1 | 关于南太平洋区域渔业监测和执法合作的纽埃条约 | Niue Treaty on Cooperation in Fisheries Surveillance and Law Enforcement in the South Pacific Region | |
2 | 国务院机构改革的重点,是调整和撤销那些直接管理经济的专业部门,加强宏观调控和执法监管部门 | In restructuring the state council, we shall focus on reorganizing or canceling departments directly in charge of economic management and reinforcing departments responsible for macroeconomic control and those with law enforcement and the supervision of law enforcement | |
3 | 海事管理机构和海事行政执法人员违法实施行政处罚的,按照《行政处罚法》有关规定追究法律责任。 | Where maritime administrative agency and maritime administrative law enforcement personnel violate the law in making administrative punishment, they shall be held legally liable pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Administrative Punishment Law. | |
4 | 海事管理机构及其海事行政执法人员可以当场收缴罚款。 | The maritime administrative agency, as well as the maritime administrative law enforcement personnel may confiscate the fines on the spot. | |
5 | 海事行政执法人员依法当场作出海事行政处罚决定,应当遵守下列程序 | The maritime administrative law enforcement personnel shall abide by the following procedures in making decisions of maritime administrative punishment on the spot | |
6 | 海事行政执法人员依法当场作出海事行政处罚决定的 | The maritime administrative law enforcement personnel shall, when making a decision of maritime administrative punishment on the spot according to law | |
7 | 加强对执法活动的监督,推进依法行政,维护司法公正,提高执法水平,确保法律的严格实施。 | We should tighten supervision over law enforcement , promote the exercise of administrative functions according to law, safeguard judicial justice and raise the level of law enforcement so that laws are strictly implemented. | |
8 | 监狱法以法律形式规定了刑罚执行机关与侦察机关、检察机关和审判机关之间的关系和各自的职权。 | The prison Law provides for in a legal form the relationship between the penalty enforcement organs and the investigative departments (public security organs), procuratorates and judicial apparatus and the respective rights and obligations of these organs. | |
9 | 结果,执行政策就成了惩罚严重违法者或鼓励公众自觉遵守法规。 | Consequently, enforcement policies are often designed to punish the most blatant violators and/or encourage voluntary compliance by the largest numbers of entities. | |
10 | 进行海事行政处罚案件的调查或检查,由海事管理机构负责人指定2名以上海事行政执法人员担任调查人员。 | In the investigation or inspection of a case of maritime administrative punishment, the principal of a maritime administrative agency shall appoint 2 or more maritime administrative law enforcement personnel as the investigators. | |
11 | 禁止非法买卖野生动植物合作执法行动卢萨卡协定 | Lusaka Agreement on Cooperative Enforcement Operations Directed at Illegal Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora | |
12 | 禁止分红。中国银行业监督管理委员会认为必要的其他措施。 | Prohibiting the dividend distribution; and other enforcement actions that the China Banking Regulatory Commission deems necessary. | |
13 | 警察负责法律的实施。 | The police are responsible for the enforcement of the law. | |
14 | 警察组成这样一个部门的一群人,他们被专门训练来掌握执行法律和防止并侦破犯罪行为的方法,被授予维护一个社区的和平、安全和秩序的职权 | A body of persons making up such a department, trained in methods of law enforcement and crime prevention and detection and given the authority to maintain the peace, safety, and order of the community. | |
15 | 九年强迫教育的宗旨、目标及实施工作小组 | Task Group on Aims, Objectives, Targets and Enforcement of 9-year Compulsory Education | |
16 | 拒不履行的,对方可以请求人民法院执行。 | If a party refuses to perform, the other party may apply to the People’s Court for enforcement . | |
17 | 据警方透露,22日在马里兰抓获这两名嫌犯的现场发现,他们的车是经过改装的,可以通过车后的一个孔瞄准射击而且不被车外的人发现。 | Law enforcement sources said Thursday that the car in which two men were arrested at a maryland rest area had been modified, with a hole through which the shooter could aim and fire unseen out the back of the vehicle | |
18 | 可是汽车的问题,常常同人一样,真正重要的部分不在表面。既然所有的车都没钥匙,内部情况便无从考验。违规停车局执行主任布里克菲尔德承认说,“好像买装在口袋里的猪一样,全凭运气,”……。 | But the problem with cars,as often with people,is that what truly matters lies beneath the surface,and since there were no keys available for any of the autos,their innards had to remain untested"It is like buying a pig in a poke"admitted Elizabeth Brickfield,the director of enforcement for the Parking Violations Bureau.… | |
19 | 拉丁美洲和加勒比区域各国禁毒执法机构负责人 | Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, Latin America and Caribbean Region | |
20 | 联合国禁毒执法培训手册:执法官员指南 | United Nations Drug Law Enforcement Training Manual: A Guide for Law Enforcement Officials | |
21 | 另外,分析人士表示,主管国营企业的政府部门和司法部门普遍存在着腐败和管理不善的情况。 | In addition, analysts say corruption and mismanagement are rampant in governmental in charge of State-owned enterprises and law enforcement departments | |
22 | 民兵队,武装团郡长调集来履行法律职责的一群人 | A group of people summoned by a sheriff to aid in law enforcement . | |
23 | 民商事外国判决的承认和执行海牙公约增补议定 | Supplementary Protocol to the Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters | |
24 | 那年的《联邦水污染控制法案》建立了一系列准则、许可证和强制条例,目标是到1983年,所有水域可以养鱼,可以游泳;到1985年,全部禁止把污染物排入航运水域。 | The FWPCA amendments of that year established a system of standards, permits and enforcement aimed at "goals" of "fishable and swimmable" waters by 1983 and total elimination of pollutant discharges into navigable waters by 1985 | |
25 | 破墙槌一种非常沉重的金属槌,是救火人员和执法官员用来捣破墙和门而用的 | A very heavy metal bar used by firefighters and law enforcement officers to break down walls and doors. | |
26 | 期满不起诉又不履行的,由环境保护部门或其他主管部门提请人民法院强制执行。 | If no suit is filed and yet the decision is not carried out within the prescribed period of time, the departments for environmental protection or other competent departments may apply to the people’s court for the compulsory enforcement of the decision. | |
27 | 期望有关建立规则和纪律的多边框架,以指导卫生与植物卫生措施的制定、采用和实施,从而将其对贸易的消极影响减少到最低程度 | Desiring the establishment of a multilateral framework of rules and disciplines to guide the development, adoption and enforcement of sanitary and phytosanitary measures in order to minimize their negative effects on trade | |
28 | 切实解决层次过多、职能交叉、人员臃肿、权责脱节和多重多头执法等问题。 | We will solve the problems of too many levels, overlapping functions, overstaffing, divorce between powers and responsibilities and duplicate law enforcement . | |
29 | 切实解决执行难问题。 | We should solve the problem of difficult enforcement of judgments. | |
30 | 请求执行判决 | seek enforcement of judgement |