1 | 废弃物装载之后,批准部门应予核实。 | Wastes to be dumped shall be verified by the approving department after their loading. | |
2 | 负责就倾销或补贴进口产品对国内产业造成的损害和此种损害的幅度进行调查,并提出有关损害的调查结果。 | Responsible for the investigation of injury caused to the domestic industry by the dumped or subsidized imports, the extent of such injury and making injury findings. | |
3 | 工厂把有毒的废弃物倒入河中,把鱼都毒死了。 | The factory dumped poisonous wastes into the river and killed off the fish | |
4 | 工业界巨头们很快就把工人从开支名单上除了名,于是扩大了领域救济食物的穷人队伍。 | Captains of industry speedily dumped labour from their payrolls, and the breadlines grew | |
5 | 股市一开市时,大家就拋售股票。 | Everyone dumped their stock at the opening of the market. | |
6 | 毫无疑问,他就是那位倒过一桶垃圾的秃头黑脸绅士。 | He is the bald-headed, sunburned gentleman who dumped the pail of garbage, without any doubt | |
7 | 货车将煤卸于地上。 | The truck dumped the coal on the ground. | |
8 | 她把沉重的包扔在办公桌上。 | She dumped the heavy bag on the desk | |
9 | 她把孩子放在母亲那里,然后就去看戏了。 | She dumped the kids at her mother’s and went to the theatre. | |
10 | 她把孩子放在娘家就看戏去了. | She dumped the kids at her mother’s and went to the theatre. | |
11 | 她把钱包里的东西全都倒在桌上。 | She dumped the contents of her purse onto the table | |
12 | 她上当了。 | She was dumped on | |
13 | 经国家海洋局批准,获得紧急许可证,可到指定的区域按规定的方法倾倒。 | Such wastes may be dumped in the designated area in a specified way after the dumping is approved by the State Oceanic Administration and an emergency permit is granted. | |
14 | 卡车倒开到洞边,将垃圾倒进洞里。 | The truck backed up to the hole and dumped the trash in it. | |
15 | 卡车将沙子卸在车道上。 | The truck dumped its load of sand on the driveway. | |
16 | 开办矿山企业、电力企业和其他大中型工业企业,排弃的剥离表土、矸石、尾矿、废渣等必须堆放在规定的专门存放地,不得向江河、湖泊、水库和专门存放地以外的沟渠倾倒; | In the establishment of a mining or electrical power enterprise or any other large or medium-sized industrial enterprise the abandoned stripped topsoil, waste rock, tailings and residues must be disposed of in a specially designated area, and shall not be dumped out into any river, lake, reservoir or any ditch or canal other than the specially designated area. | |
17 | 可忽略不计,是指来自一个国家( 地区)的倾销进口产品的数量占同类产品总进口量的比例低于 3% ;但是,低于 3% 的若干国家( 地区)的总进口量超过同类产品总进口量 7% 的除外。 | The volume of dumped imports shall normally be regarded as negligible if the volume of dumped imports from a particular country (region)is found to account for less than 3 per cent of the total imports of the like product, unless countries (regions)which individually account for less than 3 per cent of the total imports of the like product collectively account for more than 7 per cent of its total imports of the like product. | |
18 | 可以估算的大量有害废物仍被倾倒入海港 | Appreciable amounts of noxious waste are still being dumped into the harbor. | |
19 | 利用船舶倾倒废弃物的,由驶出港的港务监督核实。 | Wastes to be dumped by means of vessels shall be supervised and verified by the harbour superintendency administration at the port of departure. | |
20 | 名牌精品,贵族的象征,从不削价甩卖。 | Brand name super goods, the symbol of nobles, are never dumped on the market at a fraction of their cost. | |
21 | 那青年被抓住,被痛打一顿,又从汽车里给扔了出来。 | The youth was seized, severely beaten and then dumped out of an automobile | |
22 | 你这样轻率的使用直升飞机,就拱手送给了她一个机会。 | By using the helicopter indiscreetly as you did, you dumped an opportunity in her lap | |
23 | 其中有些材料,我原来就占有了,有的存在记忆里,有的是从观察中获取的,有些部分则是我自己创造的,还有的是我刻苦搜集来的,如一些事实的细节,然而有些材料则是送上门来的,如趣闻轶事,或演讲片 | Some of the material I may have lying around already, in memories and observations, and some I invent, and some I have to go diligently looking for (factual details), while some is dumped in my lap (anecdotes, bits of speech) | |
24 | 契约制度给那些把整船人倾销于美国海岸的船主带来了巨额利润。 | The indenture system offered huge profits to the masters of the vessels which dumped their human cargo on american shores | |
25 | 倾倒围垦法。使用这种方法时,先将淤泥倒入事先挖好的坑中,然后使用吸泥机,通过漂浮在水中、并加以固定的管道将淤泥吸到岸上。 | Combine Dumping/Reclamation Method. With this method, the soil is dumped into a pit, which has been dredged previously, and is dumped up by a plain suction dredger. This dredger then pumps it ashore through a floating and fixed pipe. | |
26 | 拳王被击倒两次但仍赢得拳赛。 | The champion was dumped twice but won the fight. | |
27 | 三峡库区堆存生活垃圾重金属含量特征 | Contamination Characteristic Analysis of Heavy metals in MSW Dumped in Three Gorges Region | |
28 | 盛有核废料的密封容器被丢在海里. | Sealed containers of nuclear waste have been dumped in the sea. | |
29 | 他把工具随随便便往箱子里一扔 | He dumped the tools in the box just anyway. | |
30 | 他把我扔进一所孤儿院。 | He dumped me in an orphan asylum |