属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-影讯猎杀本拉登 美国之夜
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-瑞典政府 生命短暂
1 | 他们为海军征募了四百名新兵. | They enlisted four hundred recruits for the navy. | |
2 | 他们征召了一名新兵。 | They enlisted a recruit | |
3 | 他年龄一到就入伍当兵了. | He enlisted as a soldier in the army as soon as he was old enough. | |
4 | 他入伍当了士兵. | He enlisted as a private. | |
5 | 他以志愿兵从军。 | He enlisted as a volunteer in the army. | |
6 | 托尼已被征召入伍,但他父亲出钱使他免服兵役。 | Tony had enlisted , but his father bought him of | |
7 | 我们已经找到几个人自愿协助打扫大厅. | We’ve enlisted a few volunteers to help clean the hall. | |
8 | 我在这一活动中得到邻里多数人的支持. | I’ve enlisted the co-operation of most of my neighbours in my campaign. | |
9 | 许多人为了保卫国家而从军了。 | Many people enlisted for the defense of their country. | |
10 | 宣言也也发挥了实质效应,允许招募黑人参军,到1865年为止,为联邦军招募了十八万名黑人生力军。。 | It also had the practical effect of permitting recruitment of African Americans for the Union army; by 1865 nearly 180,000 African American soldiers had enlisted . | |
11 | 应征公民符合服现役条件,并经县、自治县、市、市辖区的兵役机关批准的,被征集服现役。 | Citizens eligible for enlistment who are qualified for active service shall be enlisted for such service upon approval by the military service organs of counties, autonomous counties, cities or municipal districts. | |
12 | 在征兵工作中徇私舞弊,接送不合格兵员,情节严重的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役 | Those who play favoritism and commit irregularities in conscription work or receive and deliver unqualified enlisted men are to be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention if the situation is serious. | |
13 | 战争期间许多男人服兵役。 | Many men were enlisted during the war | |
14 | 这一目标在全国各地博得了广泛的支持。 | This aim enlisted wide backing throughout the country | |
15 | 周瑜一听,就知道蒋干来作说客,眉头一皱,向部下说出了自己的妙计,然后笑着出帐迎客。 | Zhou immediately figured out that Jiang must have come to persuade him to surrender. Zhou Yu devised a clever plan to thwart his efforts and enlisted the help of his subordinate to carry it out. | |
16 | ||1:布雷特.昆士昂在今年5月退役前,曾先后两次赴伊作战。||2:现在,他从老家明尼苏达搬到了离亚特兰大南部65公里的小镇托马斯顿居住。||3:本月中的一天早晨,天空阴沉灰暗,有人在亚特兰大一家大型退伍士兵医院中看到了昆士昂的身影。||4:当时他正在填写表格,因心理抑郁前来寻求治疗。从硝烟弥漫的伊拉克回到美国后,他觉得自己变得“容易暴躁”,并发现在公共场合中,变得警惕,拘谨得多。||5:出现这样的问题并不意外,许多从战场上归来的退役士兵心理上都有阴影。||6:今年1月到5月,在昆士昂准备退役期间,曾寄出了数百封求职信。||7:像许多退伍老兵一样,他高中一毕业就参军入伍,没有大学文凭。所以对他而言,求职的过程显得艰难异常,但不懈的坚持终于换来了回报。||8:现在,他正在一家冷热设备制造公司实习,岗位是重型机械操作员。 | ||1: BRETT QUINZON did two tours in Iraq before leaving active duty in May. ||2: Originally from Minnesota, Mr Quinzon now lives in Thomaston, a small town around 65 miles south of Atlanta. ||3: A grey December morning found him filling out forms in Atlanta’s large veterans’ hospital, seeking treatment for depression. ||4: Since returning from Iraq, he says he has “more anger issues”, and finds himself “more watchful and on-guard in public situations” than he was before he deployed. ||5: That is not unusual: many soldiers return from the battlefield with psychological scars. ||6: Between January and May, as he prepared to leave active duty, Mr Quinzon applied for hundreds of jobs. ||7: The search proved difficult: like many veterans, he enlisted right after high-school, and lacks a college degree. But persistence paid off. ||8: He is now an apprentice at a heating and air-conditioning company, and is being trained as a heavy-equipment operator. | |
17 | ||1:玛雅正在做的这项工作是由她的前任在凯瑟琳·毕格罗的电影—《拆弹部队》里着手开始的。||2:她的工作同样充满危险,在拆除了似乎由同一个神秘的炸弹制造者制造的炸弹的任务后,玛雅没有回家而是在队伍里继续寻找本拉登。 | ||1:Maya is finishing the job that was started by her predecessor in Ms Bigelow’s 2008 film, “The Hurt Locker”, which was also written by Mark Boal, a journalist.||2:Her work poses the same risks; after a tour of duty in Baghdad defusing bombs that all appear to have been built by the same shadowy bomb-maker, Ms Bigelow’s hero could not return home and re-enlisted to continue the hunt. | |
