属类:文学表达-童话-The Snail and the Rose-Tree
1 | 她天性聪慧。 | She was endowed by nature with great talents. | |
2 | 她应该嫁给希腊的一个青年首领,共享伊萨卡王国;因为世界上没有一个女性比得过她的天赋。 | She ought to marry some one of the young chieftains of Greece and share with him the kingdom of Ithaca; for no woman in the world is more richly endowed than she. | |
3 | 她有极高天分,得天独厚。 | She is richly endowed by nature | |
4 | 她有天赐的美貌和智慧。 | She is endowed with both beauty and brains. | |
5 | 今当运隆祚永之朝,太平无为之世,清明灵秀之气所秉者,上至朝廷,下及草野,比比皆是. | This is a prosperous, long-enduring reign when the world is at peace and there are many people in the court and in the countryside who are endowed with the good essences. | |
6 | 举凡有意在这世上谋求生存者,必须具备三种难得的天资:掩饰感情、含糊其词、保留己见。 | He that will live in this world must be endowed with the three rare qualities of dissimulation,equivocation,and mental reservation. | |
7 | 可是难道说我们不应该把我们最好的东西奉献给别人吗!把我们能拿出的--!是啊,我只做到了拿出玫瑰来!--可是您呢?您得到了那么多,您给了世界什么呢?您给它什么呢?” | But must we not all here on earth give up our best parts to others, and offer as much as lies in our power? It is true, I have only given roses. But you-you who are so richly endowed -what have you given to the world? What will you give it? | |
8 | 论“诗言志”走向“诗缘情”的历史必然性 | A Talk about the Historical Necessity from "Poems Expressing Wills" to "Poems Endowed with Feeling" | |
9 | 没有几个人有爱因斯坦那样的头脑。 | Few men are endowed the brain of an Einstein | |
10 | 没有人在被赋予一项权利时不同时承担一项责任。--约翰逊 | No man was ever endowed with a right without being at the same time saddled with a responsibility.--Gerald W.Johnson | |
11 | 民主管理和民主监督,保证人民依法享有广泛的权利和自由,尊重和保障人权。 | instituting democratic management and supervision, ensuring that the people enjoy extensive rights and freedom endowed by law, and respecting and guaranteeing human rights . | |
12 | 那富人捐款给一所学院。 | The rich man endowed a college. | |
13 | 那个男孩有天赋的才能((那个男孩是个天才))。 | The boy was endowed by nature with genius. | |
14 | 那位富商将自己的一半家产捐给了医院。 | The rich businessman endowed the hospital with half his fortune. | |
15 | 那位老人捐助基金办一所医院。 | The old man endowed a hospital | |
16 | 宁夏虽地处边远,自然条件却并不差,是名符其实的“塞外江南”。 | Although situated in an outlying part of the country, Ningxia is richly endowed by nature, deserving fully the name Sai’ Wai’ Jiang’ Nan or Lush Southern Country Beyond the Great Wall | |
17 | 贫富的形成往往由于机会,在社会的成员中,分得财富最少的人也正是最需要照顾的人,而社会对他们恰又苛求最甚,这样是否合乎情理呢? | Whether it was not outrageous for society to treat thus precisely those of its members who were the least well endowed in the division of goods made by chance, and consequently the most deserving of consideration | |
18 | 其中最重要的是:赋予法院复审和否决州际商业委员会所作运价裁决的决定性权力。 | The most important of these endowed the courts with sweeping authority to review and nullify the ICC’s rate decisions | |
19 | 亲戚很多. | be liberally endowed with relatives | |
20 | 人的思想只有被浓厚的情景渗透时,才能得到力量,引起积极的注意,记忆和思考。 | Only the human thoughts penetrated with extensive emotional atmosphere, could the man be endowed with power, and the positive attention, memory and thinking could then be achieved”. | |
21 | 人为万物之灵。 | Man of all creatures is the one endowed with intelligence. | |
22 | 任何赋有所要求的这种品质的人,都可以争取得到这种地位。 | Any man endowed with the required qualities can aspire to the status | |
23 | 上帝赋他以各种才能。 | God endowed him with talents. | |
24 | 上天既赋予她美貌,又赋予她聪颖。 | Nature endowed her with intelligence as well as beauty. | |
25 | 社会主义民主政治的核心是人民当家做主,真正享有法律赋予的各项民主权利. | The essence and core of socialist democratic politics is that the people are the masters and they really enjoy various democratic rights endowed by laws. | |
26 | 神经网络是一个高度非线性化系统,具有并行结构和并行处理、知识的分别存储、高度的容错性、自适应性和联想力, | The neural network is a highly non-linear system which is endowed with parallel structure, parallel processing ability, separate knowledge storage ability, high fault toleration, self-adaptability and imagination. | |
27 | 是珠儿叫我还活在世上!也是珠儿叫我受着惩罚!你们看见没有?她就是红字,只不过能够受到喜爱,因此也具有千万倍的力量来报应我的罪孽!你们带不走她!我情愿先死给你们看! | Pearl keeps me here in life! Pearl punishes me too! See ye not, she is the scarlet letter, only capable of being loved, and so endowed with a millionfold the power of retribution for my sin? Ye shall not take her! I will die first! | |
28 | 所以是能为公众献身人,应当是不被家室所累的人。因为只有这种人,才能够把他的全部爱情和财产,都奉献给唯一的情人--公众。 | Certainly the best works, and of greatest merit for the public, have proceeded from the unmarried or childless men; which both in affection and means, have married and endowed the public | |
29 | 他富有自我牺牲精神。 | He was endowed with the spirit of self-sacrifice | |
30 | 他赋有天才。 | He is endowed with genius. |