属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-新研究发现天鹅座X-1黑洞可能比预想更大
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:猫鼠游戏
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巴西夜总会大火 狂欢后的悲剧
1 | 谢谢亲爱的院长,共产党虽然尚有“诱惑及麻醉人民”的罪名,总算没有别的滔天大罪,致邀免打,获保首领及屁股而归。 | Although the Communist Party is still charged with the crime of "luring and duping the people", at least it is innocent of other horrible crimes and hence escapes a caning and is let off with its head and its backside unscathed | |
2 | 新服务不用付低结余月费,但客户每次使用柜员服务提款和转帐要付费二十元。 | The new account escapes a minimum balance charge, but customers must pay $20 for using teller services for cash withdrawals and transfers. | |
3 | 因为成年人要更聪明。大多数情况下,这个简单的思想没有被大多数的成年人掌握,因为他们有着不同的教育背景。 | Because adults are smarter. In most cases, the simplicity of the idea escapes most adults because they have been educated differently. | |
4 | 由于她的气质决定了她不会以昏厥来逃避过于强烈的苦难,她的精神只能躲藏在麻木的石质硬壳下,而令动物生命助机能依然无损。 | and as her temperament was not of the order that escapes from too intense suffering by a swoon, her spirit could only shelter itself beneath a stony crust of insensibility, while the faculties of animal life remained entire. | |
5 | 在聚合物分解时,含有溴或氯的阻燃剂也会分解成可燃性气体,卤素也与可燃性气体一起释放出,它在气态时会阻止燃烧。 | The flame retardants containing bromine or chlorine also decompose when the polymer decomposes to form volatile combustibles. The halogen escapes with the volatile combustibles and acts in the vapor phase to inhibit flaming combustion. | |
6 | 在人民检察院、公安机关、国家安全机关立案侦查或者在人民法院受理案件以后,逃避侦查或者审判的,不受追诉期限的限制。 | No limitation on the period for prosecution is to be imposed in cases where, after the people’s procuratorates, public security organs, or state security organs have filed to investigate or after the people’ s courts have decided to hear the cases, the criminal element escapes from investigation or adjudication. | |
7 | 在织物脱离边撑的束缚后,纱线的屈曲在一定程度上重新调整,此时织物承受的是经向张力,而不是纬向张力,此时纬纱的屈曲会超过经纱的屈曲。 | Some redistribution of crimp will occur when the cloth escapes from the influence of the temples. It will then be under warpway but not weftway tension, and it may be that the weft crimp will then exceed the warp crimp. | |
8 | 至若佳人才子等书,则又千部共出一套,且其中终不能不涉于淫滥 | As for books of the beauty-and-talented-scholar type, a thousand are written to a single pattern and none escapes bordering on indecency. | |
9 | 最常见的一型,即痱子,因汗液溢入表皮内而导致。帽针头大小的水或红色丘疹主要发生于躯干及四肢,可引起搔痒或烧灼感,在热带尤好发于婴幼儿身上。 | The most common type, known as prickly heat, results when sweat escapes into the epidermis. Pinhead blisters or pimplelike bumps occur mostly on the trunk and limbs and cause itching and burning. It mainly affects infants in tropical climates. | |
10 | 黑洞是极其巨大的空间物体,其引起是如此之大,甚至连光都无法逃脱。天鹅座X-1黑洞于1964年被发现。它因为成为两位科学家之间友好打赌的对象而闻名。 | Black holes are extremely massive space objects whose gravity is so powerful not even light escapes . The black hole, Cygnus X-1, was discovered in 1964. It is well-known for being the object of a friendly bet between two famous scientists. | |
11 | 猫鼠游戏有很多动作:追逐、近距离捕获以及反复逃跑。在某些极端情况下,猫鼠游戏永远没有结束的时候。 | A cat-and-mouse game is filled with lots of action: chases, near captures and repeated escapes . In extreme cases, a cat-and-mouse game is never-ending. | |
