1 | 没有这种手段,想寻觅其它行星上的智力生命,将如同在没有事先约定地点的情况下,而且想以荒唐地逛大街的办法以期偶然碰巧在伦敦遇见一位友人一样。 | Without something of this kind, searching for intelligence on other planets would be like trying to meet a friend in London without a pre-arranged rendezvous and absurdly wandering the streets in the hope of a chance encounter | |
2 | 那只威风凛凛的猫在一场战斗中屈居下风,这是破题第一遭。 | It was the first encounter in which that regal cat came off second best | |
3 | 耐藏性能,或者说贮藏稳定性,是在一定的贮藏及搬运条件下测定的,这些条件模拟或稍微超出产品在正常销售和搬运过程中预期的情况。 | Keeping quality or storage stability is measured under storage and handling conditions that are set up to simulate or somewhat exceed the conditions the product is expected to encounter in normal distribution and use. | |
4 | 您如果想跟熊较量一下的话,也一定能够把它打翻在地的。 | You also could overthrow a bear if you chose to go out and encounter him. | |
5 | 巧遇、偶然相遇、偶发事件、偶然发生的事. | A chance meeting,encounter , occurrence,happening,etc | |
6 | 然而,在利润中心,我们遇到与为企业整体测量每个利润中心的利润相关普遍问题:企业的收入和成本如何分配到每个利润中心? | However, in profit centers, we encounter the usual problems related to measuring profit for the organization as a whole: how are the organization’ s revenues and costs allocated to each profit center? | |
7 | 让我概括一下我们在将来的工作中可能会遇到的几个障碍。 | Let me outline a few of the obstacles that we might encounter in our future work. | |
8 | 认识到发展中国家成员在遵守进口成员的卫生与植物卫生措施方面可能遇到特殊困难,进而在市场准人及在其领土内制定和实施卫生与植物卫生措施方面也会遇到特殊困难,期望协助它们在这方面所做的努力 | Recognizing that developing country Members may encounter special difficulties in complying with the sanitary or phytosanitary measures of importing Members, and as a consequence in access to markets, and also in the formulation and application of sanitary or phytosanitary measures in their own territories, and desiring to assist them in their endeavours in this regard | |
9 | 认识到发展中国家在制定和实施技术法规、标准及对技术法规和标准的合格评定程序方面可能遇到特殊困难,并期望对它们在这方面所作的努力给予协助 | Recognizing that developing countries may encounter special difficulties in the formulation and application of technical regulations and standards and procedures for assessment of conformity with technical regulations and standards, and desiring to assist them in their endeavours in this regard | |
10 | 如果对织物中的人造纤维进行了正确的定形处理,在后续的整理工序中,以及在消费者的使用过程中,只要环境温度不超过定形温度,织物会一直保持定形后的形状和尺寸。 | When man-made fibers in cloth are properly heat-set, the cloth will maintain its shape and size in subsequent finishing operations as well as in consumer use, as long as it does not encounter temperatures higher than the setting temperature. | |
11 | 如果你承担这个任务,就会遇到许多困难。 | If you take up this assignment, you are likely to encounter many difficulties. | |
12 | 如果你想见见真正的火山,往南到冬加里洛国家公园,那里壮观的山峰令人想起《小矮人历险记》中的孤独山。 | If you want to encounter a real volcano, head south to Tongariro National Park with its breathtaking peaks reminiscent of the Lonely Mountain from The Hobbit | |
13 | 如果你遇到了这些字处理文件,又没有与之相应的字处理程序能存取它,那就把它放在一个文本编辑器中,去掉那些无用的字符,恢复正文。 | If you encounter one of these word-processor files and don’t have access to the matching word-processor program, you can usually load them into a text editor, where you can edit out the junk to recover the text. | |
14 | 如果我们真遇到一头熊,该怎么办? | What if we should encounter a bear? | |
15 | 如果我走出门去,会遇到简?罗丝投来的不赞许的目光。 | If I made through the door I would encounter the disapproving gaze of Jane Rothe | |
16 | 如遇到交货问题,我们会把延误情况和修改后的交货时间及时通知客户。 | If encounter delivery problems, we will inform customers of the delay and the revised delivery date. | |
17 | 双方随时可能在巴尔的摩大街上掐住对方的脖子。 | A sanguinary encounter seemed daily imminent between the two parties in the street of baltimore | |
18 | 虽然公司员工的经验丰富,但在维持烘焙质量,如色香味时也遇到了不少的困难。 | Even so, staffs encounter much difficulty in maintaining the consistency of the quality of roasts, such as flavour, aroma and colour, albeit their experience. | |
19 | 虽然帕金比别人更容易认出费伯,但他根本不是费伯的对手。 | parkin had a better chance of recognizing Faber, but no chance at all of surviving the encounter | |
20 | 随后,对功能主义的认识成为了决定因素。最后,Aalto探索出了自己的艺术风格,被公认为“博采众长,融会贯通”。 | Later his encounter with functionalism would be the deciding factor. Finally, Aalto developed his own personal style, which is often described simply as "organic". | |
21 | 他感觉好像医院的门诊病人第一次看见医生似的。 | He felt like a hospital out-patient at a first encounter with the doctor. | |
22 | 他很有幽默感,他对这次遭遇的不动声色的叙述给他的听众带来许多乐趣。 | He had a good sense of humor and his dry accounts of the encounter delighted his listeners. | |
23 | 他们从见面起就表现良好。 | They come off well from the encounter | |
24 | 他们知道自己对于这些文化道德遗产所知甚少。每当在工作中遇到困难时,他们倾向于倾听他们国家伟大的思想家所给予的建议。 | They are aware that they know little about their culture’s ethical heritage, but as they encounter dilemmas at work, are enticed to listen to the advice of their country’ s great thinkers | |
25 | 他强调,斗牛士是性爱的象征,在与公牛的较量中扮演的是个女人的角色。她幽雅地挑逗公牛,公牛扮演出粗犷和直率的雄性角色。 | He makes the argument that the matador, a "symbol of sexual love," plays the part of the woman in the encounter with the bull, and gracefully provokes the bull, who acts out the role of the brutish and direct male | |
26 | 他遇上了警卫犬,把他吓坏了. | His encounter with the guard dog had completely unnerved him. | |
27 | 他遇上了警卫犬,把他吓坏了。 | His encounter with the guard dog have completely unnerve him. | |
28 | 他总是喜欢遇到流氓就当场制服他们。 | He preferred to work over hoodlums wherever he might encounter them | |
29 | 天文学家们说和一个与太阳差不多大的恒星与另一颗恒"亲密接触"后偏离轨道而靠近黑洞。 | Astronomers said a star about the size of our sun neared the black hole after veering off course following a close encounter with another star | |
30 | 同加纳人的会见深深地震动了昆塔的心。 | Kunta had been rocked to the core by his encounter with the ghanaian |