属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日笛悠悠 比尔·米林
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-无人机 向无人机打手势
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-无人机 向无人机打手势
1 | 靶机式指令制导 | drone -type command guidance | |
2 | 风琴低音一种由风琴发出的单调的低音 | The monotonic drone bass of a bagpipe. | |
3 | 高空飞机的嗡嗡声. | the drone of an airplane high in the sky | |
4 | 混日子是不好的。 | It’s bad to drone . | |
5 | 空战训练模拟系统目标敌机生成问题的研究 | Research of Target Drone for Air War Training Simulation System | |
6 | 蜜蜂的嗡嗡声 | the drone of a bee | |
7 | 呕吐声比螺旋浆发出的声音还要响。 | The sound of vomiting was heard above the drone of the propeller. | |
8 | 苏格兰风笛的低音部分 | The drone of a bagpipe. | |
9 | 他吹着那令人困惑的口哨,单调而低沉,把沃尔特唤了回来。 | The drone of his misleading whistle brings Walter back | |
10 | 他的头消失了,然而楼梯口传来他往下走时的低吟声 | His head vanished but the drone of his descending voice boomed out of the stairhead | |
11 | 他能就他的宠物侃侃而谈几小时。 | He can drone on for hours about his pet subjects. | |
12 | 他自己一直克勤克俭,乔治则一直是又懒惰,又会花钱。 | He himself had always been a worker and a saver, George always a drone and a spender | |
13 | 它(飞机)在湍流中颠簸不已,呕吐声比螺旋浆发出的嗡嗡声还要清楚。 | It shuddered and bucked in the turbulence, and the sound of vomiting was heard above the drone of the propellers | |
14 | 天空里嗡蜂也在渐渐强烈的阳光里到外飞动,它们的嗡嗡时闻时寂,仿佛是打锣的声音。 | Overhead, bumble-bees flew hither and thither in the thickening light, their drone coming and going like the sound of a gong | |
15 | 虚度宝贵的青春年华 | drone (away)the precious years of youth | |
16 | 以单调的声调说、重复或背诵;低沉单调地说 | To speak,repeat,or recite in a monotonous tone of voice;drone . | |
17 | 以单调的声调说;低沉单调地说 | To speak in a monotonous tone of voice;drone . | |
18 | 远处车辆的嗡嗡声 | The drone of distant traffic | |
19 | ||1:而风笛管就不太走运了,当米林向战壕冲进时,笛管被炮弹损伤。||2:虽然他尚可用笛管吹奏,但四天后,当米林将笛管放在草丛中时,风笛的舒音管和低音管被彻底击坏,吹笛使命就此终结。||3:在D日吹出的最后一支曲子是《棕色姑娘》,那是米林从一法国红发小姑娘家人的农场经过时,应小姑娘的要求吹奏的,当时,小姑娘的父母在她身后抖缩不安。 | ||1:The pipes themselves were less lucky, injured by shrapnel as he dived into a ditch.||2:He could still play them, but four days later they took a direct hit on the chanter and the drone when he had laid them down in the grass, and that was that.||3:The last tune they had piped on D-Day was “The Nut-Brown Maiden”, played for a small red-haired French girl who, with her folks cowering behind her, had asked him for music as he passed their farm. | |
20 | ||1:在美国的航空母舰上,甲板指挥员会用手势指挥母舰附近的飞机。||2:这种信号快速、高效,而且十分适用于嘈杂的环境。||3:但遗憾的是,只有人才能读懂这些手势。||4:在无人机上,这一套完全失效;而即便有飞行员在船舱深处远程操控这架飞机,他往往也很难识别那些手势。||5:这是个麻烦,因为无人机在现代战争里变得越来越重要了。||6:若无人机的智能达到了足以直接响应甲板指挥员手势的程度,那一切都会好很多。 | ||1:DECK officers on American aircraft carriers use hand gestures to guide planes around their vessels.||2:These signals are fast, efficient and perfect for a noisy environment.||3:Unfortunately, they work only with people.||4:They are utterly lost on robotic drones-and even if a drone is under the control of a remote pilot deep in the bowels of the ship, that pilot often has difficulty reading them.||5:Since drones are becoming more and more important in modern warfare, this is a nuisance.||6:Life would be easier for all if drones were smart enough to respond directly to a deck officer’s gesticulations. | |
21 | 你不会将一架价值数百万美元的无人机交给这样的系统。 | you would not entrust the fate of a multi-million-dollar drone to such a system. | |
22 | ||他们最终做出了一个正确率为75%的系统。显然,那样是不够的:你不会将一架价值数百万美元的无人机交给这样的系统。但这是个好的开始。若Yale Song能将无人机识别手势的正确率提高至与真人飞行员相当,那么在甲板指挥无人机会容易得多。|| | ||The result is a system that gets it right three-quarters of the time. Obviously that is not enough: you would not entrust the fate of a multi-million-dollar drone to such a system.|| But it is a good start. If Mr Song can push the accuracy up to that displayed by a human pilot, then the task of controlling activity on deck should become a lot easier. | |
23 | 在无人机上,这一套完全失效;而即便有飞行员在船舱深处远程操控这架飞机, | They are utterly lost on robotic drones—and even if a drone is under the control of a remote pilot deep in the bowels of the ship, | |
24 | “世界雄鹰”是一架大型的无人驾驶侦察机,对它的试验已经验证了它在没有导航的情况下具有起飞、跨越海洋与陆地的能力。 | Global Hawk, a large reconnaissance drone , has demonstrated the ability to take off, cross oceans and land without guidance. | |
25 | 2006年1月的一次无人机袭击据说差一点干掉了扎瓦希里,虽然它造成将近18人死亡。 | One drone strike in January 2006 was said to have narrowly missed Ayman al-Zawahiri, although it killed nearly 18 others. | |
26 | Mehsud是巴基斯坦塔利班运动头目,去年8月在南瓦济里斯坦被美国无人驾驶飞机发射的导弹击中而死。 | Mehsud, the leader of the Taliban Movement of Pakistan, was killed by a missile-firing U. S. drone aircraft in South Waziristan in August. | |
27 | 奥巴马采取和布什类似的做法,即保持低沉和对巴基斯坦部落地区高价值目标的导弹攻击。 | Like Mr Bush, Mr Obama keeps up drone and guided-missile strikes on "high-value targets" in Pakistan’s tribal belt. | |
28 | 巴基斯坦的塔利班组织头目宣称对事件负责,并称这是对一次美国无人驾驶飞机攻击的报复。 | The head of the Pakistan Taliban claimed responsibility and said it was in retaliation for an American drone attack. | |
29 | 巴基斯坦虽然公开谴责无人机袭击,但肯定不希望全部停止。 | Though it publicly denounces the drone strikes, Pakistan certainly does not want all of them stopped. | |
30 | 巴基斯坦塔利班表示对其中一些袭击事件负责,说这是为了报复联军的无人机攻击。 | The Pakistani Taliban has claimed responsibility for some of the attack, saying they were in retaliation for drone strikes. |