispel the fond delusion | |
7 | 第二十四条、经营者利用广告或者其他方法,对商品作引人误解的虚假宣传的,监督检查部门应当责令停止违法行为,消除影响,可以根据情节处以一万元以上二十万元以下的罚款。 | Article 24 Where an operator uses advertisement or other means to give false, misleading information on its goods, the relevant control and inspection authority shall order it or him to desist from the illegal act, dispel the bad influence, and may, according to circumstances, impose a fine of more than RMB 10,000 yuan and less than RMB 200,000 yuan. | |
8 | 风不久将雾驱散了. | The wind soon dispel led the fog. | |
9 | 各种风湿病的治疗关键是祛风散寒。 | The key to the treatment of all kinds of rheumatism is to dispel wind and remove dampness from the body. | |
10 | 根除一种不道德行为的惟一途径就是建立一个提倡伦理和道德的社会价值体系。 | The only way to dispel an immoral practice is to build a social value system tat advocates ethics and morality. | |
11 | 根除一种不道德行为的惟一途径就是建立一种提倡伦理和道德的社会价值体系。 | The only way to dispel an immoral practice is to build a social value system that advocates ethics and morality. | |
12 | 公司力图澄清有关控制权转移的流言. | The company is trying to dispel rumours about a take-over. | |
13 | 虎骨酒,散风止痛。 | To take tiger-Bone liquor can dispel wind and relieve pain. | |
14 | 极力消除我的怀疑 | managed to dispel my doubts. | |
15 | 尽管如此,一想到还要走下去的崎呕山路,笼罩在心头的那种强烈的无助感便无法排遣。 | But nothing could dispel the sense of helplessness that overwhelmed me whenever I contemplated the frowning mountains that lay ahead | |
16 | 攀钢动力厂空压站噪声分析及治理 | Analysis and Dispel of Noise from Air Compressor of Pangang Power Plant | |
17 | 清代,每年农历除夕雍和宫要派184名喇嘛到宫廷内中正殿前院内演"跳布扎"、念《护法经》,为清帝及宫廷除祟祈福 | During the Qing Dynasty, the Yonghe Lamasery sent 184 lamas to the royal court in each New Year’s eve according to the lunar calendar to perform "Tiaobuzha" and read scriptures in order to dispel ghosts and pray for blessings. | |
18 | 请贴这种药膏,它能散风止痛。 | Please put on this plaster, which can dispel wind and relieve pain. | |
19 | 然而,对万斯太太来说,这已是家常便饭了。她不仅了解它的全部,而且经常置身其中,特意去看人和被人看,以自己的美貌去引起轰动,将自己与这个城市的时髦的美人相比照,以免在穿着讲究上有任何落伍的趋势。 | On the other hand, it was a familiar thing to Mrs. Vance, who not only knew of it as an entity, but had often been in it, going purposely to see and be seen, to create a stir with her beauty and dispel any tendency to fall short in dressiness by contrasting herself with the beauty and fashion of the town. | |
20 | 然后,象是要驱散他这种恍惚状态似的,手抹一抹他的额头,拉了两下铃,贝尔图乔进来了。 | But passing his hand across his forehead as if to dispel his revery, he rang the bell twice and Bertuccio entered | |
21 | 燃放爆竹风俗最早起因于驱鬼除邪,祈求一年的吉祥顺利。 | Firework was first played to dispel ghosts and evil spirits and hanker for auspiciousness and happiness. | |
22 | 任何东西都无法驱散那些冷漠观众的困倦。 | Nothing could dispel the torpidity of the indifferent audience. | |
23 | 使消失,使消逝;消除 | To cause to disappear or vanish;dispel . | |
24 | 首先,应该纠正某些片面的观念,以为学华文不过是为了和中国做生意。 | Firstly, we should dispel the idea that learning Chinese is only useful for doing business with China. | |
25 | 兽医师和管理人员能够并且也应当通过保持高度的道德标准帮助驱逐这种恐惧。 | Veterinarians and servicemen can and should help dispel this apprehensions by maintaining high ethical standards | |
26 | 虽不敢说强似前代书中所有之人,但事迹原委,亦可以消愁破闷,也有几首歪诗熟话,可以喷饭供酒. | I wouldn’t presume to rank them as superior to all the characters of earlier works, yet their stories may serve to dispel boredom and care while the few doggerels I have inserted may raise a laugh and add zest to wine. | |
27 | 倘若要更有效率地解决当前急务,除了继续加强新中人员的交流,华文教育界也应抛弃成见,以创新的教学法全力支援。 | Besides continuously strengthening the Sino-Singapore exchange among government officials, the Chinese teaching circle should dispel any prejudices and fully support the proposed creative teaching methods | |
28 | 屠宰前的准备工作在屠宰前,要选好屠宰地点,准备好所有工具和废物处理系统,如果必要的话,还要与当地的加工厂或肉类市场安排对肉尸的冷却和分割。 | Preparing for Slaughter Prior to the day of slaughter, select the slaughter site, accumulate all equipment, prepare for waste dispel , and, if necessary, make arrangements with a local processor or meat market for chilling and cutting the carcass. | |
29 | 我们不能拿空话而是要拿事实来解除他们的这个忧虑,并且回答那些希望我们变成资本主义的人。 | But we shall use facts, not empty words, to dispel their anxieties and to answer the people who, on the contrary, are hoping we will go capitalist. | |
30 | 我们如何才能消除他们的怀疑或恐惧? | How can we dispel their doubts and fears? |