1 | "中国平安保险(香港)有限公司,将继续秉承""信誉第一、效率第一、客户至上、服务至上""的宗旨,为香港的客户,提供有效、迅速、公平及准确的保险服务。" | "In the future, the Company would endeavor its principles-""Trust and Customers’ Interest First, Highest Efficiency and Best Services"" to provide the best efficient and speedy, fair and accurate insurance and consultancy services for our customers." | |
2 | “亲爱的伯爵,”阿尔贝说道,“我当尽力来报答您在罗马待我的一片好意,在您自己的马车还没有备妥以前,您可以用我那辆双人马车。” | "My dear Count," said Albert, "I will endeavor to return your politeness at Rome, and place my coup at your disposal until your own be ready." | |
3 | “我很希望您来的时候我也在那儿,我将尽力来报答您在基督山对我的殷勤款待。” | I should like to be there at the time you come, and I will endeavor to repay you, as far as lies in my power, for your liberal hospitality displayed to me at Monte Cristo. | |
4 | “我见到维尔福先生以后,就可以马上让你知道的,我要尽力要求他为爱德蒙说说情。 | I will let you know that directly I have seen M. de Villefort, whom I shall endeavor to interest in Edmond’s favor | |
5 | 〞一国两制〞是一项全新的事业,需要中央政府、特别行政区政府和广大香港同胞一道实践和探索。 | "One country, two systems"" is a Brand new cause, which calls for joint endeavor by the Central Government, the SAR Government and our compatriots in Hong Kong" | |
6 | 2002年,昆山统一已涉足酱油及乳品事业。未来,公司将善用企业核心竞争力,积极拓展,期望成为华东最大的食品企业! | Since 2002, Kushan President has held business operation in soy sauce and dairy industries. It will leverage its core competencies and endeavor to become the most powerful food business in eastern China . | |
7 | 奥运精神包括努力提高全球运动水平,鼓励参与,公平竞赛,竞争精神和体育道德风范。这也是越来越多的国家申办奥运会的原因。 | The Olympic spirit includes endeavor to raise the standards of global sports, to encourage participation, fair play, competitiveness and sportsmanship. That is why more and more countries are bidding to host the Olympic Games. | |
8 | 被告艾吉拉在一项调查过程中向联邦调查局密探撒谎,根据第1503条被判定“‘不道德地企图影响、干预并妨碍大陪审团调查′”之罪。 | Respondent Aguilar lied to a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent in the course of an investigation and was convicted of ″ ′corruptly endeavor [ing] to influence, obstruct, and impede[a]… grand jury investigation′″ | |
9 | 并尽我才智把完美的财富获得。 | To perfect wealth my wit for to endeavor . | |
10 | 不断努力行善 | constant endeavor to do good | |
11 | 不断提高自身的创新能力、管理能力与服务水平,培养和造就高层次软件人才,努力突破制约产业发展的关键技术。 | constantly improve its own innovation ability, management ability and service level, cultivate and train quality software technicians and endeavor to make breakthroughs in key technologies constraining the development of the industry. | |
12 | 长期努力的目标 | The object of a prolonged endeavor . | |
13 | 除了政府动用资源进行扶贫外,国家将进一步动员社会各界参与扶贫,增加社会扶贫的资源。 | To enlist greater social involvement in this sphere of endeavor , the state will mobilize society at large to take part in the poverty alleviation drive, in addition to the resources provided by the government | |
14 | 从而结束中国工作组的工作。经过15年的艰辛努力,中国加入世贸组织即将成为现实。 | thus wrapping up the historic mission of the WTO Working Party on China. Hard endeavor of 15 years is about to turn China′s entry to the WTO into a reality. | |
15 | 但同时我向你保证,我已经尽最大努力使法院相信你的诉求具有正当理由。 | but at the same time I assure you that I have used my best endeavor to convince the Court of the justification of your plaint. | |
16 | 党的思想、组织、作风建设全面推进,思想政治工作得到加强. | An all-out endeavor has been made to build up the Party ideologically, organizationally and in work style. Our ideological and political work has been strengthened. | |
17 | 党的思想、组织、作风建设全面推进,思想政治工作得到加强。干部制度改革迈出新步伐。 | An all-out endeavor has been made to build up the Party ideologically, organizationally and in work style. Our ideological and political work has been strengthened. New steps have been taken in the reform of the personnel system. | |
18 | 第三十二条 国家鼓励、支持开发先进节能技术,确定开发先进节能技术的重点和方向,建立和完善节能技术服务体系,培育和规范节能技术市场。 | Article 32 The State encourages and supports the development of advanced technology for energy conservation, determines the priority and direction for the endeavor , establishes and keeps improving the service system for such technology, and fosters and standardizes the market for it. | |
19 | 第三十三条 县级以上地方人民政府应当根据本地区气候资源的特点,对气候资源开发利用的方向和保护的重点作出规划。 | Article 33 Local people’s governments at or above the county level shall, in light of the characteristics of the local climatic resources, draw up plans for the fields of endeavor in which to exploit the climatic resources and for the key climatic resources to be protected. | |
20 | 第四, 他们要在尊重他们现有的义务下,努力促使所有国家, | Fourth, they will endeavor , with due respect for their existing obligations, to further the enjoyment by all States | |
21 | 第四十二条 在招标投标中发生纠纷,可自行协商处理或由招标投标办事机构进行调解。调解无效时,可通过诉讼解决。 | Article 42. In case of any dispute arising from bidding or tendering activities, the relevant parties shall endeavor to resolve such dispute through mutual consultation or with the mediation of the institution in charge of bidding and tendering. If such mediation fails, the dispute may be resolved through legal proceedings. | |
22 | 翻译工作者协会或联合会应从各个方面收集翻译工作者感兴趣的情报资料,并以图书、合订本、概述、通报的形式提供给翻译工作者使用。 | They shall endeavor to collect information of interest to the profession from all sources and to place it at the disposal of translators in the form of libraries, files, journals and bulletins. | |
23 | 奋斗的领域 | Several fields of endeavor . | |
24 | 奋斗为达到目标而作的努力或尝试 | An effort or endeavor to realize an aim. | |
25 | 改革开放,是中华民族自强不息和变革创新精神在当代的集中体现和创造性发展。 | The reform and opening-up endeavor is an embodiment and a creative development of the Chinese spirit of constantly striving to strengthen oneself and reform and renovation in modern times | |
26 | 共同的福利是我们全民族一致追求的目标。 | Common welfare is the goal of our national endeavor . | |
27 | 关心翻译理论及实践的发展,大力促进全世界的文化传播。 | It shall keep in touch with progress in theoretical and practical matters relating to translation, and endeavor to contribute to the spread of civilization throughout the world. | |
28 | 集中力量在高科技领域取得重大突破,大力促进科技成果产业化。 | We will endeavor to make some major breakthroughs in the high-tech sector by pooling strength from various quarters and energetically promote the industrialization of scientific results | |
29 | 坚持"一国两制"方针,调动一切积极因素,为完成祖国统一大业和实现中华民族的伟大复兴而共同奋斗。 | "We should adhere to the principle of ""one country, two systems"" and bring into full play every positive factor in a common endeavor to accomplish the grand cause of national reunification and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." | |
30 | 将不断努力开发新产品,以满足消费者的需要,为您的生活增添情趣。 | Ongoing product innovation is what we endeavor to do to fulfill your needs and to make your eating more pleasurable. |