1 | ( 二)根据倾销进口产品之间以及倾销进口产品与国内同类产品之间的竞争条件,进行累积评估是适当的。 | (2)a cumulative assessment of the effects of the dumped imports is appropriate in light of the conditions of competition between the dumped imports and the conditions of competition between the dumped imports and the domestic like product. | |
2 | ( 二)倾销进口产品的价格,包括倾销进口产品的价格削减或者对国内同类产品的价格产生大幅度抑制、压低等影响; | (2)the effects of dumped imports on prices, including the price undercutting by the dumped imports, or the significant suppressing or depressing effects on the price of a like domestic product, etc.; | |
3 | ( 二)倾销进口产品在短期内大量进口,并且可能会严重破坏即将实施的反倾销税的补救效果的。 | (2)the dumped imports were massively imported in a short time and were likely to seriously undermine the remedial effect of the definitive anti-dumping duty to be applied. | |
4 | ( 三)倾销进口产品对国内产业的相关经济因素和指标的影响; | (3)the consequent impact of the dumped imports on the relevant economic factors and indices of the domestic industry; | |
5 | ( 四)倾销进口产品实际或者潜在的进口量或者损害属于可忽略不计的; | (4)the actual or potential volume of dumped imports or the injury is negligible; | |
6 | ( 一)来自每一国家( 地区)的倾销进口产品的倾销幅度不小于 2% ,并且其进口量不属于可忽略不计的; | (1)the margin of dumping established in relation to the dumped imports from each country (region)is no less than 2 per cent, and the volume of such imports from each country is not negligible; | |
7 | ( 一)倾销进口产品的数量,包括倾销进口产品的绝对数量或者相对于国内同类产品生产或者消费的数量是否大量增加,或者倾销进口产品大量增加的可能性; | (1)whether the volume of dumped imports, including the volume of dumped imports either in absolute terms or relative to the production or consumption of a like domestic product, has been increasing significantly, or the possibility of a significant increase in dumped imports; | |
8 | ( 一)倾销进口产品有对国内产业造成损害的倾销历史,或者该产品的进口经营者知道或者应当知道出口经营者实施倾销并且倾销对国内产业将造成损害的; | (1)there is a dumping history of the dumped imports causing injury to the domestic industry, or the importer of the dumped imports was, or should have been, aware that the exporters practice dumping and that such dumping would cause injury to the domestic industry; | |
9 | 2第1款下的申请应包括以下证据:(a)倾销,(b)属由本协定解释的GATT1994第6条范围内的损害,以及(c)倾销进口产品与被指控的损害之间的一种因果关系。 | 2 An application under paragraph 1 shall include evidence of (a)dumping, (b)injury within the meaning of Article VI of GATT 1994 as interpreted by this Agreement and (c)a causal link between the dumped imports and the alleged injury | |
10 | 6如主管机关对所涉倾销产品做出如下确定,则最终反倾销税可对在实施临时措施之日前90天内进口供消费的产品征收 | 6 A definitive anti-dumping duty may be levied on products which were entered for consumption not more than 90 days prior to the date of application of provisional measures, when the authorities determine for the dumped product in question that | |
11 | 把废品倒进箱子里。 | The waster products are dumped into the boxes | |
12 | 波导CO2激光器电光腔倒空特性研究 | Study on the Characteristics of cavity-dumped RF Waveguide CO2 Laser | |
13 | 不能针对国内同类产品的生产进行单独确定的,应当审查包括国内同类产品在内的最窄产品组或者范围的生产。 | If separate identification of that production is not possible, the effect of the dumped imports shall be assessed by the examination of the production of the narrowest group or range of products, including the like domestic product. | |
14 | 不知是什么妖风,紧接着是轰隆隆雷声和暴风雨。暴风骤雨的在夜空雷霆在发,震慑小湖泊和小木屋。 | It seemed to have come from out of nowhere and soon, the lashing rain and booming thunder followed as a mountain storm awakened in the night sky and dumped its wrath upon the tiny lake and even smaller cabin | |
15 | 布袋很沉,他重重地把布袋扔在柜台上。 | As it was extremely heavy,he dumped it on the counter. | |
16 | 大量消化液一旦倾入十二指肠,就会腐蚀肠壁了。 | If any larger amount of gastric juice is dumped into the duodenum, it eats its way into the wall | |
17 | 但是,国内生产者与出口经营者或者进口经营者有关联的,或者其本身为倾销进口产品的进口经营者的,可以排除在国内产业之外。 | except in cases where domestic producers are related to the exporters or importers or are themselves importers of the dumped imports or like products. | |
