属类:文学表达-外国名著-WHAT IS A GREAT BOOK?
1 | 她心里的委屈,在脸上是一点儿也看不出来的。 | You never could suppose from her countenance what pangs of humiliation she might be enduring inwardly | |
2 | 今当运隆祚永之朝,太平无为之世,清明灵秀之气所秉者,上至朝廷,下及草野,比比皆是. | This is a prosperous, long-enduring reign when the world is at peace and there are many people in the court and in the countryside who are endowed with the good essences. | |
3 | 今天,你也许会说,怀念林肯最真切而又持久的纪念碑无声矗立在那里,在今天,在明天或以后很长的一段时间永存于那些热爱解放事业的人的心中。 | Today when you say perhaps that the well-assured and the most enduring memorial to Lincoln is invisibly there today, tomorrow, and for a long, long time yet to come. It’s there in the hearts of lovers of liberty | |
4 | 精力就是持续下去的活力。 | Stamina is enduring energy. | |
5 | 精神科疾病后的持久性人格改变(F62.1) | after psychiatric illness enduring personality change | |
6 | 巨大的、坚硬的和不朽的 | Impressively large,sturdy,and enduring . | |
7 | 卡厄斯看到他公然这样侮辱国王,就不由分说当即绊了他一跤。 | Caius, not enduring to hear so open an affront upon his majesty, made no more ado but presently tripped up his heels | |
8 | 历久不衰的,持续的有永久的意义或价值的;持久的 | Having lasting significance or worth; enduring . | |
9 | 两个不同的象群--母象群和雄象群中,通常后者家族关系是较为牢固持久。 | Of the two different groups--female family groups and bull bands--the female group appears to be the enduring social unit | |
10 | 慢跑消费者活动参与动机、持续涉入与休闲行为之相关研究 | A Study of the Relationships among Jogging Consumers’ Activity Participation Motivation, Enduring Involvement, and Leisure Behavior | |
11 | 没有和平与稳定,经济的发展就失去了前提,没有经济的发展,和平和稳定也难以巩固和持久 | Economic development can not take off without the prerequisites of peace and stability; also without the economic development, there can hardly be secure or enduring peace and stability | |
12 | 名著或许阅读者最多。它们不是一二年的畅销书籍,而是经久不衰的畅销书籍。 | Great books are probably the most widely read. They are not best sellers for a year or two. They are enduring best sellers. | |
13 | 你不要以为我会象从前一样继续忍受这一切。 | You needn’t think I’m going to go on enduring all this as I have in the past. | |
14 | 你和我,无论发生怎样的事情,我们终是夫妻。我们彼此习惯着在一块。我觉得习惯是比任何偶尔的兴奋都重要的。我们所凭以生活的,是那长久的、缓慢的、持续的东西,并不是什么偶然的瞬息的快感。 | You and I are married, no matter what happens to us. We have the habit of each other. And habit, to my thinking, is more vital than any occasional excitement. The long, slow, enduring thing...that’s what we live by...not the occasional spasm of any sort. | |
15 | 其他姿态都可以是变动不定,了无痕迹的,风格却是性格的最终极最经久的表露。 | Other gestures shift and change and flit, this is the ultimate and enduring revelation of personality. | |
16 | 请给我个更高超的理由,让我可以耐心去忍受天父所决定降临到我身上来的事故,我一定真心诚意地忍耐着。 | Give me noble and higher reasons for enduring meekly what my Father sees fit to send, and I will try earnestly and faithfully to be patient | |
17 | 全球视野的人文关怀-建设持久和平与共同繁荣的和谐世界 | Humanist Concerns from Global View: Building a Harmonious World with Enduring Peace and Common Prosperity | |
18 | 全书最有名最隽永的一篇,讲的是瑞普?凡?温克尔的奇遇。 | Another piece, the most famous and enduring in the whole books, tells the tale of Rip Van Winkle | |
19 | 确保国家长治久安、人民安居乐业 | to see that our country enjoys enduring peace and stability and our people live and work in contentment | |
20 | 然后就来了登峰造极的幸运--可以说是像武士受勋那种味道--于是转瞬之间就把容易消灭的铁渣似的丑名声一变而为经久耐磨的黄金似的好名声了:《诣趣》杂志登了描写我的漫画! | Then came the climaxing strike-the accolade, so to speak-which in a single instant transmuted the perishable dross of notoriety into the enduring gold of fame: Punch caricatured me! | |
21 | 上述的使命和展望说明中大所重视和坚持的长远期望。勾划远景,用语自然较为概略,也稍为抽象。 | The above statements express the University’s fundamental and enduring aspirations; as such, they are rightly general and to some extent abstract. | |
22 | 他的傲慢使我们怒不可遏。 | His arrogance heated us beyond enduring . | |
23 | 他们的诚实与好客给她一生留下了难以磨灭的印象。 | Their honesty and hospitality left an enduring impress on her life. | |
24 | 他忍辱负重,积极工作。 | Enduring the humiliation, he continued to work hard. | |
25 | 他手指上戴着好几个戒指,其中有一枚是沉甸甸的图章戒指,这枚戒指是始终不离身的。从他的西装背心上垂下一条精致的金表链,表链那一头垂挂着兄弟会的秘密徽章。 | His fingers bore several rings--one, the ever-enduring heavy seal--and from his vest dangled a neat gold watch chain, from which was suspended the secret insignia of the Order of Elks. | |
26 | 他说,亚洲国家有多样的文化和传统,一些国家还是世界上最古老、最恒久的文明的继承者。 | The countries of Asia are diverse in their cultures and traditions and are proud inheritors of some of the world’s ancient and enduring civilizations | |
27 | 它不是一部十全十美的民族发展史,但它是一部在伟大和永恒理想指导下几代人团结奋斗的历史。 | It is not a perfect story but is a story of flawed and fallible people, united across the generations by grand and enduring ideals | |
28 | 它不是一部完美无暇的民族发展史,但它是一部在伟大和永恒理想指导下几代人团结奋斗的历史。 | A story of flawed and fallible people, united across the generations by grand and 1)enduring ideals | |
29 | 它是如此的强壮!如此的富有生命力!如此的挺立在风雨中!又是如此无言而善谕!它所启示的泰然自若与生存本质与人生浮华的表象形成了如此鲜明的对比。 | How strong, vital enduring ! How dumbly eloquent! What suggestions of imperturbability and being, as against the human trait of mere seeming. | |
30 | 台湾民间混合药物对小白鼠耐力表现的效果(三):当归、鹿血和鹿角龟版胶混合液 | The Effects of Taiwan Folk Blends Medicine on Enduring Performance in Mice[三]:ACGCC |