属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-政界金权 任君捐
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 向农民们表忠
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-泰国佛教 失踪的僧侣(2)
1 | ||1:巴拉克·奥巴马努力改革美国住房金融体系,他发出信号表示,他将会签署一项代表两党意愿的法令,逐步减少政府资助的房利美和房地美的业务。||2:该法案也会要求私人投资者承担按揭贷款违约的直接损失,但是保留联邦政府作为最后保障的角色。 | ||1:In an effort to overhaul America’s housing-finance system, Barack Obama signalled that he will endorse a bipartisan Senate bill to wind down the two government-sponsored mortgage giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.||2:The bill would also require private investors to take the first loss on mortgage defaults, but preserve the federal government’s role as a backstop. | |
2 | ||1:根据法庭判决,预防腐败是唯一条限制竞选捐款的充分理由。||2:这样一来,制定候选人的个人受捐总限额就合乎情理了:若是让国会议员候选人另外寻求一样补偿,或是让其支付公开露面的费用,他们便会脏了好好一张百万支票。||3:但若是法律允许候选人个人接收1776美金,或允许16位候选人接收1776美金,第17个人或是第400个人就不会脏了这笔钱。||4:“政府不可对捐赠方资助的候选人人数或事业项数作限制,”首席法官罗伯茨写道,“也不可在新闻中透露捐赠方所支持的候选人人数。” | ||1:The only good reason to curb campaign donations, the Court ruled, is to prevent corruption.||2:So caps on donations to individual candidates make sense: a “financial quid pro quo”, or appearance thereof, taints a $1m cheque to someone running for Congress.||3:But if it is lawful to give $1,776 to one candidate, or 16, it is odd to argue that the same sum would corrupt the 17th recipient, or the 400th.||4:“The Government may no more restrict how many candidates or causes a donor may support,” Chief Justice Roberts wrote, “than it may tell a newspaper how many candidates it may endorse .” | |
3 | ||1:这种迎合奉承在两党中都存在。希拉里·克林顿为农业部长汤姆·维尔萨克招来一名助手和一名前爱荷华州长来运行她在该州的竞选,消息一出,就引来乙醇法支持者的欢呼。||2:但这种迎合并不普遍。||3:里克·佩里实际上还没有明确认可可再生燃料标准。||4:他属下的一名德克萨斯州参议员特德·克鲁兹对爱荷华人说,他反对该项标准,因为“华盛顿不应该一手定胜负。” | ||1:The pandering is bipartisan: ethanol backers cheered reports that Hillary Clinton has recruited an aide to Tom Vilsack, the agriculture secretary and a former Iowa governor, to run her campaign in the state.||2:Yet the pandering is not universal.||3:Mr Perry did not explicitly endorse the RFS.||4:His fellow-Texan, Senator Ted Cruz, told Iowans that he opposes it, explaining his conviction that “Washington should not be picking winners and losers.” | |
4 | 那些需要私有资本市场不会批准的低成本抵押贷款的民众应感到满足, | To satisfy those who want low-priced mortgages on terms that private markets would never endorse , | |
5 | 这个职位通常是有严苛的等级制度的,不过迄今已经对外开放好几年了,因为先前一位保守的住持拒绝承认继任者—而其中部分原因是担心继任者与Dhammakaya走的太近。 | That job is usually filled according to a strict hierarchy but had been held open for several years after conservative clergy refused to endorse the expected successor—in part because of worries that he was too close to Dhammakaya. | |
6 | “林赛并未收取任何代言费,”她的代言人告诉《美国周刊》。 | "Lindsay has not been paid to endorse Ariva, " her rep told Us Weekly. | |
7 | “我认为宁肯我食言也不能纵容撒谎,”他说。 | "I decided it was better for me to break that promise than to endorse the lie, " he says. | |
8 | 4月,劳联-产联第一次拒绝支持我的竞选。 | In April, the AFL-CIO refused for the first time to endorse me. | |
9 | Gedi先生也拒绝签收由邦特兰政府签订的开采合约。 | Mr Gedi has also refused to endorse exploration deals signed by Puntland’s government. | |
