1 | 现在我可以肯定,经过动乱,中国的四个现代化和改革开放事业可以搞得更好。 | I am certain that after the recent disturbances , China will be even more successful in its drive for modernization and in reform and opening to the outside world. | |
2 | 消化障碍是各种胃线虫感染的常见症状。 | digestive disturbances are common in infections with all the stomach worms | |
3 | 啸声干扰一种由于诸如闪电等大气干扰而产生的音频电磁波,具有典型的逐渐减弱频率的特征,该频减引起了检波设备中调逐渐下降的啸声 | An electromagnetic wave of audio frequency produced by atmospheric disturbances such as lightning, having a characteristically decreasing frequency responsible for a whistling sound of descending pitch in detection equipment. | |
4 | 歇斯底里:以前在心理学上是指一种精神官能症,表现为情绪亢奋,心理、感觉、血管收缩及内脏功能都发生紊乱。 | Hysteria: Term formerly used in psychology to designate a neurosis marked by emotional excitability and disturbances of psychic, sensory, vasomotor, and visceral functions. | |
5 | 匈牙利的领导人,没有调查研究,不了解群众情况,等到大乱子出来了,还不晓得原因在什么地方。 | The hungarian leaders were ignorant of the conditions among the masses for lack of investigation and study, and when large-scale disturbances broke out they did not know what had gone wrong | |
6 | 休克和感染以及其他代谢紊乱也可损伤屏障的功能。 | Shock and sepsis as well as other metabolic disturbances may also compromise the function of the barrier | |
7 | 学生闹事,大事出不了 | The recent student unrest is not going to lead to any major disturbances . | |
8 | 学生闹事,也很好地解决了。 | The student disturbances have also been dealt with satisfactorily. | |
9 | 学生闹事和总书记更换都不是小事,但我们党有足够的能力处理这些事情。 | Student disturbances and the replacement of the General Secretary are by no means minor matters, but our Party has been quite capable of dealing with them. | |
10 | 学生闹事也否认不了这个现实。 | This reality cannot be negated by student disturbances . | |
11 | 一般都同意这一看法,即主要因素在于经济制度倾向于对失调作出过度的反应。 | It is generally agreed that a major element in the tendency of economic systems to overshoot in response to disturbances | |
12 | 一月份的骚乱是由什么引起的? | What triggered the disturbances in January? | |
13 | 因此,闹起事来后,上海人要看一看。 | That’s why people in Shanghai are taking a wait-and-see attitude towards the disturbances . | |
14 | 由乱变治,这样的干预应该欢迎还是应该拒绝?应该欢迎。 | If intervention puts an end to disturbances and brings about order, should we welcome or reject it? We should welcome it. | |
15 | 由于难以找到具有实验过程中所具扰动的现实电力系统,为此建造了一比例系统。 | Due to the difficulty in finding a real power system that presents all the disturbances included in the experimental program, a scaled one has been built. | |
16 | 由于这些特点,这类设备按规模将有助于减轻某些扰动,尤其是电压控制、功率因数纠正、电压闪变与电压降落的避免。 | Due to these features, these kind of equipment will help, according to their size, to mitigate several disturbances , among which voltage control, power factor correction, flicker and voltage sags can be emphasized | |
17 | 有的人并没有放弃他的观点,但这次学生闹事他表示不参加,这就好嘛! | There are some people who still hold to their opinions but who say they will not get involved in student disturbances . That’s fine. | |
18 | 有人说怕乱。 | Some people are worried about possible disturbances in Hong Kong. | |
19 | 有人站在动乱一方,支持他们,如赵紫阳 | Some people, Zhao Ziyang for example, supported those who created the disturbances . | |
20 | 杂酚油一种含有酚混合物的黄色到绿棕色的油状液体,可通过煤焦油干馏而得,用作木材防腐剂和消毒剂。如在高浓度时被吸入可导致严重的神经紊乱 | A yellowish to greenish-brown oily liquid containing phenols and creosols,obtained from coal tar and used as a wood preservative and disinfectant.It can cause severe neurological disturbances if inhaled in strong concentrations. | |
21 | 在浓度超过1.5%时,二氧化碳可以造成换气过度、头痛、视力紊乱、颤抖、失去知觉和死亡。 | At concentrations in excess of 1.5%, carbon dioxide may produce hyperventilation, headaches, visual disturbances , tremor, loss of consciousness, and death. | |
22 | 在香港驻军还有一个作用,可以防止动乱。 | The Chinese troops in Hong Kong would have another role also--to prevent disturbances . | |
23 | 在这次动乱中赵紫阳暴露了出来,明显地站在动乱一边 | During the recent disturbances Zhao Ziyang was exposed as being clearly on the side of those who were causing the trouble. | |
24 | 早期症状包括肢体虚弱或颤抖,视力问题,感觉障碍,步态不稳,尿潴留或失禁等。 | Its early symptoms may include limb weakness or trembling, visual problems, sensory disturbances , unsteady walking, and defective bladder control, which come and go irregularly. | |
25 | 这次动乱后,大家的头脑清醒了。 | The disturbances have sobered us all. | |
26 | 这个扰动作为一个所谓表面波或倏逝波沿着X方向行进。 | The disturbances advances in the X-direction as a so-called surface or evanescent wave | |
27 | 这就需要对电力系统中的扰动能迅速地改变励磁电压。励磁系统在任何时候应能提供恰当的励磁电流,因此,励磁系统是可靠的和很少需要维修的。 | This may require rapid changes in field voltage due to disturbances on the power system. The excitation system should provide the appropriate field current at all times so that it is reliable and requires little maintenance. | |
28 | 这是我们党领导全国各族人民,经受住八十年代,九十年代初国际国内政治风波的严峻考验 | In the five years, our Party has led the people of all nationalities in our country in standing the severe tests of political disturbances both at home and abroad in the late 1980s and early 1990s | |
29 | 这种情况会使整个世界人心消沉,有关人民的绝望也可能引起动乱,除此之外,美国经济的后果也应当是尽人皆知的。 | Aside from the demoralizing effect on the world at large and the possibilities of disturbances arising as a result of the desperation of the people concerned, the consequences to the economy of the United States should be apparent to all | |
30 | 整骨术一种医学体系,其医学原理为:肌肉骨骼系统紊乱影响到其他身体部位,引起的许多失调,但能通过各种手工操作技巧兼以传统医学治疗、外科手术治疗、药物治疗和其他治疗程序加以矫正 | A system of medicine based on the theory that disturbances in the musculoskeletal system affect other bodily parts,causing many disorders that can be corrected by various manipulative techniques in conjunction with conventional medical,surgical,pharmacological,and other therapeutic procedures. |