属类:文学表达-外国名著-Madame de Bovary
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-《经济学人》:先生,您的电子报纸 Your digital paper
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-《经济学人》:先生,您的电子报纸 Your digital paper
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-不明的财源 模糊的数字
1 | PDP巨头反击与LCD争夺市场份额 | Plasma Leader Reaches out to Stave off Dwindling Share from LCDs | |
2 | 此外也急需改善检查系统来追踪地球上正在减少的生物多样化和水资源。 | There’s also an urgent need for better monitoring systems to keep track of the earth’s dwindling biodiversity and water resources. | |
3 | 地区经济结构优化升级的理论渊源与对策取向-兼论缩小区际差异 | Optimizing and Upgrading Regional Economic Structure: Theory Origin and Measure-Also on Dwindling Differences among Regions | |
4 | 飞机在远处越来越小。 | The planes were dwindling in the distance | |
5 | 该岛上的居民人数在逐渐减少. | The number of people on the island is dwindling . | |
6 | 环保主义者们说,由于杜鹃鸟的数量日渐减少,今年英国的春天也许会静悄悄地来临。 | The onset of spring in Britain may come quietly this year due to dwindling numbers of cuckoos, conservationists said | |
7 | 鲁道夫确信已获得爱玛的爱以后,认为已无必要继续扮演他那温柔的情人的把戏。他和爱玛的幽会不再费心地力求准时了。虽然他继续会见她,但她开始怀疑他对她的恋情已在逐渐冷却。 | Sure of Emma’s love, Rodolphe no longer found it necessary to continue his gentle lover’s tricks. He no longer bothered to maintain punctuality in his meetings with Emma, and though he continued to see her, she began to suspect that his passion was dwindling . | |
8 | 人口在逐渐减少。 | The population is dwindling . | |
9 | 人们从他的乱转的眼珠里能看出他怎样贪梦地盯着他继父那逐渐减少的筹码。 | One could see in the roll of his eyes just how he had glanced covertly over the dwindling pile of chips at his step-father’s party | |
10 | 日语学校惨淡经营,学日语的学生人数每况愈下。 | With student enrolment dwindling , the Japanese-language schools are struggling to survive. | |
11 | 他正努力适应自己权力被削弱这一局面。 | He is struggling to come to terms with his dwindling authority. | |
12 | 香港电影观众在萎缩,他们厌倦了又打又砸的功夫片 | Hong Kong cinema audiences are dwindling , tired of smash-em-up kungfu films | |
13 | 新的货物运到时,我们那日趋减少的储备物资得到了补充。 | Our dwindling supplies were replenished when the new shipment arrived | |
14 | 在第一胎出生至少24小时后,动物园兽医主任帕特·莫里斯说:“第二胎存活的几率在不断降低。” | "”The chances of her giving birth to a second live cub are dwindling ,” said Pat Morris, the zoo’s director of veterinary services, at least 24 hours after the initial delivery." | |
15 | 在英国,进教堂做礼拜的年轻人越来越少了,年轻的基督徒们正在通过网络寻找自己生命中的另一半。 | Church attendance amongst Britain’s youth may be dwindling but young Christians are turning to the Internet in droves to find love | |
16 | 主题反映了21世纪需要在日益缩减的野生动植物保护区和生活艰苦的人群需求之间寻找一种平衡。 | reflecting the 21stcentury need to balance conservation of dwindling wilderness sanctuaries with the needs of struggling human societies | |
17 | ||1:对于面临印刷发行量减少和在线广告费率微薄的新闻机构来说,这是一线希望。||2:然而,将读者群转化为收入是一件棘手的事情。||3:并非所有出版商都有能力开发自己的平板电脑应用程序。||4:对于那些可以的读者来说,他们比在网络上更愿意为订阅付费;根据博士先生的说法,(目前)广告费是在线广告的六到十倍。||5:但目前尚不清楚有多少读者会做出这种转变。||6:对于没有应用程序的出版商来说,平板电脑用户和其他网络用户一样:价值很低。 | ||1: For news outlets facing dwindling print circulations and meagre online advertising rates, this is a glimmer of hope. ||2: Yet turning this readership into revenue is tricky. ||3: Not all publishers can afford to build their own tablet apps. ||4: For those that can, readers are somewhat readier to pay for subscriptions than on the web; advertising rates are (for now) six to ten times higher than online, according to Mr Doctor. ||5: But it is not yet clear how many readers will make the switch. ||6: And for publishers without an app, tablet users are just like other web users: worth very little money. | |
