1 | (二)经营不善,严重亏损,外国投资者决定解散; | (2)The foreign investor decides to dissolve it because of poor operation and management resulting in serious losses; | |
2 | (三)全体合伙人决定解散; | (iii)All the partners decide to dissolve the partnership; | |
3 | (一)投资人决定解散; | (i)The sole proprietor decides to dissolve the sole proprietorship enterprise; | |
4 | (指衣服上的染料或颜色)掉色,扩散 | (of dye or colour in a garment)dissolve and spread | |
5 | Ni/Zn扩散溶解层的初步研究 | Pilot Studies on Ni/Zn Diffusion Dissolve Layer | |
6 | 把糖溶解在水中。 | Dissolve sugar in water | |
7 | 把盐溶化在水里。 | Dissolve the salt in water. | |
8 | 把盐溶解在水里 | dissolve salt in water | |
9 | 丙酮被充入钢瓶,彻底填满填充物材料的孔道。它是溶剂,能够溶解充入钢瓶的乙炔气体。 | Acetone is charged into the cylinder and completely fills the pores of the filler material. Acetone is the solvent which will dissolve the acetylene gas charged into the cylinder. | |
10 | 不禁潸然泪下[哈哈大笑/咯咯地笑 | Dissolve in tears/laughter/giggles | |
11 | 不溶于水,也很难溶于酒精,味极苦。被用作毒鼠药。服用二十分钟之内便能导致疼痛异常的肌肉收缩和抽搐,使头后仰,背部拱曲;死亡则通常由呼吸肌的抽搐引起。兽医有时候会使用小剂量的士的宁作兴奋剂。 | It does not dissolve in water nor well in alcohol, and it has an intense bitter taste. It has been used in rodent poisons. Within 20 minutes after ingestion, it causes painful muscle contractions and convulsions, pulling the head back and arching the back; death usually results from respiratory muscle spasms. It is used in small doses by veterinarians as a stimulant. | |
12 | 不是两种物质都溶于水。 | Both of the substances do not dissolve in water. | |
13 | 不同溶氧条件下亚硝酸盐和氨氮对半滑舌鳎的急性毒性效应 | Acute Toxic Effects of Nitrite and Ammonia on Cynoglossus semilaevis at Different Dissolve Oxygen Levels | |
14 | 采油污水配制聚合物技术在孤东油田的应用 | The Technology of Using Sewage to Dissolve Polymer in Gudong Oilfield | |
15 | 大选前解散议会 | A dissolve parliament before a general election | |
16 | 当所有的金不能完全溶解在焊钩中时,就会在金与钩的界面附近发生脆性破坏。 | When all the gold does not dissolve in the solder brittle failure occurs near the goldsolder interface | |
17 | 当一个民族必须解除其与另一个民族之间迄今存在的政治关系,而在世界列国之中取得那自然法则和自然神明所规定给他们的独立与平等的地位时 | It becomes necessary for one people dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws d Nature’s Cod txt entitle them | |
18 | 倒杯水把药片放进去溶解了 | Fill a glass with water and dissolve this tablet in it | |
19 | 第十八条 国家鼓励科研、生产单位研究、生产易回收利用、易处置或者在环境中易消纳的农用薄膜。 | Article 18 The State encourages research institutions and production units to research and manufacture agricultural film that is easy to be recycled or treated, or easy to dissolve or be absorbed in the environment. | |
20 | 第十七条 产品应当采用易回收利用、易处置或者在环境中易消纳的包装物。 | Article 17 Products shall be packaged with materials that are easy to be recycled or treated, or easy to dissolve or be absorbed in the environment. | |
21 | 第四十八条 合作企业因下列情形之一出现时解散: | Article 48 A contractual JV shall dissolve under one of the following situations: | |
22 | 第五十二条澳门特别行政区行政长官遇有下列情况之一时,可解散立法会: | Article 52 The Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region may dissolve the Legislative Council under any of the following circumstances: | |
23 | 第五十条 香港特别行政区行政长官如拒绝签署立法会再次通过的法案或立法会拒绝通过政府提出的财政预算案或其他重要法案,经协商仍不能取得一致意见,行政长官可解散立法会。 | Article 50 If the Chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region refuses to sign a bill passed the second time by the Legislative Council, or the Legislative Council refuses to pass a budget or any other important bill introduced by the government, and if consensus still cannot be reached after consultations, the Chief Executive may dissolve the Legislative Council. | |
24 | 第一百二十三条证券公司设立或者撤销分支机构、变更业务范围或者注册资本、变更公司章程、合并、分立、变更公司形式或者解散,必须经国务院证券监督管理机构批准。 | Article 123. A securities company must obtain the approval of the State Council’s securities regulatory body if it wants to set up or dissolve a branch, change its business scope or registered capital, alter its regulations, merge with another company, spin off, change the company form, or abolish itself. | |
25 | 叠氨化银不溶于水或硝酸。 | Silver azide does not dissolve in water or in nitric acid | |
26 | 锻烧-碱溶法制粉煤灰类沸石吸附剂及其在处理含铅废水中的应用 | Manufacture of zeolite-like Sorbent with Fly Ash by the Method of calcination-alkali Dissolve and Application of Treatment in Wastewater Containing Lead | |
27 | 对等储备与对等支付―化中美贸易争端于无形的新机制 | Equal Repertory and Equal Payment-A New System for China and America to Dissolve Their Trade Issues | |
28 | 凡纸上之可喜可惊 皆心中之欲歌欲哭―解读才子佳人小说作者的科举心理 | To Dissolve the Psychological Aspects of the Service System, for the Authors of "Scholars and Beauties" Novels | |
29 | 反托拉斯官员寻求救济或解决商业信托问题的人 | One that seeks to prosecute or dissolve business trusts. | |
30 | 钙芒硝岩盐化学溶解特性实验研究 | Experimental Study on Chemical Dissolve Characteristic of Glauberite |