属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国与伊斯兰国 再担重任
1 | 11世纪晚期,亚历克赛一世?康尼努斯向威尼斯和罗马教宗寻求协助,随着这个结盟继之而来的是十字军的掠夺。 | In the late 11th century, Alexius I Comnenus sought help from Venice and the pope; these allies turned the ensuing Crusades into plundering expeditions. | |
2 | 按此模型,引起的突然压缩和随后的爆发会把恒量的外部包层吹跑,留下的核成为一颗中子星。 | In this model, the resulting implosion and ensuing explosion would blow off the outer envelope of the star and leave behind the core as a neutron star | |
3 | 除另有书面约定外,投保人未按保险单中列明的付费日期交付保险费,本保险合同自逾约定付费日期之日自动解除,本公司不承担保险责任。 | The Company shall not be liable to pay any claims and the ensuing policy shall be automatically cancelled if the applicant does not make premium payment(s)according to the date(s)specified in the policy,unless agreed upon in wording otherwise. | |
4 | 大脑感受到由HC03-导致的PH的改变,从而调节病人的呼吸形式,引起二氧化碳分压(Pco2)改变,产生与HC03-方向一致的变化。 | The brain senses the ensuing change in pH and adjusts the patient′s ventilatory pattern, which results in a change of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2)in the same direction as the change in [HCO3-]. | |
5 | 代收银行对因所提供地址不全或有误所造成的任何延误,将不承担任何责任。 | The collecting bank will not be liable or responsible for any ensuing delay as a result of an incomplete/incorrect address being provided. | |
6 | 当采用重复用水或逆向用水加工时,必须注意保证有效地去除对后续染整过程有影响的任何物质。 | When reusing process water or employing counterflow processing, care must be taken to assure that any substances that could affect the ensuing textile processes are effectively removed | |
7 | 对外商投资生产性企业,经营期在十年以上的,实行从获利年度起2年免征、3年减半征收企业所得税。 | As to manufacturing enterprises with foreign investment with a term of more than 10 years, the business income tax will be exempted in the first two profit-making years and reduced by half in the ensuing three years. | |
8 | 跟着发生的爆炸和火灾却引起了大量的破坏。 | An ensuing explosion and fire caused extensive damage | |
9 | 昏黑中不出声的混斗!板桌子和破竹榻都翻了身! | In the ensuing silent scuffle in the darkness of the but the plank table and the rickety bamboo bedstead were both overturned | |
10 | 接踵而来的春季夺去了她心爱的朋友,那匹衰老的灰色小马。 | The ensuing spring deprived her of her valued friend the old grey pony. | |
11 | 没有证据或者证据不足以证明当事人的事实主张的,由负有举证责任的当事人承担不利后果。 | If any party fails to submit the evidence, or, if the evidence submitted by the party is not sufficient to prove the allegation, the party having the burden of proof shall bear the ensuing adverse consequence. | |
12 | 那弄堂里有些墙垣都已倾塌,烧焦的栋梁呈现一片可怕的黑色,断瓦残垣中间时或露出枯黄的破布碎片,所有这些说明了这条弄堂不仅受到台风破坏,而且显然发生过火灾。 | There were broken wall, charred beams of a ghastly black and scorched rags here and there among debris all telling of the destruction wrought by the recent typhoon and the ensuing fire | |
13 | 起义军与秦军在巨鹿激战多次,打败秦军主力,迫使章邯率余众20万人投降。 | In the ensuing heated battles at Julu, he trounced the main force of the Qin army, and forced Zhang Han to surrender with his 200 000 strong force | |
14 | 手术中形成的上腔静脉症候群造成非预期的呼吸道阻塞之病例报告 | Intraoperative Latrogenic Superior Vena Cava Syndrome Complicated by Ensuing Insidious Critical Airway-A Case Report | |
