1 | 它的城市文化给人们带了强烈的凝聚力,人们有了一种与自然和谐相处的责任感。这种凝聚力源自他们的历史,并且得到了发扬和光大。 | The city ensures the necessary administrative and cultural cohesion of a people who have a very strong sense of harmony with the nature, born in their distant Viking past and proudly cultivated throughout the years. | |
2 | 它能够确保发动机的高清洁度和最优性能,是市场上使用寿命最长的长换油期型机油 | It ensures superb engine cleanliness and optimum performance and is the longest life, extended drain oil on the market. | |
3 | 特级劲霸(Rimula Super)同时还能够在更苛刻的运行条件下提供更可靠的安全性,能够保证使用者安心上路。 | Rimula Super also provides an improved critical safety margin for high severity operations that ensures you stay on the road. | |
4 | 提供舒适性的功能,可保证关闭发动机后仍能维持驾驶室内的温度。 | Comfort-enhancing feature that ensures that the cab temperature is maintained after the engine is switched off. | |
5 | 通过收集这些信息,我们可以开发出应时合用直至物超所值的工具,公司的分析主导设计型生产体系也保证了我们的顾客一有需用就能得到他们想要的东西。 | We use this information to develop tools that will meet and surpass their demands, and our Analysis Lead Design production system ensures that the customer receives the tool that they want when they want it. | |
6 | 同时,我们将为您安排适当的解决方案(旅馆住宿,改乘出租车、火车或飞机继续旅行,以及取车服务),确保不妨碍您的行程。 | A comprehensive package of further mobility services (trip continuation by taxi, hotel accommodation, onward travel by train orplane and retrieval of the car)ensures that you stay mobile. | |
7 | 为保证在任何情况下两人都能穿着一致,他们对穿旧的衣服也订了条规矩。 | They also have a rule about worn-out clothes, which ensures they continue to dress alike regardless of the circumstances. | |
8 | 为了不让业务发展受到限制,我们得确保公司同时拥有足够的当地人 | To ensure this does not handicap the company’s business aspirations, Shell ensures that it has a good complement of competent local staff for many of the senior positions within the management/project team | |
9 | 为了不让业务发展受到限制,蚬壳石油得确保公司同时拥有足够的当地人才,在管理层和特殊项目小组里担任要职。 | To ensure this does not handicap the company’s business aspirations, Shell ensures that it has a good complement of competent local staff for many of the senior positions within the management/project team. | |
10 | 我们的全球供应能力确保我们可以方便地针对您所在的地点提供合适的产品和技术。 | Worldwide supply capability ensures that the right product and technology is readily available irrespective of your location. | |
11 | 我们对建筑平面图进行精确的设计分析,确保家具的设计和摆放与建筑结构保持协调。 | Precise design analysis of the architectural floor plans ensures that furniture placement and design are in keeping with the architectural detailing | |
12 | 我们所用的5个指标在实际操作当中简单易行,可以保证网络的训练者与使用者对图像描述的一致性,发挥网络的最高性能。 | The 5 indexes we have employed are easy to handle in practice, which ensures the consistency of image descriptions by network trainers and users. Thus, the best performance of the network is realized. | |
13 | 无备必定吃亏。 | preparedness ensures security | |
14 | 现在WTO;SPS协定和IPPC新修订文本确保有专门渠道来通知植物检疫措施的变更、相关法规的修改,并且有一个分享信息的论坛。 | The WTO-SPS Agreement and the NRT of the IPPC now ensures that there are structured channels for notification of changes to phytosanitary measures, deviations in the relevant regulations, and a forum for information sharing. | |
15 | 像普通的室内装饰涂料一样方便使用,一旦固化性能极高。 | Easy to apply just like conventional interior decorative paints. Once cured, its epoxy resin strength ensures high performance. | |
16 | 像是车子、电脑或音音像这样高价位的商品,通常会有保证期限,以保证一年或更久的时间内使用该产品没有任何问题。广告中通常?/s> | Expensive items-like cars, computers or stereos-often have a warranty that ensures trouble-free use for a period of a year or more | |
17 | 新型添加剂能够确保在整个换油期内提供理想的润滑保护,减少油泥沉积,并对当今低排放发动机的较高烟灰进行有效控制。 | Our new additive chemistry ensures ideal lubrication throughout the drain, minimising sludging and controlling the higher soot levels characteristic of modern, low emission engines. | |
18 | 选择推荐金额会保证广告在全天内最大限度地均匀显示。但是,你也可以降低该推荐金额,如果你想得到每一个可能的点击,你甚至可以得到每一个可能的点击。 | Choosing the recommended amount ensures maximum ad exposure evenly throughout each day. However, you can lower this amount or even raise it if you want to make sure you get every possible click.. | |
19 | 严格的质量管理,是产品优质的保证。 | Strict quality control ensures the higher quality of products. | |
20 | 一个主要的转变应该促使交易活动脱离单纯依赖关系和等级秩序这个模式,而成为一种专业艺术,所有参与方都明白交易所涉及的协定。 | A major shift must occur that moves away from deals based purely on relationships (in Chinese, guanxi)and the hierarchical order and towards a professional art that ensures that all parties understand the agreements of a deal. | |
21 | 一体化贯穿轴:确保阀门的强度、可靠性合阀板的精确定位。 | One-Piece Thru Shaft: Ensures dependability and positive disc positioning. | |
22 | 有备才能无患,无备必定吃亏。 | preparedness ensures security; unpreparedness invites disaster | |
23 | 在电力行业中,每一度电都是很宝贵的,这就是为什么我们要采用最优秀的产品以确保最大的产出、最小的综合成本和延长的设备使用寿命的原因。 | Within the power industry, every kilowatt hour counts which is why using using the best products ensures maximum output, minimal all round costs and increased equipment lifespan. | |
24 | 在断开系统的任何连接之前,推荐用干燥惰性气体,如氮或氩来净化气体系统。GASGUARD系统提供的自动操作确保了气体传输系统的彻底和完全的净化。 | Purging of the gas systems with a dry, inert gas such as nitrogen or argon, is recommended prior to breaking any connection of the gas system. Automation provided by GASGUARD systems ensures thorough and complete purging of the gas delivery system. | |
25 | 在捷克共和国举行的国际业余田联第18届世界杯竞走比赛中,女子10公里项目由俄罗斯选手一统天下,斯坦基娜以7秒的优势领先伊凡诺娃获得冠军,她们的第一、第二名保证了俄罗斯队获得杯赛团体冠军。 | In the 18th IAAF Walking World Cup in Czech Republic, the women’s ten-kilometre race is dominated by Russians. Stankina wins by seven seconds from Ivanova, and their one-two ensures the team cup for Russia. | |
26 | 增加邮件收发进度提示-邮件收发更称心。 | Reminder for mail receiving schedule is added which ensures you receive and send mails to your satisfaction. | |
27 | 展示梅赛德斯-奔驰如何在产品设计和开发中致力于环境保护。 | Discover how Mercedes-Benz ensures optimum environmental protection in product design and development. | |
28 | 这个规定使我们对这个问题有了发言权。 | This provision ensures to / for us a voice in the subject. | |
29 | 这个规定使我们对这件事有发言权。 | This provision ensures to / for us a voice in the matter. | |
30 | 这个装置保证了产品在低于指定温度时不能向前流过巴氏杀菌设备到达巴氏后产品的贮存或罐装段。 | This control device ensures that product below a designated temperature cannot proceed forward through the pasteurization system and on to pasteurized product storage or product filling. |