1 | 倾倒围垦法。使用这种方法时,先将淤泥倒入事先挖好的坑中,然后使用吸泥机,通过漂浮在水中、并加以固定的管道将淤泥吸到岸上。 | Combine Dumping /Reclamation Method. With this method, the soil is dumped into a pit, which has been dredged previously, and is dumped up by a plain suction dredger. This dredger then pumps it ashore through a floating and fixed pipe. | |
2 | 倾倒许可证应注明倾倒单位、有效期限和废弃物的数量、种类、倾倒方法等事项。 | The permit for dumping shall clearly indicate the waste-dumping entity, term of validity, quantities and categories of the wastes, and method of dumping. | |
3 | 倾销将造成损害发生的情形变化必须是能够明显预见且迫近的。 | The change in circumstances which would create a situation in which the dumping would cause injury must be clearly foreseen and imminent | |
4 | 如实地详细填写倾倒情况记录表,并按许可证注明的要求,将记录表报送主管部门。 | Fill in the form for recording details of the dumping in good faith and then submit it to the Competent Authority in accordance with the requirement specified in the permit. | |
5 | 三、倾倒未列入附件一和附件二的低毒或无毒废弃物,应当事先获得普通许可证。 | (3)The dumping of the low-toxic and non-toxic wastes not included in Annex I and II requires a prior general permit. | |
6 | 三、为倾倒的目的,经中华人民共和国的内海、领海及其他管辖海域运送废弃物和其他物质 | (3)The shipping of wastes or other matter in the internal sea, territorial sea and other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People’s Republic of China for the purpose of dumping | |
7 | 十九世纪,英国基督教传教士马礼逊和德国传教士郭实腊在东印度公司任职期间,参与向中国贩卖鸦片。 | In the 19th century Robert Morrison, a British missionary, and Karl Friedrich August Gutz, a German missionary, both working for the East India Company, participated in dumping opium in China | |
8 | 随着每周数千人不在意地把垃圾丢掉,用不了多久,人们在山野间寻求的那点野趣将不复存在。 | With thousands of people heedlessly dumping trash each week, it won’t be long before what they seek in the hills--a bit of wilderness--is lost | |
9 | 缩短中学教育不一定意味着人口素质的下降--或者说不一定使孩子们偏离进大学深造之路。 | shortening high school needn’t mean dumping down the population necessarily sending kids off the college track | |
10 | 外国的废弃物不得运至中华人民共和国管辖海域进行倾倒 | No wastes of foreign countries shall be allowed to be shipped to the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People’s Republic of China for the purpose of dumping | |
11 | 威尼曼女士说,她亦曾与中国官员讨论中国涉嫌倾销玉米和棉花问题,并获中国保证有关基因改造生物的未决规范不会"阻碍"贸易。 | Madam Wineyman said, she had already talked to Chinese officials about the issue of China’s allegation of dumping corn and cotton and obtained China’s assurance that the future regulation on genetic reformed organism will not "hinder" trade | |
12 | 为紧急避险或救助人命,未按许可证规定的条件和区域进行倾倒时 | If the dumping is not carried out in the area and under the conditions specified by the permit due to urgent need to avert hazards or to save life | |
13 | 为倾倒的目的,经过中华人民共和国管辖海域运送废弃物的任何船舶信其他载运工具 | Any vessels or other vehicles which ship wastes through the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People’s Republic of China for the purpose of dumping | |
14 | 未取得海洋倾倒许可证,向海洋倾倒废弃物的 | Dumping wastes to the sea without obtaining a permit for dumping to the sea; or | |
15 | 向海洋排放污染物、倾到废弃物,进行海岸工程建设和海洋石油勘探开发,必须依照法律的规定,防止对海洋环境的污染损害。 | The discharge of pollutants and the dumping of wastes into the seas, the construction of coastal projects, and the exploration and exploitation of offshore oil must be conducted in compliance with legal provisions so as to guard against the pollution and damage of the marine environment. | |