18 | ||1:新闻报刊的发行量正日益萎缩,网上的广告刊登率也乏善可陈,数字媒体平台也许是个契机。但是要将读者转化为收入来源是需要智慧的。并不是每个出版商都有能力建立自己的数字媒体平台。||2:对于那些有能力的出版商而言,读者显然更愿意付钱订阅电子杂志而非在网上浏览新闻, 道可特先生说,其广告刊登率也是在线广告的6到10倍,但目前还不清楚到底有多少读者愿意放弃浏览网页转而使用数字媒体平台。||3:而对于没有数字刊物平台的出版商而言,平板电脑的使用者跟其他上网浏览新闻的读者没有什么不同:赚不到什么钱。 | ||1:For news outlets facing dwindling print circulations and meagre online advertising rates, this is a glimmer of hope. Yet turning this readership into revenue is tricky. Not all publishers can afford to build their own tablet apps. ||2:For those that can, readers are somewhat readier to pay for subscriptions than on the web; advertising rates are (for now) six to ten times higher than online, according to Mr Doctor. But it is not yet clear how many readers will make the switch. ||3:And for publishers without an app, tablet users are just like other web users: worth very little money. | |
19 | ||1:由此看出,这一大笔钱只能由欧元区自己的救助基金出,而这些救助基金比我们想象的更缺钱。||2:欧洲金融稳定基金(EFSF,一个已经存在的救助基金)和欧洲稳定机制(ESM,一个新成立的永久性基金)都只能通过发行债券来募集资金。||3:EFSF依靠信用评级为AAA级别的国家的担保来支持债券发行,可是欧元区拥有AAA信用评级的国家越来越少;而ESM将会拥有一些实收资本。||4:可是,这两个基金在面对巨额资金需求时(比如西班牙面临的银行资本迅速重整)都显得力不从心。 | ||1: So the big bucks will have to come from Europe’sown rescue funds. And they are scantier than they seem. ||2: Both the EFSF (theexisting rescue facility) and the ESM (a new permanent fund) need to raiseresources by issuing debt. ||3: The EFSF backs its bonds withguarantees from the dwindling number of AAA-rated governments; the ESM willhave some paid-in capital. ||4: But both could find it hard to raise the large sumsthat might be required for, say, a swift bank recapitalisation in Spain. | |
20 | ||页岩气用得越多,美国的能源业务就越趋本地化。从西南天然气盆地到东北严重污染的大西洋沿岸,天然气输送量正在缩减。Marcellus 页岩气的开发利用开始取代宾夕法尼亚、俄亥俄以及西弗吉尼亚的远距离天然气供应。|| | ||The more shale gas America uses, the more local the energy business becomes. Deliveries from gas basins in the south-west to the markets of the heavily populated Atlantic seaboard in the north-east are dwindling .|| The development of the Marcellus shale is displacing long-distance supplies with gas from Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia. | |
21 | 一位巴西商业巨头的财产缩水。 | The dwindling fortune of a Brazilian magnate. | |
22 | 北海天然气的储存量正在逐渐减少,使得英国的能源供应更加依赖并不可靠的进口渠道。 | North Sea gas reserves are also dwindling , making the UK more dependent on unreliable imports. | |
23 | 本次行动还导致了上千名缺乏清洁水源及食物的平民被困住,据称还有上百名平民死亡或伤残。 | Thousands of civilians are trapped, with dwindling supplies of clean water and food. Hundreds are alleged to have been killed or maimed. | |
24 | 不断减少的少数可以依靠退休金舒舒服服地生活,但是并不是很多人有丰厚的积蓄。 | A dwindling minority can count on a pension on which they could comfortably live, and not many have significant savings. | |
25 | 不断缩水的州政府对地方公共事业的补助以及持续减少的当地产业税税收加剧了入学率降低趋势。 | Falling state aid and dwindling local property taxes have only reinforced the trend. | |
26 | 财政和现金制度是剩余的,这是在以国家新建的稳定和缩小为基础的。 | The fiscal and current-account surpluses that underpinned the country’s new-found stability are dwindling . | |
27 | 此时,南方部落之间为分享逐渐减少的一点钱而开始的争夺引发了更紧张的局势。 | This has provoked more tension as the southern tribes begin to compete for a dwindling pot of money. | |
28 | 从长期来看,欧洲拯救班加西的可敬行动或许会曝光欧洲防务预算的日益减少。 | The admirable action to save Benghazi may, in the long term, expose dwindling defence budgets. | |
29 | 但是,由于男性飞行员的数量逐月下降,阿诺德终于转变了态度。 | But with the number of male pilots dwindling further every month, Arnold reversed his position. | |
30 | 但是很多报刊有着惊人数量的付费客户。 | But many newspapers have a surprisingly large, if dwindling , herd of paying customers. |