1 | 该技术已被很好地文件化,干扰少而且能保证相对好的检测限。对于最低分析物浓度,必须使用GF-AAS。 | The technique is well-documented, presents few interferences and ensures relatively good limits of detection. For the lowest analyte concentrations GF-AAS must be used. | |
2 | 根据此条例进行实验,确保了合理的研究计划、充分的实验过程和全面精确的报告。 | Following the principles of GLP ensures that the studies are properly planned, can be adequately carried out and are fully and accurately reported. | |
3 | 功能强大的主动安全系统虽然能防患于未然,但杰出的被动安全性能够在不可避免的意外发生时保障驾乘者的生命安全。 | While it is adequately equipped with an outstanding active safety system for emergencies, Buick LaCROSSE also ensures that its remarkable passive safety system can protect occupants effectively in case of inevitable accidents. | |
4 | 关键词:选择正确的关键词能保证你的广告所吸引的都是你的潜在客户,每次的点击都很有可能为您的投资带来回报。 | Keywords: Choosing the right keywords ensures that you attract only your potential customers and only pay for clicks that are likely to bring you return on investment. | |
5 | 国家保障国有经济的巩固和发展。 | The state ensures the consolidation and growth of the state economy. | |
6 | 过程方法应当确保对过程的输入作出规定并予以记录,以便为确定输出的验证和确认要求奠定基础。 | The process approach ensures that process inputs are defined and recorded in order to provide a basis for formulation of requirements to be used for verification and validation of outputs. | |
7 | 和本地区别的企业不同的是,本公司的饮料由生产入瓶至封盖都是自动化生产,如此除了可以令饮料的质量得到保证外,更重要的是还能够得到卫生保障。 | Unlike our rivals, our manufacturing division is fully automated from the actual production of the syrup to bottling and capping. This ensures that our production maintains a high standard, especially its hygiene, to which much importance is attached. | |
8 | 计分员必须对不完全或不正确的计分表迅速向靶场总监反应(直接由靶场总监授权)。 | Ensures incomplete or inaccurate score sheets are promptly referred to the Range Master (under direct authority of the Range Master). | |
9 | 加适达HF润滑油采用特别配方,专门用于食品和饮料加工及包装行业中的液压装置、轴承以及压缩空气管道的润滑,可使设备使用寿命长,维护成本低。 | Specially developed for applications such as hydraulics, bearings and air line lubrication in the food and beverage processing and packaging industry, Cassida Fluid HF ensures long equipment life and low maintenance costs. | |
10 | 家用消毒柜,家庭必备保健康。 | Household disinfectant cabinet, a necessity for a family, ensures your health. | |
11 | 减轻了劳动强度,改善了企业和人员工作环境,因而从客观上创造了改进服务的条件。 | Intensity of labor is reduced and working environment of the office and staff is improved, which in a way ensures better service. | |
12 | 检验、测量及试验设备应在确保已知其测量之不确定度,且与所需测量能力相一致时方可使用。 | Inspection, measuring and test equipment shall be used in a manner, which ensures that the measurement uncertainty is known, and is consistent with the required measurement capability. | |
13 | 教育公民自觉遵守法律,维护社会秩序、经济秩序,保障社会主义建设事业顺利进行。 | Educates the citizens to abide conscientiously by the law, safeguards social and economic order and ensures the smooth progress of socialist construction. | |
14 | 接收方应为交流人员万一突然生病不适或意外事故提供必要的医护和药品。 | The receiving side ensures the necessary medical care and medicines for the exchange programme participants in case of sudden indisposition or accidents. | |
15 | 接收方在经济上应承担机场建设费、机票预订费以及为完成旅居计划所必须的差旅费用。 | The receiving side ensures financially air-pert charges, fees in connection with booking air-tickets and expenses of the trips necessary for fulfilling the programme of the stay. | |
16 | 卖方应于合同生效后12个月内提供有关设计图,买方则于合同生效后22个月内制作完 | The Seller shall deliver the related design drawings within 12 months from the Effective date of the Contract, and the buyer ensures to finish manufacturing the listed parts within 22 months from the date of Effective date of the Contract. | |
