属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧元危机 负债人的监狱
1 | 他就要开始新的商业冒险活动。 | He is about to embark on a new business venture | |
2 | 他们用船(或飞机)把更多的军队运到埃及去。 | They embark more troops for Egypt. | |
3 | 停止使乘客登船或飞机 | stopped to embark passengers. | |
4 | 投资于商业. | embark one`s capital in trade | |
5 | 我没有人可以商量,没有人与我一起逃跑。我孤身一人形单影只,周围没有其他奴隶,也没有英格兰人、爱尔兰人或苏格兰人。 | Nothing presented to make the supposition of it rational; for I had no body to communicate it to, that would embark with me; no fellow-slave, no Englishman, Irishman, or Scotsman there but my self | |
6 | 新婚夫妇备有合适的工具和材料便高高兴兴地动手装饰自己的新房。 | Armed with the right tools and materials, newly-weds gaily embark on the task of decorating their own homes | |
7 | 新婚夫妇找来合适的工具和材料,喜气洋洋地开始布置新房。 | Armed with the right tools and materials, newlyweds gaily embark on the task of decorating their own homes. | |
8 | 许多人在纽约港乘船去欧洲。 | Many people embark for Europe at New York harbor | |
9 | 悬挂检疫信号的船舶,除引航员和经卫生检疫机关许可的人员外,其他人员不准上船,不准装卸行李、货物、邮包等物品,其他船舶不准靠近 | Except the pilot or those permitted by CIQ, no person is allowed to embark on a ship with the quarantine signal,and no such articles as luggage, goods and postal parcels are allowed to be loaded or unloaded, nor another ship is allowed to approach it. | |
10 | 眼泪中有神圣。它不是懦弱的标志,却是力量的象征;它比任何语言更有力。--欧文 | There is a sacredness in tears. They are no that embark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than thousand tongues.--Irving | |
11 | 于是他很快就与这一行当分道扬镳,到纽约开始了笔墨生涯。 | He soon abandoned its practice and went to New York to embark on a literary career | |
12 | 在检疫没有结束之前,除经卫生检疫机关许可外,任何人不得上下航空器,不准装卸行李、货物、邮包等物品。 | Without the permission of CIQ, no person is allowed to embark or disembark, and no loading or unloading of luggage, goods and postal parcels is allowed before quarantine inspection is over. | |
13 | 在上海乘船. | embark at Shanghai | |
14 | 张飞说:"这没什么可难的,我可以拿出家产,招兵买马,创建大业" | You needn’t worry, said Zhang. I’m willing to give up my fortune to build an army and embark on this new career with you. | |
15 | 这些钱我是靠一些亲戚的帮助搞来的。我写信给他们;我相信,他们就告诉我父亲,或至少告诉了我母亲,由父亲或母亲出钱,再由亲戚寄给我,作为我第一次做生意的本钱。 | This 40 pounds had mustered together by the assistance of some of my relations whom I corresponded with, and who, be it to, that would embark with me | |
16 | 整个社会走上生产发展、生活富足、生态良好的文明发展道路。 | The entire society will embark on a road of civilized development with developed production, affluent life and a sound ecological environment | |
17 | 中国风琴制造之驶 | The Embark of China’ s Organ Production | |
18 | 着手一项新的工作. | embark on a new business(undertaking) | |
19 | 着手一项新的商业 | embark upon a new business undertaking | |
20 | 走上堕落、犯罪的道路 | embark on the road of degeneration and crime | |
21 | 走上生活道路放弃斗争,这是很糟糕的,那个年轻人确实该好好振作起来才行。 | Quitting is a bad way to embark on life, and that young person really ought to snap out of it. | |
22 | 借贷过多的企业都不愿做出新的尝试,而银行无论如何不愿放贷因为他们的资产负债表已经做好了穿插坏账的准备。 | Firms that have overborrowed are reluctant to embark on new ventures, and banks are in any case reluctant to lend because their balance-sheets are peppered with bad debts. | |
23 | 为了让失业率再次回落,央行可能开启新一轮宽松。 | To get unemployment back down again, the central bank could embark on another round of easing. | |
24 | 周四,NASA宇航员杰克·费舍尔将按计划开始首次飞往国际空间站的旅行。他很高兴将要开始的各种实验,包括植物生长和骨骼生长,但是在微重力的状态下上厕所就让他没那么兴奋了。 | On Thursday, NASA astronaut Jack Fischer is scheduled to embark on his first voyage to the International Space Station. He’s excited to be working on a variety of experiments, including ones dealing with plant growth and bone growth, but he’s less than thrilled about the prospect of using the loo in microgravity. | |
25 | 最后,麦莉与男友选择分手,随后的两年里二人分道扬镳,不再联系。 | Ultimately, they would call off their engagement and embark on a two-year hiatus. | |
26 | “我们必须以这个国家节日为契机,推动我们的事业,证明我们这个多元的社会是一个团结的整体。”祖马说。 | "We must use our national days to embark upon programs that demonstrate that we are indeed united in our diversity, " Zuma said. | |
27 | 百事公司主席兼首席执行官IndraNooyi宣布,百事公司将着手对其所有的品牌进行一次全面改造。 | Which was done after PepsiCo Chairman-CEO Indra Nooyi announced the company would embark on a sweeping revamp of all its brands. | |
28 | 本书中描述的规则会让有志于从事管理事业的人们受益。 | Application of the principles described in this book should benefit anyone who is about to embark on a managerial career. | |
29 | 标准人寿(StandardLife)近期的一项研究表明,在46-65岁的英国人中,六分之一的人希望创业,而无意退休。 | A recent study from Standard Life suggests that one in six Britons aged 46-65 hopes to embark on a new business venture rather than retire. | |
30 | 吃完早午餐,我就可以继续今天的行程了:游览明星们的宅邸。 | My brunch over, I could embark on my entertainment for the day: a tour of stars’ homes. |