1 | "复描"确保样板原图可以一直保留作参考。 | Tracing-off ensures that the original draft is always retained for reference. | |
2 | (一)在合作转化中无新的发明创造的,该科技成果的权益,归该科技成果完成单位; | (1)Where no invention or creation ensures from transformation of a scientific or technological achievement, the rights and interests related to the scientific or technological achievement shall belong to the unit that made the achievement; | |
3 | “网站证书”声明特定的网站是安全的而且的确是这个站点。它可以确保没有其他网站能假冒原始安全站点的身份。 | A "Web site certificate" states that a specific Web site is secure and genuine. It ensures that no other Web site can assume the identity of the original secure site. | |
4 | LEXUS LS430确保所有驾乘者的安全 | Lexus LS430 ensures peace of mind for all on board | |
5 | MINI不但性能卓越,操作灵活,而且在设计概念上还秉承了MINI家族“为空间而设计”的传统。 | not only does the MINI continue to turn heads in the street – it also ensures the original design-to-space concept of the Mini lives on. | |
6 | 靶场主任必须确保选手遵守关卡的指示. | The Range Officer ensures that competitors comply with the stage instructions. | |
7 | 保证开车过程中获得最大的稳定性和安全性 | Ensures maximum road-holding stability and safety | |
8 | 保证轻松驾驶,减少疲劳,长途驾驶中效果尤其显著。 | Ensures relaxed and fatigue-free driving, especially on long journeys | |
9 | 保证在物理极限内获得最佳牵引力 | Ensures optimum traction within physical limits | |
10 | 本宾馆有自建水塔,一年四季自来水供应充足,保证卫生盥洗使用。 | With the self-built water tower, our hotel ensures ample supply of running water to our guests all the year round. | |
11 | 本厂生产的自动传送带,传送灵活,包您满意。 | The autotransmit belt made by our factory ensures smooth transmission and assures your satisfaction. | |
12 | 本公司已制定程序文件对采购活动进行有效的控制。为避免供货商的误解,采购文件在发放前须经适当界定并审批,以保证向其提供足够的技术和商业情况之详细说明。 | MDCL has documented procedure to control the purchasing activity. It ensures that the data of technical and commercial aspects are adequately defined and reviewed before releasing to our suppliers to prevent ambiguity. | |
13 | 本公司只聘用对即将从事的岗位具有适当经验及资历的人员。行管部负责执行此政策,并确保员工的培训及资历记录经常更新。 | MDCL only employs those people who have appropriate experience/qualifications for the tasks they are required to perform. The Administration Department is responsible for the operation of this policy and ensures that the employees’ training and qualifications records are always up-to-date. | |
14 | 本商店保证货源充足,供应及时。 | This shop ensures ample supply and prompt delivery. | |
15 | 不管白天还是晚上,都保证其他人能看到您在路上。 | Ensures that you can be seen on the road – both in daylight and in the dark. | |
16 | 不同的食物含有营养物的量不同,饮食多变化方能确保供给无虞。 | Different amounts of these nutrients exist in different foods; a varied diet ensures an adequate supply. | |
17 | 操作系统VAX/VMS中的一种通信方法,用于控制对共享一数据结构或其它资源的一个码区的排它性访问。这种互斥通信法保证在同一时间仅有一个进程访问此码区。 | In VAX/VMS, a semaphore that is used to control exclusive access to a region of code that can share a data structure or other resource. The mutex (mutual exclusion)semaphore ensures that only one process at a time has access to the region of code | |
18 | 超音速飞机排量有限,因此它对臭氧层的消耗作用不大。 | The small volume of supersonic traffic at prsent ensures that this contribution is small | |
19 | 此外,壳牌加适达产品的高粘度指数可确保高温和低温条件下优异的性能。 | Furthermore, the high viscosity index of Shell Cassida products ensures exceptional performance at both high and low temperatures. | |
20 | 从布捆开始一片片地熨烫,用这种方法为以后的操作做准备,确保布捆原来的顺序。 | Again work through the bundle pressing each piece; working in this way ensures that the bundle retains its original order ready for the continuation of assembly. | |
21 | 但是美国宪法确保了总统不会成为一个集权的统治者。 | But the Constitution ensures that the president will not become an all-powerful ruler | |
22 | 党的民主生活正常进行,有利于党的团结与统一,保证党的方针政策顺利执行 | The normal practice of the party’s democratic life is beneficial to the unity and solidarity of the party, and ensures the smooth implementation of the party’s policies | |
23 | 得到好的教育和好的成绩不再能确保成功了。而孩子们似乎比我们先意识到了这一点。 | Getting a good education and making good grades no longer ensures success, and nobody seems to have noticed, except our children. | |
24 | 第二十九条 国家保障人民防空通信、警报的畅通,以迅速准确地传递、发放防空警报信号,有效地组织、指挥人民防空。 | Article 29 The State ensures unimpeded civil air defense communications and warning in order that air defense warning signals are promptly and accurately transmitted and sent out and civil air defense is effectively organized and directed. | |
25 | 第四条 教育是社会主义现代化建设的基础,国家保障教育事业优先发展。 | Article 4 Education is the basis of the socialist modernization drive, and the State ensures priority to the development of educational undertakings. | |
26 | 电器保护仪,使您安全省电。 | The appliance-protector ensures safety and energy-saving for you. | |
27 | 电子管理装置确保这个动作不会引起驾驶人的任何感觉。 | The electronic management unit ensures that this is virtually imperceptible. | |
28 | 凡事预则立,不预则废。 | Preparedness ensures success, unpreparedness spells failure. | |
29 | 该产品采用一种专利添加剂技术,确保各项性能大大超越常规涡轮机油。 | A patented additive technology ensures that this product offers substantially improved performance over conventional turbine oils. | |
30 | 该产品具有出众的TBN(总碱值)保持力,能够为用于高负载长途拖运的Mercedes-Benz欧III低排放发动机在整个换油期内提供充分的保护 | Excellent TBN retention ensures protection throughout the drain in high load, long distance haulage in Mercedes-Benz Euro III engines |