17 | 目标明确:你的点击费是基于与你最相近的竞争对手的出价而定的。因此,你应该将你的广告词目标对准具体的市场,以保证你确实在正确地市场里与人竞争,你付的每一分钱都是划算的 | Targeting: Your CPC is based on what your nearest competitors are willing to pay, so targeting your ads to your specific market ensures that you are competing in the right market and paying only what you need to pay. | |
18 | 那么Volvo汽车的循迹牵引防侧滑系统(STC)便自动启动,切断传递到车轮的动力,直到汽车恢复抓地力。 | Stability and Traction Control (STC)automatically ensures that the driven wheels get just the right amount of power so that they retain a firm grip on the road. | |
19 | 南顺更重视人力资源,集团聘请的专业人材,均经严格挑选,配合集团自动化生产设施上的重大投资,以确保长期维持最高水准的生产流程及业务经营。 | Much emphasis has been placed on human resources in the Lam Soon Group. Talents are carefully chosen to complement the substantial investment in the latest automated production technology and equipment. This ensures our high standards of quality are maintained in the manufacturing process, as well as in the business. | |
20 | 挪威首都奥斯陆人口不足五十万,对城市恰到好处的管理营造出一种文化凝聚力,人们有一种与自然和谐相处的强烈责任感。 | The capital of Norway, Oslo, has a population of barely half a million, the city ensures the necessary administrative and cultural cohesion of a people who have a very strong sense of harmony with the nature | |
21 | 请您妥善保管包装箱和所有包装件,以备可能必要的发运之用,因为只有完整的原包装才能确保安全运输。 | Save the box and all parts of the packaging for any future shipment of your balance as only the complete original standard packaging ensures safe transport. | |
22 | 确保燃油表始终提供准确的读数。 | Ensures that the gauge always provides an accurate reading | |
23 | 确保严格遵守车速限制 | Ensures speed limits are strictly adhered to | |
24 | 如果我们推荐的预算为30美元,而你只想花15美元,你的广告出现的频率就会比选择30美元的要低,这会使你的花费与预算保持一致;确保你不会在一天内花完整月的预算。 | If we recommend $30, and you only want to spend $15, we’ll show your ads less frequently than if you’d chosen $30. This keeps you to your budget;Ensures that you do not spend your entire month’s budget in one day. | |
25 | 如果想查看说明文字,而不查看实际的图片(已清除“显示图片”复选框),请选中此复选框。这样可以确保当文字的数量超过它代表的图像区域时,文字不被截断。 | Select this check box if you rely on alternate (ALT)text instead of viewing the actual pictures (that is, you’ve cleared the Show pictures check box). This ensures that the text is not cut off if the amount of text is larger than the image area. | |
26 | 如果政策对,能推动社会主义社会生产力发展,使人民生活逐步好起来,这种政策本身就保证了它的连续性。 | If the policy is right and can promote the development of the productive forces in a socialist society and gradually raise the people’s living standards, the policy itself ensures its continuity. | |
27 | 如通知由上文所规定有发出通知资格之背书人或其代表人发出,则此举亦为代表执票人及在接受通知当事人以后之各背书人所发出 | Where the notice is given by or on behalf of an indorser entitled to give notice as hereinbefore provided, it ensures for the benefit of the holder and all indorsers subsequent to the party to whom notice is given; | |
28 | 如通知由执票人或其代表人发出,则此举亦为代表以后各执票人及以前各背书人所发出,而该等背书人系对接受通知之当事人有追偿之权利者 | where the notice is given by or on behalf of the holder, it ensures for the benefit of all subsequent holders and all prior indorsers who have a right of recourse against the party to whom it is given; | |
29 | 使它们毫无疑问地成为工程师们的首选材料。 | They possess over other materials, ensures that they must feature in the first rank of materials’ options available to the engineers. | |
30 | 事先填好的用蓝色标明的数字是我们推荐的最大点击率.选用此推荐值可以保证最佳的广告和点击效果.决定了最高点击费以后,按”Calculate Estimate”键确认. | The pre-filled amount highlighted in blue is our recommended maximum CPC. Matching this amount ensures maximum ad exposure and clicks for all of your keywords. Once you have decided on a maximum CPC, click Calculate Estimates. |