1 | 乡舍和农场上还覆盖着积雪,路两旁偶尔几个脚印,让我暗想会不会是精灵刚刚走过。 | Snow draped on rural houses and farms, with the occasional intrepid soul walking along the roadside. | |
2 | 镶褶边的内衣在角落挂着,发卡别在铺位的帘子上来保护可有可无的隐私。 | Frilly underwear is draped in a corner and hair clips hold back makeshift privacy curtains on the bunks. | |
3 | 星期四,海湾内的岩石仍然被随潮漂浮的油污弄脏,就像布片一样覆盖在岩石上,并渗透其中。 | On Tuesday, a rocky cove there still bore a smear of tide-carried black oil, as well as sheets draped over the rocks to soak it up. | |
4 | 一张棕色的格子纹沙发,一张蓝绿色的躺椅,一个木制的摇椅,还有一个电镀铜色的架子,上面挂满了真皮腰带和钱包。 | A brown, plaid sofa and a teal recliner, a wooden rocker and brass coat rack draped with leather belts and purses. | |
5 | 用来阻止罪犯的铁丝网上晾着一条长围巾。一名索维托妇女在向远处眺望。 | A woman in Soweto gazes past a length of lace draped to dry on razor wire set up to deter criminals. | |
6 | 由海外战争退伍军人协会制作的一幅长38英尺,宽20英尺的驻军国旗被悬挂于塑像底座之上。 | A garrison flag, 20 by 38 feet, presented by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, is draped over the base of the statue. (AP Photo) | |
7 | 在波士顿约翰肯尼迪图书馆一位女士最后凝视了参议员爱德华肯尼迪覆盖着国旗的灵柩后擦干了眼泪。 | A woman dries her eyes as she views the flag-draped casket of Senator Edward Kennedy at the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston. | |
8 | 在不列颠哥伦比亚省一片覆满苔藓的雨林中,高耸的红杉树的树龄有一千年,而黑熊生来拥有白色的皮毛。 | In a moss-draped rain forest in British Columbia, towering red cedars live a thousand years, and black bears are born with white fur. | |
9 | 在位于首尔市南部的这个溜冰场的墙上,挂着祝贺Kim的横幅。 | One wall of the rink, in this city south of Seoul, was draped with a large banner celebrating Ms. Kim. | |
10 | 照片里是在2007年12月3日的新奥尔良下九区,他俯瞰“粉红工程”:金属框架上披着粉红色织布。 | Here he looks over the Pink Project, metal frames draped in pink fabric, in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans on December 3, 2007 |