属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国军队 变化的力量
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-工会的力量 The power in the unio
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-澳大利亚广播业 九娱乐公司近况
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-生物科技 持续升温
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-干细胞治疗 普罗米修斯自由了
1 | 由于“挑战者”的经历,我的生活永远改变了。我忍受的痛苦和失望,鼓舞我去帮助人们在生活挑战中寻求自身的力量。 | As a result of the Challenger experience, my life changed forever. The pain and disappointment that I endured inspired me to help people find their own strengths in the midst of life’s challenges. | |
2 | 有三位女性诗人经历这些世纪中的困苦,发出其所处时代之心声。 | Three women poets, especially, endured through the centuries as the voices of their time. | |
3 | 在公元5世纪,西罗马帝国历经了人口、经济活力、城市的规模和优越地位等方面的衰退,同时也引发大量的人口迁移(3世纪开始)。 | In the 5th century the Western Roman Empire endured declines in population, economic vitality, and the size and prominence of cities. It also was greatly affected by a dramatic migration of peoples that began in the 3rd century. | |
4 | 这个伟大的国家会一如既往地坚持下去,它会复兴和繁荣起来。 | This great nation will endure as it has endured ,will revive and will prosper. | |
5 | 这公司已受过了很大的损失。 | The company has endured tremendous losses. | |
6 | 这位传奇人物曾饱尝人世的辛酸。 | This legendary man has endured almost all the bitterness of human life. | |
7 | 这些传统世代相传至今。 | These traditions have endured throughout the ages. | |
8 | 这些困苦不能忍受。 | These hardships are not to be endured . | |
9 | 治不好的病就必须忍受。 | What can’ t be cured must be endured | |
10 | 中华民族迎来了从站起来、富起来到强起来的伟大飞跃 | The Chinese nation; which since modern times began had endured so much for so long; has achieved a tremendous transformation: it has stood up; grown rich; and is becoming strong | |
11 | 最初围绕着“借日”的种种迷信一直延续到19世纪。这3天是危险的,充满了禁忌和坏天气的凶兆。 | Originally superstitions surrounding the "borrowed days" endured well into the nineteenth century. They were dangerous days, fraught with taboos and the specter of bad weather. | |
12 | ||1:但是军队最明显的改变是非常直截了当的:英国可能在近期不会再加入大型的境外战争。||2:这可能会影响新兵征募。这也会将那些参加过实战的军人和未参加过的分开来。||3:这就是为什么军官非常热衷于参加剩下的战斗的原因。||4:赫尔中尉说,“和我一起训练过的战友都是很有能力的,但是不幸的是,他们不能在合适的时间去到合适的地方,因而无法参加实战”。||5:而且,他认为自己目前的宿舍比之前的人更为舒适。||6:他感到遗憾的是,自从他从严峻的前线基地回到堡垒军营以后,他竟然可以去商店买冰淇淋吃了。 | ||1:But the most obvious change to the armed forces is a straightforward one: Britain will probably not be engaged in a major foreign war in the near future.||2:That may hamper recruiting. It will also divide those entitled to wear operational-services medals and those who are not.||3:This is why officers are keen to get whatever residual action they can.||4:“There were very competent guys who I went through training with who were just unfortunate, they didn’t go to the right place at the right time and they didn’t get an operational tour,” says Lieutenant Hill.||5:Still, he knows his billet is more comfortable than his predecessors endured .||6:He regrets the fact that, since he is based in Camp Bastion rather than an austere forward base, he can go to a shop and eat an ice cream. | |