18 | 第二十四条 禁止中国境外的固体废物进境倾倒、堆放、处置。 | Article 24 It is forbidden for solid waste from abroad to be dumped , piled up or treated in the territory of China. | |
19 | 第二条进口产品以倾销方式进入中华人民共和国市场,并对已经建立的国内产业造成实质损害或者产生实质损害威胁,或者对建立国内产业造成实质阻碍的,依照本条例的规定进行调查,采取反倾销措施。 | Article 2. Where an imported product is dumped into the market of the PRC and causes material injury or threat of material injury to an established domestic industry, or causes material obstruction to the establishment of such an industry, an anti-dumping investigation shall be initiated and anti-dumping measures applied in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations. | |
20 | 第九条倾销进口产品来自两个以上国家( 地区),并且同时满足下列条件的,可以就倾销进口产品对国内产业造成的影响进行累积评估: | Article 9. Where the dumped imports from more than one country (region)simultaneously satisfy the following requirements, the effects of such dumped imports on a domestic industry may be cumulatively assessed: | |
21 | 第六十六条 违反本法规定,将中国境外的固体废物进境倾倒、堆放、处置,或者未经国务院有关主管部门许可擅自进口固体废物用作原料的,由海关责令退运该固体废物,可以并处十万元以上一百万元以下的罚款。 | Article 66 Whoever, in violation of this Law, has solid waste from abroad dumped , piled up, or treated within the territory of China, or imports solid waste as raw material without permission of the competent administrative department under the State Council, shall be ordered by the Customs to transport such solid waste back to where it is dispatched and may also be imposed with a penalty of not less than 100,000 yuan but not more than 1,000,000 yuan. | |
22 | 第三十九条 获准倾倒废弃物的单位,应当按许可证注明的期限及条件,到指定的区域进行倾倒。废弃物装载之后,批准部门应予核实。利用船舶倾倒废弃物的,由驶出港的港务监督核实。 | Article 39. Units that have obtained permits for dumping wastes shall dump wastes at the designated place, within the time limit and in accordance with the conditions specified in the permit. Wastes to be dumped shall be verified by the approving department after their loading. Wastes to be dumped by means of vessels shall be supervised and verified by the harbour superintendency administration at the port of departure. | |
23 | 第三十一条倾销进口产品的出口经营者在反倾销调查期间,可以向商务部作出改变价格或者停止以倾销价格出口的价格承诺。 | Article 31. During the period of an anti-dumping investigation, an exporter of the dumped imports may offer price undertakings to MOFCOM to revise its prices or to cease exporting at dumped prices. | |
24 | 第十二条同类产品,是指与倾销进口产品相同的产品;没有相同产品的,以与倾销进口产品的特性最相似的产品为同类产品。 | Article 12. The term "like product" means the product that is identical to the dumped product, or in the absence of such a product, another product that has characteristics closely resembling the dumped product. | |
25 | 第十条评估倾销进口产品的影响,应当针对国内同类产品的生产进行单独确定; | Article 10. The effect of the dumped imports shall be assessed in relation to the separate identification of the domestic production of the like product. | |
26 | 第四十六条倾销进口产品的进口经营者有证据证明已经缴纳的反倾销税税额超过倾销幅度的,可以向商务部提出退税申请; | Article 46. If an importer of dumped imports can provide evidence to prove that the anti-dumping duty already paid is higher than the margin of dumping, he can apply to MOFCOM for duty refund. | |
27 | 第四十条反倾销税的纳税人为倾销进口产品的进口经营者。 | Article 40. Anti-dumping duties shall be paid by importers of dumped imports. | |
28 | 对未包括在审查范围内的出口经营者的倾销进口产品,需要征收反倾销税的,应当按照合理的方式确定对其适用的反倾销税。 | Where it is necessary to impose an anti-dumping duty on the dumped imports of an exporter who has not been included in the ongoing examination, an anti-dumping duty applicable to the exporter shall be determined in a reasonable way. | |
29 | 非洲黑人是受压迫的少数民族,他们被抛弃在异己的环境中。 | The black Africans are oppressed minority dumped in an alien environment | |
30 | 废弃的砂、石、土必须运至规定的专门存放地堆放,不得向江河、湖泊、水库和专门存放地以外的沟渠倾倒; | waste sand, rocks and earth thus created must be disposed of in an area specially designated for the purpose, and shall not be dumped out into any river, lake, reservoir or any ditch or canal other than the specially designated area; |