1 | 迟建新表示,从明年起,该基金将启动第二期20亿美元的投资,从而加速迈向50亿美元的投资目标。 | From next year it would embark on a second, $2bn phase of investments, accelerating towards its goal of $5bn, Mr Chi said. | |
2 | 从本质上来说,中国不会走上日本的道路,它也不可能一直维持出口驱动型的经济。 | Fundamentally speaking, China will not embark on the same road as Japan. Nor will it sustain its export-driven growth in the future. | |
3 | 大家都知道,很多动物在面对掠夺,压力或者直接威胁的时候,会繁殖得更快。 | It has been known for a while that, in the face of deprivation, stress or direct threats, many animals embark on reproduction much quicker. | |
4 | 但乔纳森先生推荐的内阁,说明他更热衷于政治利益的平衡,而不是走上激进的改革。 | But Mr Jonathan’s proposed cabinet suggests he is keener to balance political interests rather than embark on radical reform. | |
5 | 但是软弱的阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊,2009年面临着竞选连任,是不可能着手进行激进的改革。 | But a weakened President Hamid Karzai, facing re-election in 2009, is unlikely to embark on radical reform. | |
6 | 但在争相投资之前,投资者也应该记住不利因素,例如固定成本居高不下、票价受到监管等。 | But investors should recall the downsides too, including a high level of fixed costs and regulated ticket prices, before rushing to embark . | |
7 | 当利率趋近于零,政策制定者会被迫采用更非常规的措施促使经济恢复运转。 | As rates head towards zero, policymakers will be forced to embark on ever more unorthodox measures to get the economy moving again. | |
8 | 当你们即将踏上征程的时候,请允许我奉上最后的几点建议。首先,听你们母亲的话。 | As you embark on this journey let me leave you with a few last pieces of advice. First, listen to your mother. | |
9 | 当然,如果朝鲜决定走上那条无核化的改革道路,韩国将乐意做一盏指路明灯。 | Of course, should the North decide to embark on a path of nuclear-weapons-free reform, the South will happily end it a guiding hand. | |
10 | 当时,政府别无选择,只有着手施行一套残酷的关停方案,数千万人因此失业。 | The government felt it had no option but to embark on a brutal programme of closures that left tens of millions without jobs. | |
11 | 当贪婪的思想占据了人的心灵时他是很容易走上堕落、犯罪道路的。 | It is easy for a man to embark on the road of degeneration and crime when greed inhabits his mind. | |
12 | 当我们从事任何工作时,好的开始是很重要的。 | When we embark on any task, it is important that we start well. | |
13 | 独立国家将开始一场技术“生存竞赛”,较量一下到底能让多少人撤离该星球。 | Independent nations would embark on a technological "survival-race" to see how many citizens could be launched off the planet. | |
14 | 对有婚外恋行为的女人来说,四十多岁时的性关系常常是一种让她们回到年轻时代的方法。 | For those who embark on them, the fortysomething sexual relationship is often a way of reclaiming their youth. | |
15 | 发展国内债券市场应是中国政府的首要任务之一,同时中国还应着手实现资本账户的放开。 | Developing a domestic bond market should be a top priority and China should also embark on capital account liberalisation. | |
16 | 发展自我约束是你将着手的最有回报的举措之一。 | Developing self-discipline is one of the most rewarding undertakings you will ever embark on. | |
17 | 各国政府应该在世贸组织的支持下开始新的、有远大目标的谈判,而非寻求更多的双边和地区协议。 | Instead of pursuing more bilateral and regional deals, the world’s governments should embark on new, ambitious talks under WTO auspices. | |
18 | 航母不需要装备像过去那么多的战机,也不会像过去那样经常出去动。 | Carriers don’t need to embark as many fighters, or launch them as often. | |
19 | 好吧,在你着手制作字体之前,务必先把iLT上面所有的文章都读过一遍! | Well, make sure you read all of the articles on iLT before you embark on font creation! | |
20 | 很多去读博士学位的人都是班上最聪明的学生,他们也可以把他们想要做的任何事情做到最好。 | Many of those who embark on a PhD are the smartest in their class and will have been the best at everything they have done. | |
21 | 还有,不管欧洲央行从此次危机中获得了何种影响力,让其偏离自己的使命,对于其正当性是危险的。 | and, whatever clout the ECB has gained from the crisis, it would be dangerous for its legitimacy to let it embark on mission creep. | |
22 | 杰克逊最后为人所知的影像是他投入到伦敦季的彩排。 | The last known video shows him at a rehearsal for the London season he was about to embark on. | |
23 | 她选择在全情投入硕士学习的时候,一支眼关注着竞争激烈的本科生就业市场,另一只眼注视着令人沮丧的经济形势。 | She chose to embark on master’s study with one eye on the competitive graduate job market and another on the gloomy economic climate. | |
24 | 尽管如此,市场对美联储将推出第三轮这样的宽松政策的预期升温。 | Yet market expectations are rising that the Fed will embark on a third round of such easing. | |
25 | 举例而言,德国实施导致失业率上升的扩张性薪资政策就将是愚蠢的。 | It would be insane, for instance, for Germany to embark on an expansionary wage policy that led to higher unemployment. | |
26 | 具备更强大资产负债表的银行,正准备启动下一轮交易撮合。 | Equipped with stronger balance sheets, the banks were now ready to embark on the next cycle of dealmaking. | |
27 | 决定启用社会媒体战略并不像在Facebook上开个账户那么简单。 | Deciding to embark on a social media strategy isn’t just as simple as setting up a Facebook account. | |
28 | 可是为什么联合政府选择来进行如此剧烈的公共服务改革呢? | Why, then, has the coalition government chosen to embark on such drastic public-service reforms? | |
29 | 临近傍晚时分,你展开沙漠旅程,也就告别了杜拜的喧嚣扰攘 | In the late afternoon, you leave the bustle of Dubai as you embark on your desert journey. | |
30 | 另外,一座新城市和一份新工作就意味着新的挑战。 | Also, a new town and a new job mean a new adventure to embark on. |