10 | Microsoft不保证或认可由第三方(如Codezone社区的参与者)提供的搜索结果。 | Microsoft does not guarantee or endorse search results provided by third-parties, such as Codezone Community participants. | |
11 | 阿拉伯国家之间的严重分歧非常明显,甚至是在会议宣言中都能体现出来。伊拉克代表拒绝支持这份宣言。 | The sharp divides among Arab states were evident even in the summit’s declaration, which the Iraqi delegation refused to endorse . | |
12 | 艾里斯兰德在决胜选举前两天回到海地,但一直保持一种低姿态,并没有宣称会支持哪位候选人。 | Aristide arrived in Haiti two days before the runoff but has kept a low profile so far and did not endorse a candidate. | |
13 | 澳大利亚、加拿大、英国和瑞典也参与了这次调查并将共同签署调查结论。 | Australia, Canada, Britain and Sweden also took part in the investigation and will endorse its conclusions, officials said. | |
14 | 巴勒斯坦人认为这些地区是他们国家的领土,由此可见他们不会认同“两国并存”的解决方案。 | By demanding that those places be part of their state, those Palestinians seem not to endorse a "two-state solution" . | |
15 | 不过报告似乎支持使用更广泛的方法,以避免过去单一栽培转基因作物那样的错误。 | But it seems to endorse a broader approach that avoids the mistakes of the past, such as growing monocultures of just one GM crop. | |
16 | 不会“批准”、“评定”或“签署”任何条款、结构、专门的设备或行动。 | ASME does not "approve, " "rate, " or "endorse " any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity. ASME | |
17 | 布什总统没有正式表态支持麦凯恩,但是他说,他愿意为最后将赢得共和党提名的侯选人竞选。 | The president did not formally endorse McCain, but did say he was willing to campaign on behalf of the eventual Republican nominee. | |
18 | 超过120个国家向大会提交了申请。联合国秘书长潘基文说,无论如何,他们最终还是签署了这份合约。 | More than 120 countries have sent letters to the UNFCCC secretariat saying whether or not they endorse the accord. | |
19 | 除主席之外的所有董事会成员都投票赞成我的建议 | All the members of board of directors beside president had vote to endorse my proposition. | |
20 | 传统领袖必须替新宪法背书。 | The traditional leaders would have to endorse a new constitution. | |
21 | 此外,如果日本不力挺奥巴马在火奴鲁鲁的举措,它大概会让最亲密的盟友失望。 | There is also a sense that Japan would let down its closest ally if it did not endorse Mr Obama’s Honolulu push. | |
22 | 存入这张支票前,请在后面背书。 | NO05, 6. Please endorse the back of this check before you deposit it. | |
23 | 但本文并不支持任何特定的搜索引擎规范框架,也不对应由谁规制搜索提出建议。 | It does not endorse any particular normative framework for search. Nor does it recommend who should regulate search. | |
24 | 但从大局出发,这是一个我们都可以赞成的决定。 | But looking at the big picture, it is a decision we can all endorse . | |
25 | 但是后来,他既没有支持该委员会的发现,自己也没有给出一份认真的计划。 | But he then declined either to endorse its findings or present a serious plan of his own. | |
26 | 但是他的两党合作却几乎是乔治•布什式的变种:他以他的对手支持他的政策而高兴而已。 | But his bipartisanship has been mostly of the George Bush variety: he is quite happy for his opponents to endorse his policies. | |
27 | 但是希拉里•克林顿说最终,选民是在候选者中做决定而非那些支持候选者的名人。 | But Hillary Clinton says in the end, the voters will decide among the candidates, and not the celebrities who endorse them. | |
28 | 但这看来已经没有必要了,因为西方领导人迫不及待地赞同了它的决定。 | But that was unnecessary, as Western leaders rushed to endorse the IEC’s interpretation. | |
29 | 到目前为止,美国政府不愿再为恶性肿瘤筛查背书。 | The government has, so far, been reluctant to endorse routine cancer screening. | |
30 | 都柏林6个选区均选择支持条约,包括2008年6月大多数人投反对票的西南都柏林。 | All of the six Dublin constituencies were set to endorse the treaty, including Dublin South West where in June 2008 a majority rejected it. |