1 | (二)利用职务上的便利,贪污、挪用、侵占本行或者客户的资金; | (2)Use their own position to embezzle, divert and encroach upon the funds of the banks and clients; | |
2 | (六)对将募捐性体育竞赛的收入挪作他用的,责令限期改正,并处以 2000 元以上 1 万元以下罚款;情节严重的,处以 1 万元以上 3 万元以下罚款。 | 6. Those who divert the proceeds in donation from sports contests to any other purposes shall be ordered to make correction within a time limit and be fined between RMB 2,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan, or, in serious cases, between RMB 10,000 yuan and 30,000 yuan. | |
3 | FDV是整套装置中重要的控制元件。如果产品处在装置的此位置时,没有保持所需的温度,那么,我们就调节FDV,改变产品流向(FDV受温度控制) | The FDV is an important control component of the entire system, and is designed to divert product from forward flow if the desired pasteurization temperature is not maintained at this location in the system. The FDV is activated based on temperature. | |
4 | 把水从河里引入稻田. | divert water from a river into the rice-fields | |
5 | 把水从河里引入田间 | divert water from a river into the fields | |
6 | 把资金拨充其他用途 | divert the funds to some other purpose | |
7 | 鲍尔在马尼拉会晤菲律宾官员之前对记者发表谈话时,指控伊拉克企图转移注意力,并摆脱应负的责任。 | Powell made a statement the press before meeting with Philippine officials in Manila, denouncing Iraq’s intension to divert attention and shake off responsibilities it should shoulder | |
8 | 悲哀并没有使他忘记自己的职责。 | Grief did not divert him from his duty | |
9 | 唱歌消遣. | divert oneself in singing | |
10 | 但是那个外来的女孩做了她们的替身,代受了打骂。 | but the stranger did them the service to divert the blows to herself | |
11 | 导管外科手术中用于使血液或其它体液绕过某一阻塞或病变了的器官的替换管 | An alternative passage created surgically to divert the flow of blood or other bodily fluid or circumvent an obstructed or diseased organ. | |
12 | 第八十二条 商业银行工作人员利用职务上的便利,贪污、挪用、侵占本行或者客户资金,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;未构成犯罪的,应当给予纪律处分。 | Article 82 Criminal responsibilities shall be affixed on employees of the commercial banks who, by taking advantage of their own position, embezzle, divert or encroach upon the funds of the bank or the clients and the cases are so serious as to constitute a crime; and disciplinary action shall be taken against those whose case does not constitute a crime. | |
13 | 第二十一条民办非企业单位的资产来源必须合法,任何单位和个人不得侵占、私分或者挪用民办非企业单位的资产。 | Article 21 The sources of assets of people-run non-enterprise units must be legitimate. No unit or individual shall encroach on, share(divide)in private or divert the assets of a people-run non-enterprise unit to other purposes. | |
14 | 第十九条养路费应当在国家规定的范围内专款专用。任何单位和个人不得平调、挪用、滥用、截留、施欠养路费。 | Article 19 Highway maintenance fees should be exclusively used for highway maintenance purposes within the limits designated by the government. No unit or individual should transfer, divert , abuse, keep or default on highway maintenance fees. | |
15 | 第四十六条任何单位和个人不得在公路上及公路用地范围内摆摊设点、堆放物品、倾倒垃圾、设置障碍、挖沟引水、利用公路边沟排放污物或者进行其他损坏、污染公路和影响公路畅通的活动。 | Article 46 No unit or individual is allowed to put up stands or stalls, store things, dump refuse, put up obstructions, dig ditches to divert water, or use roadside ditches to discharge waste matters on highway roads or land used by the roads or carry out any other activities that would result in damages or pollution to the roads or affect the traffic of the roads. | |
16 | 第四十三条 在汛情紧急的情况下,各级防汛指挥机构可以在其管辖范围内,根据经批准的分洪、滞洪方案,采取分洪、滞洪措施。采取分洪、滞洪措施对毗邻地区有危害的,必须报经上一级防汛指挥机构批准,并事先通知有关地区。 | Article 43. In case of a flood emergency, flood prevention headquarters at different levels may, within their jurisdiction, take measures to divert or detain the flood pursuant to the approved plans. Where these measures are detrimental to the adjoining districts, the adoption of such measures must be reported to the flood prevention headquarters at the next higher level for approval, and the districts concerned shall be notified in advance. | |
17 | 第五条捐赠财产的使用应当尊重捐赠人的意愿,符合公益目的,不得将捐赠财产挪作他用。 | Article 5: The use of donated assets ought to be based on the will of the donor and remain in keeping with public welfare purposes. No one is allowed to divert donated assets earmarked for public welfare to other uses. Article 5 Donations should be used in a manner respecting the wishes of the donor, and conforming with the end purpose of public welfare. Donated property may not be diverted to other purposes. | |
18 | 分离或损害了决定某事价值,重要性或效果的特性. | To divert or draw away qualities or a quality essential to the value, importance, or effect of something: | |
19 | 该铁路的主要股东成立了美国信贷公司以转移利润,并藉由赠送或卖股票给政客以获取支持。 | The railroad’s major stockholders created Crédit Mobilier of America to divert its construction profits and gave or sold stock to influential politicians in return for favours. | |
20 | 改变(某事物)的方向或路线;转移 | Change the direction or course of(sth);divert | |
21 | 公益性非营利的事业单位应当将受赠财产用于发展本单位的公益事业,不得挪作他用。 | Non-profit welfare administration units should use the donated assets they have received for promoting the public welfare undertakings under their jurisdiction, and they are forbidden to divert the donated assets to other uses. Public welfare non-profit institutional work units should ensure that donations are used for the development of that work unit’s public welfare undertakings, and that funds are not diverted to other uses. | |
22 | 基于divert socket的应用层防火墙 | A Divert Socket Based Application Layer Firewall | |
23 | 将1400万元堤坝建设资金用于修建办公大楼 | divert 14 million yuan earmarked for building dykes to build offices | |
24 | 将他人注意力从(某人)引向自己;使处于不利地位 | Divert attention from(sb)towards oneself;put at a disadvantage | |
25 | 她把防止污染的事情说得十分重要,以便转移公众的注意。 | She dished up the anti-pollution business to divert the attention of the public | |
26 | 禁止侵占、挪用被征用土地单位的征地补偿费用和其他有关费用。 | It is forbidden to embezzle or divert the land compensation fees and other related expenses. | |
27 | 据这些公司说,这样就迫使它们只能把眼光盯住当地环境,并促使它们将多余的钱用于打击当地的竞争对手而不是在全球范围内扩展。 | They say this has forced them to limit their horizons to the local environment, and encouraged them to divert spare cash into attacking local competitors rather than expanding globally | |
28 | 卡车被迫改道而行。 | The trucks were forced to divert to another road. | |
29 | 那条船被迫转到另一个港口(靠岸)。 | The ship was forced to divert to another port | |
30 | 您同意您将不向进出口管制限制或禁止的任何目的地、公司或个人,出口、进口(直接或间接)、再出口、转售或转移产品 | You agree that you will not export, import, directly or indirectly, re-export, divert , or transfer the Product |