13 | ||1:意在赢得罢工农民支持的查韦斯的运动的理论以及他所忍受的绝食引起了公众的猜想。||2:其他劳工领袖惊讶地发现,他建立了一个古怪的,却集合了农民、宗教狂热分子、学生激进分子、政治家、艺术家和工会干部的强大联合。||3:他们齐心协力劝说上百万消费者抵制由拒绝真诚地与农会谈判的农业公司所生产的产品:葡萄、生菜及其它。||4:经他们完善的策略被评论家描述为“受迫害情结”。||5:比如,一幅饥饿的儿童画像下打出的标题是:你购买的每一颗葡萄都让这个孩子挨饿。 | ||1: The idealism of Chávez’s movement and the fasts he endured to win support for striking farmworkers caught the public imagination. ||2: Other labour leaders looked on aghast as he built an odd but strong coalition of farmworkers, religious enthusiasts, student radicals, politicians, artists and union officials. ||3: Working together they persuaded consumers in their millions to boycott the grapes, lettuces and other products of agribusinesses which refused to negotiate sincerely with the United Farm Workers (UFW). ||4: The tactic they perfected was described by critics as “victimhood”. ||5: A photograph of a starving urchin was, for instance, captioned: “Every grape you buy helps keep this child hungry”. | |
14 | 九娱乐曲折离奇的经历如同《人质》中一样。 | Nine has endured as much drama as an episode of Hostages. | |
15 | 快乐的日子总是会诱使人忘却曾让你备受煎熬的黑暗往事。 | In these sunny times, it is tempting to forget the dark days that companies have endured . | |
16 | 在希腊神话之中,提坦普罗米修斯被宙斯束缚在一块巨石之上,白天忍受着老鹰啄食他的肝脏,夜晚他的肝脏却又总会再次生长。 | PROMETHEUS, a Titan bound to a rock by Zeus, endured the daily torture of an eagle feasting on his liver, only to have the organ regrow each night. | |
17 | 12月1日,旅游者忍受着风雪交加的天气和被打乱的火车日程,并面临着危险的驾驶环境。 | Travelers endured more misery with the wintry weather wrecking air and rail schedules and causing hazardous driving conditions. | |
18 | 1958年出生于德州的埃尔帕索,有过一段可怕的童年经历,她的继父沃尔特·贝尔肖对她进行了性虐待好几年。 | Born in El Paso, Texas, in 1958, she had endured a harrowing childhood. | |
19 | ÁlvaroUribe在2002年就职之前,哥伦比亚忍受全球一半以上的绑架案和最高的谋杀率。 | Before he took office in 2002, the country had endured over half the world’s kidnappings and its highest murder rate. | |
20 | 埃及的基督徒已经忍耐穆巴拉克对于宗教仇恨犯罪(纵火、虐待和谋杀)的自鸣得意很久了。 | Christians in Egypt have long endured Mubarak’s complacency to religious hate crimes that included arson, torture and murder. | |
21 | 埃里克·坎通纳、罗伊·基恩和大卫·贝克汉姆来了又去,但苏格兰人仍统治着球队。 | Eric Cantona, Roy Keane and David Beckham have come and gone but the Scot’s regime had endured . | |
22 | 奥巴马总统的律师被水呛到,在开庭陈词时结结巴巴,之后更是忍受了一连串咄咄逼人的质疑。 | Mr Obama’s lawyer choked on his water, faltered in his opening statement, then endured a battery of hostile questioning. | |
23 | 毕竟,自总统选举以来,我们已经忍受了许多有关白水事件的不负责任的报道。 | After all, we had endured a lot of irresponsible Whitewater stories since the campaign. | |
24 | 不管怎样,所有这些都将具有重大的教育价值,使年轻人深刻领悟前辈们在战争期间所忍受的是什么样的痛苦。 | However, all will be of great educational value, offering an insight to what previous generations have endured in times of conflict. | |
25 | 城区学生,一年学习多达48周,每个季度可休息一次。 | Urban students, meanwhile, regularly endured as many as 48 weeks of study a year, with one break per quarter. | |
26 | 此时离开我上一次来到这个国家已经有九年了,这段时间里塞拉利昂一直在进行着战争,而且要再过两年战争才会结束。 | It had been nine years since my last visit. The war had endured for that time and would endure for two more years. | |
27 | 但直到现在,除了他的作品遭禁之外,叙利亚当局仍然在极大程度上容忍了他及他的大马士革画室的存在。 | But until now, other than having his drawings banned, he and his Damascus gallery have largely been endured by the Syrian regime. | |
28 | 当然,她不是家族中唯一一个决心重塑身材的人-她的母亲坚持毕生的精力努力保持体形。 | Of course, she is not the only one in the family to battle with her shape - her mother has endured a life-long struggle to manage weight. | |
29 | 当行军时,食物和水短缺时,他和下属士兵们一样忍受饥饿和干渴的折磨。 | When marching, he endured the torments of hunger and thirst as the soldiers did when food and water were in short supply. | |
30 | 电视业坚持下来了,因为它比其它媒体更好的应对了这些来自各方的威胁。 | TV has endured because it has responded better to such threats than other media businesses. |