属类:文学表达-外国名著-A MODERN COMEDY
1 | 克里斯托弗出生约一年之后,迈克尔进了国会。为了帮助丈夫,也为了自己消遣,弗勒招待大批知名人物。 | A year or so after Christopher’s birth, Michael entered Parliament. To help her husband and to provide herself with diversion, Fleur entertained many prominent people. | |
2 | 猎人拿出了非常美味的鹿肉招待我们。 | The hunter entertained us with venison which was very delicious. | |
3 | 麦克白对麦克德夫--伐夫地区的大乡绅一直心存妒意。 | Macbeth had entertained a jealousy of Macduff, the thane of Fife. | |
4 | 美国公关业知名人士怀达克曾这么分析,美国人喜欢热闹的战斗,也喜欢被娱乐。 | Well-known American public relations expert Glen Whitaker has observed that Americans are fond of thrilling fights and love to be entertained . | |
5 | 美国在线、时代公司、时代华纳有线、家庭票房、新线影业、特纳广播集团和华纳兄弟公司为人们提供信息、娱乐和通联,创新求变,追求卓越,睥睨业界,无可匹敌。 | America Online, Time Inc., Time Warner Cable, Home Box Office, New Line Cinema, Turner Broadcasting System and Warner Bros. Entertainment maintain unrivaled reputations for creativity and excellence as they keep people informed, entertained and connected. | |
6 | 弥达斯听西勒诺斯的故事入了迷,盛情款待他长达五天五夜。 | Midas, enchanted by Silenus’s fictions, entertained him for five days and nights. | |
7 | 魔术师表演各种把戏给小孩子看。 | The magician entertained the children with a variety of tricks. | |
8 | 那场杂技表演使孩子们很欢乐。 | The circus entertained the children | |
9 | 男爵夫人反驳道,“你知道得很清楚,上个月我已经雇用了一个巴黎最能干的车夫,你不见得把他和马一起卖了吧?” | you could not have entertained any alarm on the subject, because you are perfectly well aware that I have had for a month in my service the very best coachman in Paris. But, perhaps, you have disposed of the coachman as well as the horses? | |
10 | 难道我们不能假定,至少那姑娘自己确有私奔之意吗 | May we not at least suppose this design of elopement entertained by the girl? | |
11 | 然后,她告诉我她要带我到她一个叔叔家里,在那里我们会受到极丰盛的款待。 | Then she told me she would carry me to an uncle’s house of hers, where we should be nobly entertained | |
12 | 人们常常在这一点上犯过失。他们喜欢把在某群人、某种环境中的得意言行到处搬到别的地方使用,而此时却风趣尽失,或不合时宜,或张冠李戴而唐突无聊。 | Here people very commonly err; and fond of something that has entertained them in one company, and in certain circumstances, repeat it with emphasis in another, where it is either insipid, or, it may be, offensive, by being ill-timed or misplaced. | |
13 | 如果把小珠儿不仅当作一个尘世的孩子,也当作一个精神使者,对她抱有忠诚与信任,那么,她难道就不能承担起她的使命,把冷冷地藏在她母亲心中、从而把那颗心变成坟墓的忧伤扫荡净尽吗? | If little Pearl were entertained with faith and trust, as a spirit messenger no less than an earthly child, might it not be her errand to soothe away the sorrow that lay cold in her mother’s heart, and converted it into a tomb?- | |
14 | 奢侈地游乐一番 | Entertained on a lavish scale. | |
15 | 时间便是这样过着。无论有了什么事,都象不是真正地有那么回事,因为她和一切是太没有接触了。她和克利福在他们的理想里,在他们的著作里生活着。她款待着客人……家里是常常有客的。 | Time went on. Whatever happened, nothing happened, because she was so beautifully out of contact. She and Clifford lived in their ideas and his books. She entertained ...there were always people in the house. | |
16 | 受理争议的法院或者仲裁机构认为适当,并且考虑到本法第一百八十条第一款的规定,可以判决或者裁决进一步增加特别补偿数额;但是,在任何情况下,增加部分不得超过救助费用的百分之一百。 | The court which has entertained the suit or the arbitration organization may, if it deems fair and just and taking into consideration the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 180 of this Code, render a judgment or an award further increasing the amount of such special compensation, but in no event shall the total increase be more than 100% of the expenses incurred by the salvor. | |
17 | 损害赔偿要求,应当从受害人或者其代理人知道或者应当知道之日起 1 年内提出;超过期限的,不予受理。 | A demand to be compensated for damage shall be submitted within a period of one year from the date on which the victim or his representative became aware or ought to have become aware of it. When this period has expired, the claim will not be entertained . | |
18 | 他的幽默故事使我们大家都很开心。 | We were all entertained by his humorous stories. | |
19 | 他对他百般讨好,给他讲最近的新闻,或者不如说十天前的旧闻。 | He entertained him affably with news of the day or rather of ten days previous | |
20 | 他发现在他之前,已经有两、三个好心朋友来过这里,他们都是由伦道夫在米勒太太的客厅里接待的。 | He found that two or three charitable friends had preceded him, and that they were being entertained in Mrs. Miller’s salon by Randolph | |
21 | 他给我们讲故事,说笑话,让我们高兴了几个小时。 | He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes. | |
22 | 他给我们讲故事、说笑话,让我们高兴了好几个小时。 | He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes. | |
23 | 他给我们讲故事、说笑话,让我们高兴了好几小时. | He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes. | |
24 | 他讲一些离奇的内幕新闻和一些打猎聚会上或吸烟室里的故事来款待年轻人。 | He entertained the young men with queer little anecdotes and stories on their shooting parties or in their smoking-room | |
25 | 他款待他的客人很殷勤;丰厚;不好;菲薄。 | He entertained his guests very hospitably / handsomely / badly / poorly. | |
26 | 他们常在周末招待朋友。 | They often entertained their friends at weekends. | |
27 | 他们都是由伦道夫在米勒太太的客厅里接待的。 | They were being entertained in Mrs. Miller’s salon by randolph | |
28 | 他们对最后胜利抱有坚定的信心。 | They entertained a firm belief in final victory | |
29 | 他们以茶点招待客人。 | They entertained guests with refreshments | |
30 | 他们在饭馆里招待客人。 | They entertained their guests in a restaurant. |