15 | 随后的喋喋不休的争论导致整个计划破灭。 | The ensuing bickering ensured that the scheme collapsed. | |
16 | 随后的官司也使她绞尽脑汗。 | The ensuing litigation cost him his mind | |
17 | 随后的几年里,塞姆在哥哥手下当过工头,助理编辑和特写记者。 | In the ensuing years, Sam worked for his brother as foreman, subeditor, and feature writer | |
18 | 微生物青贮剂在玉米秸秆黄贮中的作用 | The Potential of Using a Lactic Acid Bacteria Inoculatant with Cellulase for Ensuing of Yellowing Corn Straw | |
19 | 为了即将到来的十一月间的选举,他是严格保守秘密的。 | He strictly kept the fact in the ensuing November election | |
20 | 无论在个人或国家的层次上,这个损失是极为惨重并难以弥补的。 | The ensuing losses, both on a personal and national level, were inestimable and irreplaceable. | |
21 | 一个小孩不愿上床睡觉,会故意把杯中牛奶泼到地毯上,于是造成忙乱引起斥责,要他马上睡觉的事便给忘了。 | A young child who is reluctant to go to bed deliberately spills milk from a cup on to the carpet so that in the ensuing fuss and scolding the immediacy of his bedtime will be forgotten | |
22 | 一枚手榴弹意外地发生了爆炸,接着是一片混乱,使我不知所措。 | A hand grenade exploded by accident and I got lost in the ensuing confusion | |
23 | 因此,我想自己还是安安静静地坐着,在其后的谈话里当个好好先生才是上策。 | I therefore, at last thought proper to sit silent, and act the pretty gentleman during the ensuing conversation. | |
24 | 影响中国学生英语口语流利表达的成因分析及教学对策 | Analyses of Factors Influencing Chinese College Students’ Oral Fluency in English and the Ensuing Strategies in Teaching | |
25 | 有一天晚上在一个乡村的舞会上,他为了保护一个叫洛金的农村姑娘,与一群喝醉了的士兵大打出手,当场一个士兵被打死了,两个受了重伤。 | At a peasant dance one night he protected Lorchen, a farm girl, from a group of drunken soldiers. In the ensuing brawl, one soldier was killed and two were seriously injured. | |
26 | 在利比格和巴斯德之间后来的争辩并没有解释这个问题。 | The ensuing arguments between Liebig and pasteur did not solve the problem | |
27 | 在其后的年月中,它从没有不履行自己的义务。 | Never in the ensuing years had it failed to meet obligations | |
28 | 在随后的岁月里,美国和苏联实施的生物武器计划研制出直接的鼠疫气溶胶技术,摆脱了对于具有不确定性的蚤类媒介的依靠。 | In the ensuing years, the biological weapons programs of the United States and the Soviet Union developed techniques to aerosolize plague directly, eliminating dependence on the unpredictable flea vector. | |
29 | 这种行为导致的结果,是越来越多的过剩的企业内部实务规范、标准和其它形式的供应链监管。 | The ensuing result has been a growing plethora of private codes of practice, standards and other forms of supply chain governance. | |
30 | ||1:奥巴马要做的还有很多,他还要继续发展联盟。||2:北约成员国土耳其最终表明它同意打击“伊斯兰国”,但还没有实际行动。||3:联合各同盟国需要耐心,灵活应变力和软硬兼施的高明手段。||4:奥巴马大概得拿出比以往都多的时间,同各国领袖好好煲一煲电话粥。||5:而且即使“伊斯兰国”组织被成功摧毁,如果他没能帮助当地温和势力及时填补空缺,新的麻烦又会接踵而至。 | ||1:There is much more for Mr Obama to do. The coalition-building is not complete.||2:Turkey, a NATO member, is at last suggesting it favours action against IS, but it needs to be seen to help.||3:Holding the alliance together will require patience, flexibility and a judicious mix of bullying and seduction.||4:Mr Obama will have to put in many more long hours on the telephone with world leaders than he has done so far.||5:And even if he succeeds in substantially destroying IS, new horrors may emerge from the ensuing vacuum if he does not help benign local forces to fill it. |