1 | 受投票人行动影响,不通过选举代表或代表团 | Effected by action of the voters, rather than through elected representatives or delegates | |
2 | 他被用赎金赎回。 | His ransom has been effected . | |
3 | 他完成了几项重要的改革。 | He effected several important changes. | |
4 | 为根据本条例予以注册,注册政府船舶的移转须凭借卖据作出。 | For the purposes of registration under this Ordinance, the transfer of a registered Government ship shall be effected by a bill of sale. | |
5 | 为根据本条注册的目的,注册船舶的移转须凭借卖据作出。 | For the purposes of registration under this Ordinance, the transfer of a registered ship shall be effected by a bill of sale. | |
6 | 文告并称:“绥远大同两地亦将实施休战。” | It further stated, "cessation of hostilities will be effected also in Suiyuan and Tatung." | |
7 | 我保证我们能按合同规定如期装船。 | I’m sure that shipment will be effected according to the contract stipulation. | |
8 | 我方很高兴地告知贵方,我方在10月8日已经完成贵方订单号码556的圣诞节礼品的出货,由“金鱼号”运送,希望这批货将适时且状况良好地抵达贵方的港口。 | We are pleased to inform you that we have effected the shipment of your order No.556 for the Christmas gifts on 8th, October by SS “Golden Fish” and hope the goods will arrive at your port in perfect condition. | |
9 | 我们评价进步主义成就时,不应轻率漏掉它引起的政治变化。 | In assessing the achievement of progressivism, one should not dismiss lightly the political changes that it effected | |
10 | 我们使自己的两支军队会师了。 | We effected a junction of our two armies | |
11 | 相反,担心货币在不久会贬值,持有该种货币的投资者会换成其它货币或者在远期市场上卖掉,这就意味着即期和远期汇价都会受到影响。 | If, on the other hand, it is feared that a devaluation of the currency is in the offing, the investors who hold that currency would switch to other currencies or sell it forward. This would mean that both the spot rate and forward price would be effected . | |
12 | 幸而狄克莱-狄弥尼尔的一部小说,倒莫名其妙的救了她,她只叫做阿兹玛。 | I know not to what diversion, effected by a romance of Ducray-Dumenil, she owed the fact that she merely bore the name of Azelma | |
13 | 须经当地环境保护部门批准,并设置焚烧炉集中焚烧。 | Such conducts must have the approval of local environmental protection authorities, and be effected in specially provided furnaces in a way they are burned collectively. | |
14 | 宣告婚姻无效法院对已发生或将发生的不完美婚姻所作的无效宣告 | The retrospective as well as prospective invalidation of a marriage,as for nonconsummation,effected by means of a declaration stating that the marriage was never valid. | |
15 | 一个场面是描述勒达轻抚着一只天鹅,那天鹅实际上是朱庇特的化身;另一幅描述了达那厄被她父亲关在一座铜塔里,而主神朱庇特却变成一阵金雨浇进了铜塔。 | Once scene represented Leda caressing the swan, under which for Jupiter had disguised herself; and another, danae, in the brazen tower in which her father had imprisoned her, but where the god effected his entrance in the form of a golden shower | |
16 | 已建成投入生产或者使用的超过排放标准的项目,应当进行净化处理 | Purification treatment should be effected by projects whose discharges prescribed standards, and which have already gone into operation, or been put to use | |
17 | 用铁盐和铝盐能将其有效地除去。 | Their removal is effected by aluminum and ferric salts | |
18 | 由买方自行办理保险 | Insurance: To be effected by the buyer. | |
19 | 由卖方按发票总值1.5%投保综合险及战争险。 | To be effected by the sellers covering all risks and war risk for 1.5% of invoice value. | |
20 | 有下列情形之一的.禁止结婚:一、直系血亲和三代以内的旁系血亲;二、患麻风病未经治愈或患其他医学上认为不应当结婚的疾病。 | No marriage may be contracted under any of the following circumstances: (1)if the man and the woman are lineal relatives by blood, or collateral relatives by blood up to the third degree of kinship; (2)if the man or the woman is suffering from leprosy, a cure not having been effected , or from any other disease which is regarded by medical science as rending a person unfit for marriage. | |
21 | 有一次,哈特落到易洛魁人手中,结果只花了几张兽皮就轻而易举地把他赎了回来。 | Once before, Hutter had been in the hands of the iroquois, and a few skins had readily effected his release | |
22 | 渔夫用蝇子缚住尸首,才把它拖到岸上,但尸体上的擦伤没一处是拖出来的。 | In bringing the body to the shore the fishermen had attached to it a rope, but none of the excoriations had been effected by this. | |
23 | 在本协议期满时,若乙方完成了第二款所规定的数额,甲方应按装运货物所收到的发票累计总金额付给乙方百分之×的佣金。 | Upon the expiration of the Agreement and Party B’s fullfilment of the total turnover mentioned in Article 2, Party A shall pay to Party B...× pct commission on the basis of the aggregate amount of the invoice value against the shipments effected . | |
24 | 在迟延会造成难以弥补的损害的极不寻常和紧急的情况下,可临时采取第10款下的措施,但条件是在采取措施后5个工作日内应提出磋商请求并通知TMB | In highly unusual and critical circumstances, where delay would cause damage which would be difficult to repair, action under paragraph 10 may be taken provisionally on the condition that the request for consultations and notification to the TMB shall be effected within no more than five working days after taking the action. | |
25 | 在管理配额时,各成员不得阻止依照己发放的许可证实施进口,也不得阻碍对配额的充分使用 | When administering quotas, Members shall not prevent importation from being effected in accordance with the issued licences, and shall not discourage the full utilization of quotas | |
26 | 在中国境外使用花旗网上银行受限于:中国人民银行或者国家外汇管理局(如适用)关于外汇控制的法律规范,或者实现或要求交易所在国所实行的任何财政或者外汇控制要求 | The use of Citibank Online outside China is subject to: exchange control regulations of the People’s Bank of China or the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (as may be applicable)or any fiscal or exchange control requirements operating in the country where the transaction is effected or requested | |
27 | 战争使世界各地发生了变化。 | The war effected changes all over the world. | |
28 | 这本书使我的看法起了变化。 | This Book effected a change in my opinion. | |
29 | 这次示威并没有什么效力。 | The demonstration effected nothing. | |
30 | 这次谈话的结果是最终换了房子。嘉莉也不免因此而闷闷不乐。这件事对她的影响比以往发生的任何事都更为严重。 | The upshot of this was that the change was eventually effected ; not without great gloom on the part of Carrie. |