属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-传统社会 不绕弯子
1 | 甚至我们防御战的战绩亦充满着悲惨的失败。 | Even our defensive record was tragically draped in defeats | |
2 | 饰有挂毯的墙壁. | Walls draped with tapestries | |
3 | 他将两腿松弛地搭在椅背上。 | He draped his legs over the arms of his chair | |
4 | 他今天改穿了中国衣服,清瘦的身材上披一件海军蓝的毛葛单长衫,很有些名士遗少的气概。 | He had changed back into Chinese dress today, and his lean frame was draped in a long, navy-blue flannel gown, giving him the air of a worthy descendant of some famous scholar | |
5 | 他懒洋洋地把双腿搭在椅子的扶手上。 | He draped his legs over the arm of the chair | |
6 | 他们将建筑物正面挂满了旗帜。 | They draped the building front with bunting | |
7 | 他趴在栏杆上 | He draped himself over the rail. | |
8 | 他友好地搂住了我的腰。 | He draped his arms friendly round my waist | |
9 | 体外预应力连续梁折线形体外索几何参数对综合弯矩的影响 | Effects of Geometric Parameters of Continuous Linear Draped Tendons on Resultant Moment of External Prestressing Continuous Beams | |
10 | 我们团里的一位女士因为要跳舞,就把她的长围巾交给我,而我又若无其事地将它围在了脖子上。 | When one of the women in my group got up to dance, she passed me her long scarf to hold so I nonchalantly draped it around my neck | |
11 | 我妻子把她的皮衣搭在手臂上。 | My wife draped her furs over her arm | |
12 | 我脱下上衣,把它搭在座椅背上。 | I took off my jacket and draped it over the back of the booth | |
13 | 我用窗帘遮起窗子。 | I draped curtains over the window | |
14 | 舞会的前一天,我看到那件服装挂在起居室沙发的上方,端庄高贵,而且尺寸正好合适。 | The day before the prom, I found that dress-in the right size draped majestically over the living room sofa | |
15 | 吸血鬼披着一件大斗篷走了出来. | Dracula appeared,draped in a huge cloak. | |
16 | 一大幅雪白的毛巾披在她身上,像是和尚们的袈裟,昂起了胸脯,跳跃似的走过来,异常高耸的乳房在毛布里面跳动。 | A large, snowy bath-towel was draped round her like a monk’s robe, and as she tripped across the room with her shoulders thrown back, her unusually prominent breasts could be seen bobbing up and down beneath the towel | |
17 | 一股披着怪里怪气的深黄色衣物的黑人人流正越过土丘的丘脑,威风凛凛地向我涌来。 | Flowing threateningly toward me over the crest of a hill was a wave of black men draped in weird mustard-colored clothing | |
18 | 用一面旗盖住灵柩;缠裹着她躯体的长袍. | Draped the coffin with a flag; a robe that draped her figure. | |
19 | 油气可以被捕集在背斜中,这类背斜盖在前三角洲基底中深埋了的土垒上。 | Hydrocarbons may be trapped in anticlines draped over deeply-buried horsts in the pre-deltaic basement | |
20 | 在用红布装饰的台上,一个核心党的党员在发表演讲,他是个瘦小的人,胳臂却长得出奇,与身材不合比例,光秃的大脑袋上只有少数几绺头发。 | On a scarlet-draped platform an orator of the Inner Party, a small lean man with disproportionately long arms and a large bald skull over which a few lank locks straggled, was haranguing the crowd | |
21 | 这房子悬饰了旗子 | The house was draped with flags. | |
22 | 这个孩子穿着昂贵的亚麻布衣服。 | The child was draped in expensive linens | |
23 | 主教还把一张同样的碗橱,适当地罩上白布帷和假花边,作为祭坛,点缀着他的经堂。 | Out of a similar sideboard, properly draped with white napery and imitation lace, the Bishop had constructed the altar which decorated his oratory | |