12 | ||1:英国历史家温蒂·摩尔以十八世纪的婚姻故事为蓝本,写了一系列优秀的悲情纪实小说。||2:她之前的小说《婚姻》,讲述的是某位公爵夫人受丈夫虐待折磨的悲惨人生。后来她丈夫得到了应有的报应,让每位读者都拍手称快。||3:现在轮到了《如何打造完美妻子》,这位男主身上的恶人品性不是那么明显,事实上女主也没成为他的妻子。||4:但他肯定和恶人差不多了,而她也差点儿陷入虎口。 | ||1: WENDY MOORE, a British historian, is developing a nice line in non-fiction 18th-century marital horror stories. ||2: “Wedlock”, her previous book, followed the misfortunes of a certain countess at the hands of her abusive husband, who gets his comeuppance to the cheers of every reader. ||3: Now, in “How to Create the Perfect Wife”, the man in question is not so obviously a villain and the woman never actually becomes his wife. ||4: But he certainly comes close, and she escapes by the skin of her teeth. | |
13 | 警方表示,这家夜总会的客容量为690人,而当时却有1000左右的人在里面,此外,夜总会的火灾安全出口也无法使用。 | Police say around 1,000 people were in the club, whose capacity was 690, and that there were no working fire escapes . | |
14 | 这听来像是一段邪恶的怪兽电影桥段:通过无性繁殖的10只腿变异物种从德国限域逃离并很快开始全球入侵。 | It sounds like a bad monster movie plot: A 10-legged mutant creature that reproduces asexually, escapes from confinement in Germany, and quietly begins a global invasion. | |
15 | “粉红豹”的显赫名声还来自于他们富有创意的破门和大胆的脱逃。 | The Pink Panthers are also known for their daring escapes and creative break-ins. | |
16 | “没有人能逃过凯博·伦的惩罚,”他经常喊道。 | "No one escapes the wrath of Kybo Ren, " he would often holler. | |
17 | “现实是如此强大且伸手可触,想象力被它困在了一个狭窄的轨道中而无处可逃。” | "The reality of the moment is so palpable and powerful that it holds imagination in a tight orbit from which it never fully escapes . " | |
18 | 1815年,拿破仑逃离了他被放逐的厄尔巴岛,开始第二次征服法兰西。 | Napoleon Bonaparte escapes from exile on the Isle of Elba to begin his second conquest to France. | |
19 | 26岁的已婚音乐教师劳拉.安.布朗利,因为“拥抱和亲吻”15岁的男孩险些入狱。 | Married music teacher Laura-Anne Brownlee, 26, escapes jail for "hugging and kissing" 15-year-old. | |
20 | 60年后,C先生从养老院逃出,又一次徘徊在中央公园和曼哈顿街头。 | In 60 Years Later, Mr C escapes a nursing home and once again roams Central Park and the Manhattan streets. | |
21 | Veigel无偿地帮助着人们,但是伴随着一些惨痛的教训,安排人们安排逃往西德成了一门行业。 | He worked pro bono, but for others arranging escapes to the West became an industry, with some sharp practices. | |
22 | 皑皑白雪将太阳的能量反射,并返回太空。 | The sun’s energy reflects off the bright white snow and escapes back out to space. | |
23 | 除去主权违约的“末日情景”外,还有两种部分出路。 | Apart from the Armageddon of a sovereign default, two partial escapes exist. | |
24 | 但是,不得不说,他们策划的一些逃跑却是非常地精妙。 | Nevertheless, some of their escapes are pretty ingenious. | |
25 | 但是中国当地居民告诉我们在朝鲜的山上埋伏着狙击手,对任何叛逃者都执行一枪毙命的政策。 | But Chinese locals say that there are North Korean snipers dug into the hillside opposite with a shoot-to-kill policy towards escapes . | |
26 | 德国外交部长基多·威斯特威勒一厌倦了国内的嘲笑之声,就逃到中东。 | WHEN Guido Westerwelle, Germany’s foreign minister, tires of sneers at home he escapes to the Middle East. | |
27 | 第一,得到帮助的个体动物遇到险情,如果它自己不逃走,将遭受严重的身体伤害。 | First, the individual being helped is in distress and unless it escapes on its own it will suffer severe physical harm. | |
28 | 多于一半的燃料能量作为废热从电厂的冷却塔逸出。 | More than half the energy content of the fuel escapes from the power station’s cooling tower as waste heat. | |
29 | 福勒博士得以逃脱,但“饥热交迫”的他最终精神错乱。 | Dr Forle escapes but becomes delirious with hunger and fever. | |
30 | 公司的本地导游艾迪在附近村庄圣拉里度过了夏天,那里是“高原逍遥”公司的大本营。 | The firm’s local guide, Ed, had spent the summer in the nearby village of Saint-Lary, which Upland Escapes uses as its base. |