16 | 需要倾倒废弃物的单位,必须向国家海洋管理部门提出申请,经国家海洋管理部门审批,发给许可证后,方可倾倒。 | Units that need to dump wastes must file an application with the state administrative department of marine affairs and the dumping may be carried out only after a permit has been granted by the department. | |
17 | 需要向海洋倾倒废弃物的单位,应事先向主管部门提出申请,按规定的格式填报倾倒废弃物申请书 | An entity which intends to dump wastes at sea shall make an application to the Competent Authority by filling in an application form for dumping wastes as required | |
18 | 严格控制向海洋倾倒废弃物,防止对海洋环境的污染损害,保持生态平衡 | Strictly controlling the dumping of wastes at sea so as to prevent pollution damage to the marine environment, maintain ecological balance | |
19 | 一、禁止倾倒附件一所列的废弃物及其他物质(见附件一)。 | (1)The dumping of wastes or other matter listed in Annex I shall be prohibited (See Annex I). | |
20 | 一、向中华人民共和国的内海、领海、大陆架和其他管辖海域倾倒废弃物和其他物质 | (1)The dumping of wastes or other matter into the internal sea and the territorial sea, onto the continental shelf and into other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People’s Republic of China | |
21 | 意即,对损害的评估不应仅限于被指控的倾销对该产业向进口国的出口的影响或甚至对该产业全部出口的影响。 | that is to say, the injury shall not be assessed in relation only to the effect of the alleged dumping on the industry’s exports to the importing country or even on the industry’s total exports | |
22 | 应尽力避免或减轻因倾倒而造成的污染损害,并在事后尽快向主管部门报告。 | The dumping entity shall do its best to avoid or reduce the pollution damage arising from the dumping and report to the Competent Authority after the event as soon as possible. | |
23 | 在调查过程中,如主管机关审查低于倾销幅度的反倾销税是否足以消除损害,则这些时间可分别为6个月和9个月。 | When authorities, in the course of an investigation, examine whether a duty lower than the margin of dumping would be sufficient to remove injury, these periods may be six and nine months, respectively | |
24 | 在进行审查期间、不得对来自此类出口商或生产者的进口产品征收反倾销税。 | No anti-dumping duties shall be levied on imports from such exporters or producers while the review is being carried out | |
25 | 在美国,各个企业都可以指控外国竞争者进行倾销。 | In the United States firms may bring dumping charges against foreign competitors | |
26 | 在某些情况下,为作出初步肯定性裁定而计算倾销幅度的依据未能向利害关系方披露。 | In certain cases, the basis for calculating dumping margins for a preliminary affirmative determination was not disclosed to interested parties | |
27 | 在倾销和反倾销的规则和程序、补贴和反补贴措施以及知识产权保护等领域,保证实施与纺织品和服装公平和公正的贸易条件有关的政策 | Ensure the application of policies relating to fair and equitable trading conditions as regards textiles and clothing in such areas as dumping and anti-dumping rules and procedures, subsidies and countervailing measures, and protection of intellectual property rights | |
28 | 在实施会影响发展中国家成员根本利益的反倾销税之前,应探讨本协定规定的建设性补救的可能性。 | Possibilities of constructive remedies provided for by this Agreement shall be explored before applying anti-dumping duties where they would affect the essential interests of developing country Members | |
29 | 在中华人民共和国管辖海域以外,排放有害物质,倾倒废弃物,造成中华人民共和国管辖海域污染损害的,也适用于本法。 | This Law shall also apply to the discharge of harmful substances and the dumping of wastes done beyond the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People’s Republic of China that cause pollution damage to sea areas within the jurisdiction of the People’s Republic of China. | |
30 | 在中华人民共和国管辖海域以外倾倒废弃物 | The dumping of wastes which is carried out beyond the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People’s Republic of China |