属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-平遥古城 票号的幽灵
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国种族问题 弗格森的教训
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-以整体思维设计欧洲债券 Joined-up think
1 | ||1:而后的穷困反倒拯救了这座小城。||2:当全国上下都屈服于太祖对旧物的憎恨,以及后继者们对新物的狂热的之时,平遥安然躲过了这一切,风景如画,星罗棋盘的旧帝国式建筑群也得以保存。||3:如今平遥又重拾自我。||4:2013年共有约150万人来到平遥,当1997年联合国教科文组织认定其为世界文化遗产时,这个数字只有五万。 | ||1:Pingyao’s ensuing poverty proved to be its saviour.||2:Its picturesque grid of traditional imperial houses survived when most elsewhere succumbed to Mao’s hatred of the old and his successors’ love of the new.||3:Now it has reinvented itself.||4:Around 1.5m people visited Pingyao in 2013, up from around 50,000 in 1997 when UNESCO named it a world heritage site. | |
2 | ||1:经过超过一周的密苏里弗格森骚乱,美国能学到些什么?首先,最简单的一点,警察应该携带影像记录设备。||2:当值班过程被记录下来,警察射击嫌犯的概率将降低,反之亦然。||3:同时,假如戴伦·威尔逊警官在八月九日执勤时配戴相机,民众就能直观了解景观开枪射击了一位18岁的黑人青年迈克尔·布朗,布朗当时手无寸铁。||4:关于此事,两个截然不同的说法无法证实,警方的说法是布朗袭击了威尔逊警官,并试图抢夺他的枪。||5:威尔逊警官由于生命受到威胁,开枪打死了这位黑人青年布朗。||6:与布朗先生同在案发现场的朋友提供了一个完全不同的说法:警察抓住了布朗先生的脖子,后来布朗想自首的时候被开枪杀死了。||7:早期的尸检结果表明,布朗身中至少六发的子弹,但这未能成为事件有力的证据。 | ||1:AFTER more than a week of rioting in Ferguson, Missouri, what can America learn? The first and simplest lesson is that cops should wear cameras.||2:Knowing that they are being recorded, the police would be less likely to shoot suspects, and vice versa.||3:Also, had Officer Darren Wilson been wearing a camera on August 9th, Americans would know what happened just before he shot and killed Michael Brown, an unarmed black 18-year-old.||4:As it is, there are two conflicting stories and no way to choose between them.The police say that Mr Brown attacked Mr Wilson and tried to wrestle away his gun.||5:In the ensuing struggle the officer, fearing for his life, shot and killed the teenager.||6:Mr Brown’s friend, who was with him at the time, gives a completely different account: he says the officer grabbed Mr Brown by the neck and later shot him as he was trying to surrender.||7:Early autopsy results show that Mr Brown was hit by at least six bullets but do not settle the dispute. | |
3 | ||1:现在,西方势力他们的代理影响力变得前所未有的微弱。||2:自从美国决定放弃导弹袭击惩罚叙利亚政府使用化学武器以来的一个月,SOC已经变得越来越无关紧要。||3:袭击将会增强温和派的实力,包括负责军事指挥的叛逃将军Selim Idriss。||4:随后美俄之间关于叙利亚政府必须交出其化学武器的协议被发现是由反对派买单。 | ||1:Western powers will now find their proxies have less influence than ever.||2:In the month since America backed away from missile strikes to punish Syria’s regime for using chemical weapons, the SOC has become increasingly irrelevant.||3:Strikes would have bolstered moderates, including Selim Idriss, a defected general who heads the military command.||4:The ensuing deal between Russia and America whereby Syria’s regime must hand over its chemical weapons was perceived as coming at the expense of the rebels. | |
4 | ||1:早在2010年,总部位于布鲁塞尔的智库机构勃鲁盖尔便提出了一个更为大胆的计划。||2:该计划试图利用原《马斯特里赫特条约》中各国公共债务不得超过GDP60%的条款——尽管这一规定很少被遵守,常常被违反——将债券分成两类,即共同担保债券和传统的主权债券。||3:主权债务中低于GDP60%的部分将划到“蓝色”欧洲债券中,60%以上的部分是“红色”债券,仍由各国独自承担还款责任。||4:蓝色欧洲债券的价值接近55亿欧元——大大超过了布恩斯塔计划中的规模,而且它会是一种永久性债券。||5:有人对这种颜色分类债券提出异议,认为这种债券的本意虽然是想迫使各国减少红色债券,但很可能起到适得其反的效果。||6:现存的高风险债券一旦划成红色债券将变成问题资产,由于违约风险升高,政府的借款利率也将随之猛增。||7:随后,市场将陷入一片恐慌之中,此种形势下,共同担保的范围不得不扩大,把红色债券也纳入进来。||8:到头来,蓝色债券的范围界限毫无约束力可言,正如同当初《马斯特里赫特条约》设定的公共债务上限的条款一样,沦为一纸空文。 | ||1:A much more ambitious scheme from Bruegel, a Brussels-based think-tank, first outlined in 2010, would use the original Maastricht-treaty cap for public debt of 60% of GDP—more honoured in the breach than the observance—to carve a dividing line between jointly-guaranteed debt and the rest.||2:National borrowings below the 60% level could be switched into “blue” Eurobonds, while the remaining “red” debt would remain the responsibility of individual states.||3:The blue bit would cover around 5.||4:5 trillion Euro—a lot more than Mr Boonstra’s plan, and it would be for keeps.||5:The main objection to this colour-coded proposal is that the resulting pressure on countries to reduce their red debt could backfire.||6:The now-riskier tranche of borrowing would turn toxic, with yields on it soaring as borrowers priced in the higher risk of default.||7:In the ensuing panic, the guarantee would probably have to be extended.||8:The limit for blue debt would turn out to be as binding a constraint as the original Maastricht ceiling. | |