24 | ||1: 比如,戴蒙德教授在书中就这样写到:大部分人类社会都保留了某种宗教形式,用于维持社会治安、安抚社会急躁情绪、 维持政治统治。 ||2: 不过, 新几内亚的部落居民却从未因为宗教事务发生过冲突。 ||3: 这些原始的部落使用的语言不止一种, 或许这样有助于人们交往。事实上证明,使用多种语言也是防治老年痴呆症的好方法。 ||4:单单在新几内亚就有1000多种语言。||5:传统社会一般在没有国家机器的状态下,就能解决所有冲突。||6:与美国刑事司法系统截然不同的是,苏丹身穿豹纹皮的努尔部落首领没有权力解决纠纷,但是可以采用传统的计算方法核算补偿,从中进行调停。 | ||1: Mr Diamond writes, for example, that most societies have held on to some form of religion as a way of maintaining social order, comforting the anxious and teaching political obedience. ||2: Tribal societies in New Guinea rarely, if ever, fight over religious matters. ||3: These societies also tend to be more multilingual, helpful for diplomacy perhaps, and as it turns out, also a way of protecting against Alzheimer’s. ||4: There are 1,000 different languages in New Guinea alone. ||5: Traditional societies resolve disputes by making do entirely without the state. ||6: In stark contrast to the American criminal-justice system, the leopard-skin-draped chief of Sudan’s Nuer people has no role in settling disputes but works to facilitate mediation and calculate traditional forms of compensation. | |
25 | ||1:过去六个月披着国旗的抗议者成了北爱尔兰首府贝尔法斯特街头的一道景观。||2:社交媒体报道保皇军组织游行示威,安放路障,一晚上达到80之多,这意味着当地的居民通常大概知道反对者在哪里举行示威。||3:贝尔法斯特的公交公司,Translink,,在推特上滚动更新哪里的服务中断,出租车司机从车上广播调度员中得知信息。||4:若某天预计会发生许多反抗时,一大早人们就匆匆忙忙做事了,到了晚上, 公交车路上通常几乎没人了。 | ||1:OVER the past six weeks flag-draped protesters have become part of the Belfast landscape.||2:Loyalists arrange demonstrations and road blocks—up to 80 a night—on social media, which means local residents usually know roughly where they will take place.||3:Belfast’s bus company, Translink, tweets rolling updates on which services have been disrupted; taxi drivers get the news from their dispatchers.||4:On days when many protests are expected, rush hour starts early; by evening, normally busy roads are almost deserted. | |
26 | ||1:在权健鼎盛时期,全国有7000多家分店提供权健招牌“火疗”(病人被酒精浸湿的毛巾覆盖并点燃)。||2:该公司最受欢迎的产品之一是“负离子”卫生巾,声称可以预防经痛和宫颈癌。||3:该品牌的鞋垫号称可以治疗关节炎和心脏病,目前仍可在网上买到。||4:一双鞋垫售价1068元。 | ||1:In the company’s heyday, over 7,000 shops nationwide offered Quanjian’s signature “fire therapy” (patients are draped in alcohol-soaked towels and set alight).||2:Among its popular products were “negative- ion” sanitary pads that claimed to prevent menstrual cramping and cervical cancer.||3:The brand’s insoles, which purport to cure arthritis and heart disease, are still available online.||4:A pair sells for 1,068 yuan. | |
27 | 在刚开始的场景中,乾隆皇帝的首领太监,一个身形臃肿、阴阳怪气、笨头笨脑的人,带着给后宫的圣旨匆匆走进帘幕低垂的等候室。 | An early scene shows the Qianlong emperor’s chief eunuch, a tubby, squeaky dimwit, bustling into a silk-draped waiting-room with an order for the harem. | |
28 | “我爱这个小镇,”母亲说。蓝色的手巾在她的脸前垂着。 | "I love this town so much, " the older woman said, a blue towel draped over her head to protect against fallout. | |
29 | Halpern戴着一条缅甸罗衣进行工作,而且将这条罗衣放到椅子上留给了其继任者。 | Halpern wore a Burmese longyi to work, and left it draped over his chair for his successor. | |
30 | 奥巴马站在台上说,我们无论说什么也无法弥补亲人逝去在你们内心中留下的创伤,生活中从此不再有他们的身影。 | the absence they leave in your lives, ’ Mr. Obama said, standing on a black-draped stage hung with photos of the men. |