18 | ||1:瑞典社会民主党与绿党组建了少数党联合政府,这本应是社会民主党的胜利回归。||2:但两个月之后,该党主席、瑞典首相斯特凡·勒文被迫下台。||3:由于四党“中右翼”反对派联盟和反移民的瑞典“极右翼”民主党的联合反对,勒文政府提交的财政预算案未能通过,而该反对派联盟提交的预算案却得以通过。||4:勒文本可以给予其他党派组建新政府的机会,但他却计划于明年的3月22号再次参加大选。 | ||1:IT WAS supposed to be the Swedish Social Democrats’ triumphant return.||2:But two months after forming a minority coalition government with the Greens, Stefan Lofven, the Social Democratic leader, has been forced to step down as prime minister.||3:The four-party centre-right opposition alliance enlisted the support of the far-right, anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats to vote down his budget, pushing through a budget of its own instead.||4:Mr Lofven might have let the other parties try to form a new government. But instead he plans to call an “extra” election on March 22nd. | |
19 | ||1:伊斯坦布尔双年展在博斯普鲁斯海峡岸边的两座巨大的老旧库房里举行。||2:如果不加修饰的话,这种建筑很容易让观众陷入一种单调冗长的观赏过程之中。||3:但是展馆馆长阿德里亚诺佩德罗萨(巴西人)和吉斯霍夫曼(哥斯达黎加人)得到了一个展馆设计大师的帮助,他是一位名叫西沢立卫的日本建筑师,他建造了几个大小不同的房间,并用波纹钢板墙将外部空间区分开来,通过以上方式为整个空间注入了活力。 | ||1:The Istanbul Biennial is held in two huge former warehouses on the banks of the Bosporus.||2:Untamed, the buildings would force viewers into a monotonous marathon of spectatorship.||3:But the biennial’s curators, Adriano Pedrosa (a Brazilian) and Jens Hoffmann (a Costa Rican), enlisted the help of a master of exhibition design, a Japanese architect called Ryue Nishizawa, who has introduced new energy into the space by creating rooms of different sizes and marking off “exterior” spaces with corrugated-steel walls. | |
20 | 翠西·瑞斯是一位设计师,因为米歇尔·奥巴马设计出席2012年的民主党全国代表大会的服装而成名,这个姓名同时也是一个品牌,近期该品牌寻求Gwynnie Bee相助来设计新款大号系列服装。 | Tracy Reese, a designer known for creating Michelle Obama’s dress for the Democratic National Convention in 2012, is one brand that recently enlisted Gwynnie Bee’s help to create a new plus-size collection. | |
21 | 1861年,Judah在萨克拉门托召集了一群投资者组建了中央太平洋铁路公司。 | By 1861, Judah had enlisted a group of investors in Sacramento to form the Central Pacific Railroad Company. | |
22 | 1861年内战爆发时,成千上万的爱尔兰人与爱尔兰裔的纽约人应征参加联邦军。 | At the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, thousands of Irish and Irish-American New Yorkers enlisted in the Union Army. | |
23 | Colding-Jorgensen先生说他相信大多数签名者这样做是因为他们信以为真了。 | Mr. Colding-Jorgensen said he believed that a majority of those who enlisted did so because they thought it was true. | |
24 | JTS能够确定事务中是不是只征用了一个资源管理器。 | JTS is able to determine if only a single resource manager is enlisted in a transaction. | |
25 | 不能在连接最初在其中登记的上下文之外的事务上下文中执行命令。 | Cannot execute a command within a transaction context that differs from the context in which the connection was originally enlisted . | |
26 | 从1950年代起,美国媒体的成员就常规性地被中央情报局招募。 | From the 1950s, members of the US media were routinely enlisted by the CIA. | |
27 | 从大学生入伍体检合格率看我国学校体育的责任 | Responsibility of School Physical Education in China From the Qualified Rate of Check-up of Enlisted College Students | |
28 | 从乔治敦大学毕业后,他加入了海军陆战队并以连长的身份前往越南服役。 | After graduating from Georgetown, he enlisted in the Marines and served in Vietnam as a company commander. | |
29 | 促进登记的事务参与者和事务管理器之间在事务的最后阶段中的通信。 | Facilitates communication between an enlisted transaction participant and the transaction manager during the final phase of the transaction. | |
30 | 但学校在期满后没有继续雇佣她,她于2002年入伍。 | But school loans weighed heavily on her, and in 2002 she enlisted . |