5 | “带来的恐慌将是灾难性的。”他补充道。 | "The ensuing panic would be disastrous, " he said. | |
6 | 16世纪,西班牙人将可可带回到欧洲,有很多巧克力的创新在随后的世纪出现。 | The Spanish brought cacao back to Europe in the 16th century and many chocolate innovations have occurred in the ensuing centuries. | |
7 | 阿根廷在2001年加入欧元联盟后遭遇的情形同希腊的极其相似。 | experience in the ensuing decade was disconcertingly similar to Greece’s after it joined the euro in 2001. | |
8 | 澄清关键概念,为讨论奠定基础 | Clarify key concepts to lay the ground for ensuing discussion | |
9 | 船舶的沉没,并随后的调查报告使整个地区的紧张局势升级。 | The ship’s sinking and ensuing report have escalated tensions throughout the region. | |
10 | 此后的暴力冲突中有约两千人丧生。 | About 2, 000 people died in the ensuing violence. | |
11 | 大选中充满着欺诈行为和恶意拉票现象。 | If only. The ensuing election was rife with examples of voter fraud and ballot-stuffing. | |
12 | 但对于处理这样海量数据的科学家们来说同样是一个巨大的挑战。 | But it posed a big challenge to researchers in biology, who had to deal with the ensuing deluge of data. | |
13 | 但是,因而产生志愿服务的广泛参与是基于金钱动机。 | But the ensuing wide participation in voluntary services is based on the incentive of money. | |
14 | 但是,在班卓死后的几个月里,爱意的纷至沓来帮助我和桑迪应对了我们的损失。 | But an outpouring of love during the ensuing weeks helped Sandy and me deal with our loss. | |
15 | 但是在宇宙学中间,接下来的500万年被叫做黑暗时期。 | But the ensuing 500 million years are the so-called dark ages of cosmology. | |
16 | 但是最近的经济危机和随后的经济衰退已经引起许多的资金枯竭,皮尔森告诉捐赠者说。 | But the recent financial crisis and ensuing recession have caused much of that funding to dry up, Pierson told the donors. | |
17 | 但在接下来的10年里他们被那里错综复杂的权贵集团骗得团团转。 | But in the ensuing decade they have been tricked, spun round and deceived by the complex web of vested interests there. | |
18 | 当高潮(crescendo)接踵而来时,他从地上跳了起来,根据他的计算,那时强音(forte)应该开始了。 | Upon the now ensuing crescendo, he sprang up high from the ground when, according to his calculation, the forte should begin. | |
19 | 当你走错了方向,不停地责骂汽车卫星导航系统对紧跟着的暴怒行为没有任何的帮助。 | When you’ve taken a wrong turn, the monotone scolding of an in-car satellite navigation system is unlikely to help any ensuing road rage. | |
20 | 当亚洲人开始炫耀自己的经济肌肉时,聪明的公司必须为随之而来的跨语言数据海啸做好准备。 | As Asia flexes its growing economic muscle, smart companies must be prepared to handle the ensuing tsunami of cross-language data. | |
21 | 对每件玩具不可避免的争吵都会在每个家庭的双方引起共鸣,就像本书出人意料的结尾。 | The ensuing wrangling over every toy will resonate with both sides in any household, as will the surprise ending. | |
22 | 而事实上,在其后的几周里,就有七名塔利班战士被消灭。 | And indeed, several Taliban fighters were eliminated in the ensuing weeks. | |
23 | 二战的结果以及随之而来与共产主义阵营之间的冷战,使日本坚定地站到了美国和欧洲一边。 | The aftermath of the second world war and the ensuing cold war with communism hitched Japan firmly to the US and Europe. | |
24 | 该模式还将定义随即产生的响应SOAP消息应遵循的格式。 | This pattern would also define the format that the ensuing response SOAP message should follow. | |
25 | 宫城、福岛以及岩守县和北部地区承担了地震来临时的最初的损失,以及随之而来的海啸席卷。 | Miyagi, Fukushima and Iwate prefectures further north bore the brunt of the damage from the shock and the ensuing tsunami. | |
26 | 哈希德部落与萨利赫军队之间持续十天的交火已经造成了200人死亡。 | The ensuing ten-day battle between the Hashid tribesmen and Mr Saleh’s troops has already left 200 dead. | |
27 | 海军计划授予他一枚勋章,但是随之而来的注意力也让他失去了一切。 | The Navy Brass planned to give him a medal, but the ensuing attention became his downfall. | |
28 | 后来德普质疑那些把他称为“自封的欧洲人”的后续报道 | Later Depp contested ensuing media reports that dubbed the actor a ’European wannabe’. | |
29 | 化解危机的过程将会严重考验中美相处的能力。 | The ensuing crisis would severely test the capacity of China and America to live with each other. | |
30 | 或许学生们随后会觉得,有关道德的讨论确实有紧迫性。 | The ensuing discussion might be a little more urgent. |